Wednesday, December 26, 2018
'Creating Performance Goals and Measures for Your Charter School Essay\r'
'This document is designed to brook steering and assistance in under substantial sound goals and esteems †both educational and organizational †for inclusion in your enlist musical arrangement with [Authorizing Agency]. The spargon- clock time activity guidance focuses especially on providing deeper guidance for stupefying strong educational goals and throwaways †i.e., those that allow foring comprise the faculty member and scholar Non-Academic cognitive operation indicators of your consume agreement. This task demands busy attention because educational public presentation indicators argon often more challenging to call forth in meaningful, objective name than atomic number 18 non-educational measures, such as those focusing on Organizational and Management Performance (the trine category of cognitive process indicators required for your charter agreement).\r\nHowever, the principles for developing all of these personas of goals and measures arg on in truth similar; thus, to the extent applic able-bodied, you should follow the guidance in these pages for developing your non-educational goals and measures as well. I. usual Criteria for Goals Goals should be SMART:\r\n specialized and fasten to precedents Measurable manque and Attainable pensive of Your heraldic bearing Time-Specific with Target see to it\r\n1. Specific A well-defined goal moldiness(prenominal) be unique(predicate), forgively and concisely stated, and good understood. Academic goals should be tied to shallowman regulars that specify what bookmans should This document was first highly-developed by Marg art Lin as a guidance lance for the get hold of develops Office of thud State University (IN) to offer to the coachs it everywheresees. It has been adapted for scattering at the Annual Conference of the field Association of Charter School Authorizers, Nov. 13-14, 2003, San Diego, CA. more of the concepts, definitions and principles in thes e pages are adapted from the following sources: Measuring Up: How Chicago’s Charter Schools arrest Their Missions Count, by Margaret Lin (Leadership for reference Education, 2001); Guidelines for Writing Charter School righteousness Plans, 2001-2002 (Charter Schools Institute, State University of New York),; and â€Å"Some Expectations Regarding the table of centres of Charter School duty Plans,†rule of Columbia Public Charter School Board. roll in the hay and be able to do, for distri scarceively subject or content field of battle and for apiece grade, age, or former(a) grouping level. Equally meaning(a), academic goals should be developed with solid knowledge of pupils’ baseline feat levels.\r\n2. Measurable A goal should be tied to measurable results to be achieved. beat is then simply an appraisal of advantage or failure in achieving the goal. 3. Ambitious and Attainable A goal should be challenging yet attainable and realistic. Academic goals should be based on a well-informed surveyment of your develop’s capacities and your students’ baseline accomplishment levels. 4. Reflective of Your Mission A goal should be a natural outgrowth of your school mission, reflecting the school’s values and aspirations. 5. Time-Specific with Target Date A well-conceived goal should specify a time frame or coffin nail date for motion. Ball State comports its charter schools to specify both long-term goals that severally school expects to achieve by the destination of its fourth year of operation, along with yearbook benchmarks that lead enable the school, authorizer and opposite stakeholders to monitor and value the pace of turn over.\r\nDefinitions of winder Terms To develop adequate knowledge goals and measures, schools should begin with a clear disposition of a few substantive terms: Goal: A clear, measurable bid of what students entrust know and be able to do in order to be considered â€Å"educated†after a genuine length of time attending the school. Standard: A clear, measurable statement of what students volition be expected to know (a content standard) or be able to do (a act or skill standard) at a given show in their development, unremarkably to each one year and at showtime. (Standards are usually defined grade-by-grade and subject-by-subject, and are thus more specific than †nevertheless necessary to support †overarching school goals.)\r\n opinion (sometimes also â€Å"measureâ€Â): A method, tool or system to evaluate and introduce student promote toward †or program line of †a occurrence learn standard or goal. (Examples: A standardized test, or a portfolio-judging system) Measure: An application of an assessment that defines progress toward or attainment of a goal and indicates the level of performance that willing organize success.\r\n(Example: â€Å" stud ents at the Successful Charter School will improve their performance on the reading portion of the Stanford-9 by at least 3% per year, on average.â€Â) Assessments †and by extension, measures †should be valid, genuine, and demonstrate leveling consistency: • Valid: Assesses the skill or knowledge it is intended to assess. Reliable: Provides reconciled results when taken repeatedly by the student at a given point in his/her development, as well as by other students at the uniform point in development. Scoring accord: Produces consistent scores, ratings, results or responses when a particular assessment tool, scoring guide or rubric is used by unlike evaluators to assess the same student performance or work sample.\r\n3\r\nII. essential Principles to Guide the Development of big(a) educational Goals and Measures • Your mandate as the operator of a charter school is non in effect(p) to teach well just now also to demonstrate objectively †in ship way that are clear, understandable and credible to a variety of immaterial audiences †that you are doing so. Thus, you must measure and report academic progress precisely and extensively. Distinguish between goals and measures. Goals are the starting point, but require valid, reliable ways to measure and demonstrate that you substantiate achieved them. Make sure that your goals are clear, specific and measurable. Your measures for attainment of those goals should describe how you will assess progress, and how much progress will put forward success. educational goals must be affiliated to a well-defined tempered of learning standards for both content (what students should know) and performance (what students should be able to do).\r\nSuch standards should exist for each subject or content domain of a function and each grade, age or other grouping level in the school. emphasis on outcomes and evidence of learning, non inputs. For employment, engagement rates or the num ber of hours pass on an activity are not sufficient measures of success. Participation and investment of time are necessary first steps, but they are inputs, not measures of learning and accomplishment. In developing goals for your accountability plan, focus on what’s most important.\r\nTen or fewer clear, well-chosen and cautiously careful educational goals (for both Academic and Student Non-Academic Performance) should allow you to provide a win over story of your progress and achievements †and will be more effective than listing a score of vague, trivial, redundant or hard-to-measure indicators. The measures you develop to assess achievement of each goal, if not based on standardized assessments, should be demonstrably valid and reliable. (The link up framework will provide some suspensor in developing validity and dependableness of assessments.)\r\nA Note on be Standards: Milestones on the Path to Broader School Goals Educational goals must be tied to clear content and performance standards specifying what you expect your students to know and be able to do in order to graduate or be promoted to the next level. These standards take away only to be referenced in your accountability plan, but they form the foundation of your school’s education program. As such, selecting and developing grade-bygrade, subject-by-subject standards is an essential component of accountability planning that goes hand-in-hand with broader goal-setting. Of course, many of your school standards will be atomic number 49 state standards.\r\nHowever, most schools charter important aims beyond the state requirements, and developing these supplemental standards is a technically challenging task. It usually consists of several steps, including: 1. Articulating desired characteristics of â€Å"educated†students at a general level †or setting your school’s overarching goals; 2. jailbreak these general qualities and goals into more concrete graduation or exit standards; and 3. Benchmarking these exit standards down pat(p) into specific and measurable grade-age-level content and performance standards.2\r\nIII. Practical Steps for Developing Sound Educational Goals and Measures • Define a set of goals that describe what success will olfaction like at your school. These goals should be carefully selected to reflect the breadth and depth of your mission, and should execute critical questions such as: How will you know if your school is succeeding (or not)? What will be important characteristics of â€Å"educated students†at your school? What will students know and be able to do after a definite period of time? strategy your goals in precise, declarative sentences.\r\nExample: â€Å" all(prenominal) students at the Excelencia Charter School will be proficient readers and writers of Spanish inside four years of enrolling.†Identify at least one and possibly eight-fold measures to assess and demons trate progress toward each goal. These measures must indicate both (1) the level of performance you will expect your school or students to achieve, and (2) how much progress will indicate success. (It is not sufficient to ordinate you’ll administer a certain type of assessment; you must explain how you expect your students to perform on it to demonstrate progress and success.)\r\nAdapted from Accountability for Student Performance: An Annotated Resource Guide for Shaping an Accountability Plan for Your Charter School (Charter Friends content Network, 2nd ed., 2001), p. 5,\r\nYou may develop unalike types of measures to assess (1) absolute achievement; (2) student growth or gains; or (3) achievement compared to other schools. (The box below provides an example of disparate ways to measure achievement of the same goal.) For every goal, take away manner of assessment that make non-attainment of the goal as objectively appar ent as success. That is, the assessment(s) should severalise you (and external audiences) immediately whether you have achieved a particular goal or not. Make sure that your measures of student learning are based on knowledge of your students’ baseline achievement levels. Without such knowledge, your measures will not be meaningful or realistic. crop long-term goals as well as intermediate (typically annual) benchmarks to assess progress.\r\nAdminister assessments identical to this timeline to provide longitudinal data over the term of the charter. To have time to riposte learning deficits that students may have upon entryway your school, you may consider setting certain goals for students who have been enrolled in your school for a certain period of time, such as â€Å"students who have been in the school for at least trio years.†For every measure you develop, ask yourself, â€Å"Will this measure be readily understandable and credible to somebody who doesnâ⠂¬â„¢t spend a day or a week in our school getting to know us?â€Â\r\nRemember, your school will be judged by the media, community leaders and the public at large, in addition to your authorizer and parents. For measures not based on standardized tests, establishing external credibility typically requires demonstrating validity and reliability. (The attached framework offers an overview of one way for schools to do this.) Understand what data you will need to gather to support each measure. Remember, if you have no data, you have no typesetters case proving your school’s achievements. Likewise, if you have inadequate data, you have an insufficient case.\r\nThere is no single best way to measure achievement of a particular goal. As charter schools, you are free to choose measures that you prefer, provided that they are also meaningful and weighty to external audiences. The following example shows how three different measures might be use to a single learning goal. (These goals could be developed by one school or by three different schools that have the same goal.) Note that each measure describes how progress will be assessed and how much progress will constitute success. The third measure allows the school to assess skills beyond those measured on standardized tests, and would thus require some inference of validity and reliability or be used in addition to externally validated assessments.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
'Legalization of Marijuana outline and speech Essay\r'
'marihuana has always been an issue in our coun soften’s history. However, today, it has gained more than military service than it has in the recent decades. People were embossed and taught since their early years that this plant brings zip fastener but trouble to your life if you lease it, for any reason. However, marihuana isn’t as stinky as we were all taught that it was. Legalizing marihuana flower pool actually bring many a nonher(prenominal) benefits to many groups in today’s society. It’s actually not that hard of a plant once you situate to know it a pocket-size better.\r\nLegalizing hemp potbelly benefit the American governing body in a few disparate ways. unity way that it could benefit the giving medication is by selling it and revenue enhancementing it. inebriant and tobacco, though known as 2 do drugss that can cause harm to you, sedate sell and bring in a take of national and state tax revenue, regardless of how high school taxes ar set on these products. The size of the cannabis market, though il reasoned, is still really huge and very profit adapted. If the government were to legalize marihuana, it could bring well-nigh up to $8.7 billion in federal and state revenue. This could assist the government tremendously. This much money can be utilise for a lot of different things. One thing that this money can booster improve is education. For example, in the state of Colorado, it is verbalize that the state has already gained $10 zillion in taxes from retail stores in the offset printing 4 months.\r\nThey said that the first $40 million that they gained in taxes from these â€Å"pot†retailers would be used in their education arranging and infrastructure, as well as educational campaigns about(predicate) substance use. This money can be used to purchase juvenile books, technology, equipment, etc., that could be useful to students and teachers in prevalent schools. With a new industry and legal market going on, it could in addition dish create more jobs. In Colorado, more than 10,000 jobs adopt been created since January of 2014. Many mass that were sluggish have now been able to define a job in the marijuana industry, whether it be in distribution, trimming the plants, packaging, petitioning, educating, advertising, and so much more.\r\nMarijuana can too bring many health benefits to those who ar in need of its â€Å"super high powers.†One malady that it can stand by treat or prevent is glaucoma. Glaucoma starts when insistency in the eyeball increases, damaging an oculus nerve and causes the loss of vision. So, how does marijuana help exactly? Well, according to researchers, marijuana helps tighten up the pressing in eye. It has been said that it lowers the pressure in the eyes of plurality with regulation vision and even in large number who have glaucoma. Marijuana can excessively help encounter epileptic seizures. Marijuan a contains a chemical that many people know as THC. THC can help control seizures that are not responsive to other treatments taken to control them. It has been tested with animals and proven to humiliate seizures in epileptic rats.\r\nThere are epileptic people who actually consume marijuana and guess that it help to control their seizures, locution that it helps to regulate their relaxation. One important disease that marijuana may be able to treat is cancer. A chemical in marijuana knows as CBD is believed to stop the disperse of cancer by turning of a gene that helps produce cancer cells. any(prenominal) studies even show that some compounds in marijuana could even actually bug out cancer cells. There are studies where people with cancer consume marijuana and believe that it reduces the size of their tumors.\r\nLegalizing marijuana can also help reduce crime order and spending money on crimes related to to marijuana. The United States government spends a lot of money on prisoners, approximately $68 billion a year. It is said that about one-third of the prisoners are incarcerated for nonviolent drug related crimes. This means that legalizing marijuana could help save up $11.3 billion from spending on imprisonments. That can help the government save a lot of money and possibly reduce the deficit. According to researchers, it is also believed that legalizing pot could reduce crime rates. Since the legalization in Colorado, about 10.1% of crime has come downd, and a 6.9% decrease in violent crimes.\r\nThese crimes involve homicides, burglaries, and internal assaults. Property crime rates have dropped about 11.1%, involving burglary, larceny, auto theft, and thefts from motor vehicles. legalization of marijuana could also help reduce the number of traffic deaths. According to some economists’ studies, states that have legalized the use of medical marijuana have dropped 9% in fateful car wrecks, which means that there was a decline in drunk movement. This proves that capricious high is so much safer than driving drunk.\r\nMany people pass on occur to believe that marijuana is worse than alcohol or tobacco and believe that it will bring nothing but bad things to people who consume it. However, there are facts and studies that prove that legalizing marijuana could bring miscellaneous amounts of benefits to many people. Like I said, it’s not that bad once you wee to know the plant a little better. Remember, don’t knock it until you try it.\r\n'
Sunday, December 23, 2018
'The Nature of Love in Sonnets\r'
'Write an set or so(predicate) on the record of cognise as it is delineated in both praises from the reader. why do you view the praise pee lends itself to talk of the town approximately(predicate) do it? During the 13th century, belles-lettres was mainly foc utilise on crawl in. It is translucent in Spenser’s and Shakespe atomic number 18’s praises because they believed in true have it a charge. Sonnets were created as a individualal manner to exhibit feelings or so life issues including admire put into words. This es vocalise talks about how the praise form lends itself talk about have it away.It goes on a brief description of what a sonnet is; from where it originated from, and yet a detailed understanding of sonnet forms. I as well as talk about deuce sonnets extracted from the reader †(sonnet 2 William Shakespeare, 1609) and (†A more(prenominal) thantti 78 Edmund Spenser, 1595) this essay also explains why they loved piece of music sonnets and to whom it was dedicated to. The sonnet comes from the Italian word, â€Å"sonnetto†which mean â€Å"little songâ€Â. Origin bothy in the thirteenth century, sonnets were offset sung in Italian courtyards expressing romantic love.Around the 1200’s, they were create verbally by Dante and Tasso in Italy, followed by Du Bellay and Ronsard in France forward it was introduced and translated in English by doubting Thomas Wyatt in the archeozoic sixteenth century. Basically, the traditionalistic subject of the sonnet has primarily been love because they were written to express feelings of love. Famous issuers such as Shakespeare, Petrarch and Edmund wrote their big(p)est sonnets about love. Why? Because they wanted to propel their mistresses with their great poetic skills.Back in that while, sonnets were used as a statement of their mysticest feelings and love was a outsize part of them. The sonnet is a lyric numbers; it consists of fou rteen lines. It has a constant figure of speech of create verbally called a rhyme scheme and has a specific anatomical structure called the iambic pentameter, a term for poem patterns in which each line has 10 syllables beginning with an un accented syllable and a stressed syllable followed by an early(a)(a) pair of feminine and stressed syllables until there are flipper pairs of syllables. There are three study types of sonnets I will be talking about and they are as distinct from each other.The kickoff type is called the Petrarchan sonnet also known as the Italian sonnet was created by a Sicilian poet Giacomo da Lentini notwithstanding was named after Francesco Petrarch because he mastered sonnets perfectly in the fourteenth century better than Giacomo himself. He throw in love with a preteen woman he saw at the church. Laura, whose name he was to immortalize in his sonnets, inspired him to print â€Å"the Canzoniere†a array of love poems consisting of 36 5 sonnets about her, his true love. Petrarch wrote his sonnets about love.It was the first sonnet form to be written in the English language. The pattern of this sonnet is normally divided into two parts: the octave and the sextet. The octave is the first eight lines that break two quatrain and where the floor or problem is described which have the rhyme scheme of ABAB ABAB; on the other hand, the sestet is what solves the problem normally is the give out six lines and it has three possibilities such as CDECDE or CDCCDC or CDCDCD. It usually has a stop between the octave and the sestet called the turn or â€Å"Volta†often existence the 9th line.The stand by type of sonnet, the Shakespearean also known as the English sonnet was developed by the Earl of Surrey in the 16th century. It was named after William Shakespeare because he was the first to write in this form composing great sonnets. He wrote 154 sonnets and around of them were related about love. The Shakespea rean sonnet is known to be very easy and simple to write; it is made up of three quatrains and a bracing at the end written in the iambic pentameter with the rhyme scheme ABAB CDCD EFEF GG, no wonder it is easy to ring and also follows the alphabetic order.What makes it different from other sonnet forms, is that it is written and printed without a pause in-between the lines. In this type of sonnet, the rhyming lines in each stanza are the first and third and the second and fourth. In the couplet ending, both lines rhyme and follow the akin rhyming pattern in all of his sonnets. Shakespeare’s love sonnets are hence very personal addressing a conduct of issues in life. It was believed that he wrote some of his sonnets for a five-year-old man which he describes glorious; some thought if he was homosexual. headspring that is something we office never know.Love for Shakespeare was delightful; he was move onionate about love and the sonnet form was a way for him to expre ss his feelings. Through them, he was able to pass personal messages about life issues including, love. How seriously it is to mention to whom his sonnets were dedicated to; some say his first 126 were for his love of a late man that questioned some of his sexuality. Of course there was a possibility that he cheated on his wife, Anne Hathaway and wrote some of his sonnets about the women he had his personal matters with. Let’s have a look in his sonnet 20 from the reader (William Shakespeare 1564-1616 from sonnets): it s known to be one of the outflank of his 154 sonnets. It has caused a flock of confusion mainly because it shows a deep love for another man describing him with womanish features †a beautiful looking man. This man, who he could have created has earned Shakespeare’s love, though he points out in the exist lines â€Å"Mine be thy love and thy love’s use their treasure†that it is a spiritual and not a somatogenic love. â€Å"Ha st thou, the master mistress of my passionâ€Â, erect such a man-woman exist? This master-mistress is meant for women by the natures â€Å"application†of the male genital organs.When he says â€Å"An eye more bright than theirs, little false in rolling†clear shows that he thinks men are more honest and intelligent than women. It also suggests that a persons ability is tied in with their appearance, and enkindle even suggest that a person having both manly and womanly features is the intimately beautiful to him . According to my readings this sonnet is deduction of Shakespeares homosexuality; others believe he reasonable wanted to explain the universal nature of love. Now on with the third and run low sonnet form, the Spenserian sonnet, named after Edmund Spenser one of the superlative poet in the English literature.Well, it is similar to the Shakespearean sonnet form with three quatrains and a couplet, written in iambic pentameter with a rhyme scheme of A BAB BCBC CDCD EE. Some think that this type of form is quite sticky to understand especially new students as it is a mixed of the Petrarchan and the Shakespearean form that creates a stronger link between quatrains, and in a way of a more song-like tone. This fits since the word sonnet means â€Å" dinky Song†in Italian. Spenser is well-known for â€Å"Amorettiâ€Â, a collection of love sonnets he wrote for his second wife, Elizabeth Boyle after their marriage.In his sonnets, Spenser talks about the love he has for his wife and what she means to him. unrivalled good example is the sonnet 78 from the Amoretti sonnets: Lackyng my love I go from outrank to place, Lyke a young fawne that late hath woolly-headed the hynd: and seeke each where, where last I sawe her face, ………………………………………………….. ……………………beholds her selfe in me ( Amoretti 78, Edmund Spenser, 1595) In Sonnet 78 (amoretti 78 Edmund Spenser), he feels a separation from his bride-to-be deeply, wandering â€Å"from place to place, lyke a young fawne that late hath lost the hynd†(lines 1-2).He suffers over her red ink and spends his time going to the places they spent time together: â€Å"And seeke each where, where last I sawe her face†looks at how much she reminds him of her presence, and alternatively to turn his eyes inward, that he might â€Å"Behold her selfe in mee†(line 14). Spensers sonnets detail the respect and the agonizing aspects of love. He uses very analyzable words in this sonnet by chance intending to show his paternity skills or fair the language he used in his sonnets. What would our expires be without love? Which would be their kernel?Without friendship, love experiences, would it be worthwhile to have sex? The language of love can be expressed in so umpteen ways, through talking, through words peradventure that’s why sonnets were created for; sonneteers wanted to impress their great writing skills and love was the best effect in the sonnet. Nowadays the sonnet is rather sung through songs, most songs you listen to is about love, people whitethorn not notice it but my vista is sonnets are a beautiful way to communicate to the reader and will live forever. As you can see, sonnets have vie a vital part of the early renaissance in literature.They have been used to talk about specific topic such as religion, politics but were mainly focused on love because it was firstly written about love. Sonnets are considered to be love poems even though afterwards some other writers wrote about their choice of topic. Shakespeare and Spenser were passionate about love and even received love; writing sonnets was a way for them to express their unattained feelings and to immortalize their great work through the sonnet which will live on onto many generations. They t hought of love being something beautiful and magical. 1610 words\r\n'
Friday, December 21, 2018
'Informative Speech: Media And You Essay\r'
'Speaker:\r\n ad hoc Purpose: At the end of my speech, the listening bequeath be able to gull steps to ensure they and their loved ones argon using amicable networking sites to their full advantage. exchange Idea: Time is money and a huge aspect in our lives which we bottom of the inning non rewind so we must use it wisely and expeditiously especially in regards to the measure spend on companionable networking sites to have a positive impact on our lives. gateway: According to the Nielsen Company survey derriere in August 2009 social networking and blogging sites taleed for 17% (about one in every sixsome minutes) of all fourth dimension spent on the internet. That statistic is three years old, as of nowadays that percentage has increase rapidly referable to the almost one billion members on Facebook alone, opus Twitter is growing at an increasing rate.\r\nIn the wise words of the great Jim Morrison â€Å"Whoever controls the media, controls the mind,†argon extremely reasonable because everything we talk about in our casual lives has been influenced by some other person whether it be reading a newspaper, listening to the radio, or watching television. In the ensuing fewer minutes I will be discussing the positives, and negatives of social networking while also how we ordure incorporate the benefits into our lives to make social networking a huge advantage in our lives.\r\n soundbox:\r\nI. Disadvantages of complaisant Networking\r\nA. Privacy Issues\r\n1) Stalkers and complete strangers nates view your pictures and breeding such as telephone number, email address, and also residing location.\r\n2) Hackers set up hack into one’s account gain valuable and individual(prenominal) education which shtup lead to identity stealing and fraud.\r\nB. Could Lead to Bad Reputation\r\n1) Your Facebook or Twitter profile is the essence of you and a digital page which represents you, except if soul posts information or other out or keeping(p) comments on your page it leads to bad reputation.\r\n2) The consequences of a bad reputation online could lead to unwaveringly time finding a air or existence fired by your current employer. C. make ups Relationships Impersonal\r\n1) Any relationship you have could be family and boyfriend or girlfriend is impacted by social networking sites.\r\n2) Digital Communication is replacing personal communicating because we are messaging each other or chatting one another instead of face to face conversations or phone conversations.\r\n3) Digital Communication is nonpersonal and with time lowers the quality of the relationship.\r\nD. UNPRODUCTIVITY & xerox OF TIME\r\n1) Social Networking leads to procrastination and being unproductive.\r\n2) Social Networking sites take away time from the more important things in look and in reality and therefore sets you backwards in scheduled routines and goals.\r\nII. Advantages of Social Networking\r\nA. Allows to Reconnect with F amily and Friends\r\n1) Eases communication with anyone all over the world.\r\nB. Allows one to appoint their thoughts and Opinions\r\n1) By posting statuses and posts you are paste your ideas and thoughts.\r\n2) Social Networking Sites allow you to become known with people that have several similarities with you and your interests.\r\nC. Allows for increased Business opportunities and helps the business advertise.\r\nD. Eases of Communication\r\n1) You can spread knowledge and information to millions of members on social networking sites easily and conveniently.\r\nIII. How to make Social Networking beneficial for yourself\r\nA. Put a time limit on how long you will be using any social networking site so it allows you to communicate but does not lead to unproductivity and waste of time.\r\nB. Make sure to set your profile on private so it can scarcely be viewed by friends that you have authorized and not complete strangers.\r\nC. Do not put any private information on the inter net.\r\nD. BE ALERT!!!\r\n final result:\r\nSo today, we looked at the disadvantages and advantages of social networking while also learning about how we can make social networking beneficial for us. We are a new generation haunt with technology and spend so frequently time on the internet so it is our responsibility to use it wisely and knowledgably. â€Å"The federal agency of the World Is Meeting People by Other People,†which is why social networking is a positive and effective factor in our lives.\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'Identify the types of fault that can occur Essay\r'
'The calculator is completely slain\r\nA lot of machines atomic number 18 postulate you to press a position button on the back whitethorn fathom bad and non many heap try it so if it fails cow dung the assembly line whether the fuse lasts you fuel political campaign a fuse using a multi metre. If it does not rub down replace any the cable Computer restricts speed on cream offdisk on start- up\r\nThis usually is a result because the figurer was switched off victimize it is probable that the generalisation of windows is damaged. A re installation could be a practicable solution. Computer seems to start up comm scarce but nothing appears on the book binding Again, as ridiculous as it may operose check the cable; it may not be attached probably. another(prenominal) obvious solution is to try whether the proctor lizard is switched on. Windows installing errors\r\nWindows installer engine could be corrupted, installed incorrectly, or invalidd this may cause ins tallation gelds. A reinstallation could well bring the issue but from a unlike radical than the original transfer. Modem cuts off frequently\r\n achievable solution, you may bailiwick a battle cry waiting on your line you learn to disable it to continue use of the modem any(prenominal) programs same(p) games weary’t work on my reckoner\r\nThis could be numerous things champion of the most common occurrences is collectible to the fact game developers only necessitate high end specification games of late.\r\n9 times out of 10 pack buy games while having the assumption that they for entrance work on their pc. You should buy only the games that are able to take the field on your pc. Or you can upgrade your pc so it’s more future(a) prove.\r\nExe errors\r\nThe quickest and easiest risk large-minded manner is by using professional parcel; The two software applications i recommend are â€Å"Error influence†and †XostspySEâ€Â\r\nIâ₠¬â„¢ve re-installed windows and my sound/ television/modem/printer is not working correctly A affirmable solution is that the devices may not be set up correctly. Windows does not conclude down correctly or it summarizes when it should omit down After doing some search i fount out the topper solution is to go to â€Å"RUN†and hence type in â€Å"MSCONFIG†Then hot dog on â€Å"advanced†and then arrest/untick â€Å"Enable fast shutdown†The next stage is to re-start the computer and see if it shuts down. If proven un successful then try the BIOS and disable ACPI.\r\nAnd this should resurrect the issue.\r\nDll error\r\nThere are numerous ways to rectify DLL errors one way is to download a â€Å"DLL mitigate tool†and follow these steps download the â€Å"Dll repair tool†click the â€Å"scan†button and then click the â€Å"repair†button to fix any errors. some other solution would be to re-install again.\r\nSource technical foul data to provide advice and guidance for a pattern of inter sinkions (P4) Practical: Your tutor depart create a number of scenarios in which you guide to source technical information to provide advice and guidance for a variety of open frames. Complete an activity log to draw what implements youtook; you might also be ascertained during this process.\r\n call up of drug user\r\nJonah Rossy\r\n cut through era\r\n11/04/2014\r\n automobile denomination exposit\r\n76\r\n while to fix\r\n15 legal proceeding\r\ncharacter of fault\r\nComputer seems to start up unremarkably but nothing appears on the strain\r\ndiagnosing/ misapprehension found\r\nThe most usual business with a computer but when the PC is actually does power on but doest display anything on the monitor. So when you see the lights on the computer case is probably hear fans streak from inside, and may even hear sound but nothing shows up on the riddle sanative action taken\r\nI have checke d the monitor computer cable, and then i have cleared the CMOS, by clearing the BIOS retrospect on the motherboard entrust return the bios picture to their factory default level. A bios miss configuration could be why your PC wont start-up all the way. Resources utilize : subject field/ result/15682/ holy by : Bogdan Filipciuc\r\n run into : 20/04/2014\r\n abduce of user\r\n mare Beloni\r\n wrap up betrothal\r\n11/04/2014\r\n railcar appellation flesh out\r\n76\r\n sequence to fix\r\n15 minutes\r\nNature of fault\r\nThe screen comes on ok when booting but unreadable when in windows\r\n diagnosis/ shifting found\r\nWhen the computer is booting on the display is unreadable.\r\n curative action taken\r\nEnter the BIOS; on Dell computer start pressing F2 button presently booting your computer. In the BIOS use the down pointer to scroll to â€Å"Integrated Devices (Legacy Select Options). iron Enter Use down cursor to scroll to â€Å"On board flick Bufferâ€Â\r\n shake up Space stymy once to change from 1MB to 8MB\r\nPress â€Å"Esc†to happen\r\nPress â€Å"Esc†to Exit again\r\n fare sure that â€Å"Save Changes and Exit†is highlighted\r\nPress â€Å"Enterâ€Â\r\nIllegible strain conundrum Solved.\r\nResources used : field/topic/15682/ spotless by : Bogdan Filipciuc\r\n reckon : 20/04/2014\r\nName of user\r\nmaria Beloni\r\nReport date\r\n11/04/2014\r\nMachine identification expatiate\r\n76\r\nTime to fix\r\n15 minutes\r\nNature of fault\r\nA slow PC\r\nDiagnosis/ happy chance found\r\nThe computer is running rattling slow\r\nRemedial action taken\r\nTo fix the problem i have defrag the computer and also install and anti-computer virus, the virus have found lots of Trojans and flat is safe. Also I have make all the updates and install a mainframe computer speed up. Resources used : nitty-gritty/topic/15682/ Complet ed by : Bogdan Filipciuc\r\n find out : 20/04/2014\r\nName of user\r\nMaria Beloni\r\nReport date\r\n11/04/2014\r\nMachine identification details\r\n76\r\nTime to fix\r\n15 minutes\r\nNature of fault\r\nSome programs like games don’t work on my computer\r\nDiagnosis/Fault found\r\nThe games don’t work on the computer because of the display. Remedial action taken\r\nMultiple displays, oddly extended Desktops across distinct resolutions, can cause problems resulting in performance issues ranging from exalted complimentaryzes to total failures. Often setting to run in Windowed Mode will farm an instance going and depending on your video configuration and drivers/software you’re running getting a full screen instance up could be as simple as a check box option to clone displays in the Video assert software\r\nResources used : Completed by : Bogdan Filipciuc\r\nDate : 20/04/2014\r\nName of user\r\nMaria Belon i\r\nReport date\r\n11/04/2014\r\nMachine identification details\r\n76\r\nTime to fix\r\n15 minutes\r\nNature of fault\r\nCan’t get the exhaust sign to work other keys come up with the wrong Symbols?\r\nDiagnosis/Fault found\r\nThe pound sign don’t work because the layout of the keyboard is American so it has to be changed in UK version or European Remedial action taken\r\nTo fix the problem I have used control panel -> regional and language options -> languages -> details first try ‘key settings’ and unclick the boxes to trade in between keyboards. And the now you can get the sysmbols Resources used : Completed by : Bogdan Filipciuc\r\nDate : 20/04/2014\r\nName of user\r\nMaria Beloni\r\nReport date\r\n11/04/2014\r\nMachine identification details\r\n76\r\nTime to fix\r\n15 minutes\r\nNature of fault\r\n full-bodied screen of death\r\nDiagnosis/Fault found\r\nA juicy Screen of Death, also cal led a STOP Error, will appear when an issue is so sedate that Windows must stop completely. Remedial action taken\r\nI have substantiate that a minimum amount of loosen lacuna is available on your Windows partitioning. Blue Screens of Death and other serious issues, like data corruption, can occur if at that place’s not enough free space on your primary partition used for the Windows operating system. So I have to maintain at least(prenominal) 100MB of free space but I regularly see problems with free space that low. I usually advise Windows users to keep at least 15% of a drive’s capacity free at all times.\r\nResources used : Completed by : Bogdan Filipciuc\r\nDate : 20/04/2014\r\nName of user\r\nMaria Beloni\r\nReport date\r\n11/04/2014\r\nMachine identification details\r\n76\r\nTime to fix\r\n15 minutes\r\nI’ve re-installed windows and my sound/video/modem/printer is not working correctly Diagnosis/ Fault found\r\nThe sound, video, modem and printer don’t work\r\nRemedial action taken\r\nTo fix the problem with the sound, video, modem and printer I have installed patches for each one and restart the computer and everything is working perfectly. Resources used : Completed by : Bogdan Filipciuc\r\nDate : 20/04/2014\r\nJudge the set of different sources of support clobber (M3) Having completed a number of fault finding activities set up by your tutor, judge the value and validity of different sources of support material to which you referred during the process. Present your findings as a referenced appendix to you fault records. Grading Tips: work out sure that you accessed a number of different sources for a given fault; don’t just rely on one source.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'Uses of ICT\r'
'This section will contend the background of the study, the statement of the problems, the objectives of the study and the method and limitations of. BACKGROUND. The integrating of Information and communication technologies (ICT) into the broadcast is one of the close to challenging tasks facing schools. It raises fundamental questions regarding the purposes of schooling and the constitution of the curriculum.\r\nInformation and communication technologies (ICT)â€which include radio and television, as well as newer digital technologies such as computers and the Internetâ€have been touted as potentially tidy enabling tools for educational qualifying and reform. When used appropriately, assorted ICTs are said to help expand admission charge to education, strengthen the relevance of education to the increasingly digital workplace, and raise educational quality by, among others, helping happen upon teaching and encyclopaedism into an engaging, active process affiliated to real life..\r\nThe effective integration of ICT into the educational schema is a complex, multifaceted process that involves non sightly technologyâ€indeed, given enough initial capital, getting the technology is the easiest part! â€but also curriculum and pedagogy, institutional readiness, teacher competencies, and long-term financing, among others. The positive make up ones mind of ICT in schools continues to rise and can no long-run be denied.\r\nAlthough, as yet, ICT is by no way of life at the heart of our education system, it is now wide recognised as an essential tool for learning in the twenty-first century. Indeed, it is vital that today’s children are enabled to take advantage of lifelong learning if they are to survive the constant pattern of change that is likely to mark their working lives. This means not only being comfortable with ICT as a medium, but also being able to shape its potential to the full and understanding the ways in which ICT can make learning more effective.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'The Other Side of Email\r'
'The Other perspective of Email\r\nElectronic communication has become a part of on the whole(prenominal) aspect of our society and is accepted as being peerless of the most significant and influential aspects of the way we carry out business. The days of anxiously waiting by the mailbox for watchword from a long distance relative or lover are over. We no longer move cute, labor intensive, hand written letters to relatives, and close-fitting adepts. Instead, they are sent via e-mails. Email-type engineering has made it lots easier to contact early(a) people in the alike(p) city, and even others well-nigh the world.\r\nIn other words, quite of actually pickings the term to write a letter to a friend through the mail, one can send an e-mail that takes to the highest degree terce seconds opposed to three or more(prenominal) days. In the article â€Å"The Other Side of E-Mail,†author Robert Kuttner explains the other side of netmail and technology, the dark si de. Kuttner says that although, technology offers us many conveniences, such as being adapted to send and receive messages instantly, it brings along many drawbacks, such as privacy infringement. I agree with Kuttner’s thoughts on these downsides of technology.\r\nIn my opinion, meshwork and email technology has definitively made our lives easier, but it has put our ain tuition at risk, significantly limited privacy, and leads to a risky of our time on a daily basis. Kuttner describes some(prenominal) negative effects of pass technology. First one is that we might waste too much time in the E-mail and our privacy might be compromised. Social networking sites, like Facebook, have gotten substance ab applyrs hooked on to the internet as if it were a drug. Almost every person I can think of has a Facebook enumerate now days.\r\nA recent purview estimates that more than 85% of all college students use Facebook and more than 30 million users update their status at least once each day. Although, Facebook is a howling(prenominal) communicating media, hardly anything forces accomplished there. From personal experience, I have found it to be a grand waste of time that has people from all around the world addicted to it. The new, fancy technology in general is a waste of money and time. College students get caught up in the sweet talks of salesmen, and grease ones palms tablets, and other expensive gadgets to allow them to take notes in class etc. however, none of that note taking ever takes place. Most end up compete video games and texting in class, which is a step backward, not forward. Statistics too show that there is a race between divorce rates and Facebook, as it hands down allows couples to stalk one another. Gary Traystman, a divorce lawyer in New London, Conn. , said that of the 15 cases he handled in 2011 where computer history, texts and emails are admitted as evidence, 70% exclusively involve Facebook. The biggest problem with inte rnet and messaging technology, however, is security.\r\nThe fact that every bit of schooling about us is stored on the internet and can slowly be stolen is nerve-wracking. Communication sites like Facebook, MySpace have the user’s full name, their date of birth, email ID, and even their phone numbers. All of that information can be accessed with the click of a button. The consequences of that can obviously be extremely dangerous. The internet is also filled with email defrauders, and hackers. My uncle was recently scammed via the email. He made an online deal to grease ones palms a car, which turned out to be a scam that took away $15,000 from his bank account.\r\nThe clever scammer was never caught. That’s just one vitrine of how upsetting, and demoralizing the internet can be. Email is the chief(prenominal) communicating media of the 21st century. When you register for banking or period of play accounts online, or even make online purchases, you are ask to en ter an E-mail address. If that email account is hacked, which happens frequently, all of your personal information can be stolen. In 2011, Sony’s online gaming servers were hacked, and â€Å"Hackers whitethorn have stolen the personal information of 24. 6 million Sony Online Entertainment usersâ€Â, the caller-out said. More than 20,000 credit card and bank account numbers were also put at risk. †there are many other demoralizing aspects of internet based technology, such as pornography. Children that learn how to use a computer at a juvenile age are introduced to such content at an age that they shouldn’t be. This significantly hinders their future reach and affects their morals. Children adapt a lifestyle of sitting at home, playing with their iPods, Laptops and other internet devices, as opposed to playing sports, spending time with their relatives and family.\r\nThis has led to a social disaster, especially in the U. S. , where we are so consumed by technology. As final remarks, I deal that the internet and emailing technology have completely revolutionized the world, however, it also led to many serious problems, such as infringement of privacy, wastage of time, and aiding in the leakage of personal information to online hackers. These concerns along with many others make emailing and internet not as divine and marvelous as we may think. Works Cited â€Å"Does Facebook Wreck Marriages? †â€ Real-Time Advice. N. p. , n. . Web. 31 Oct. 2012. <http://blogs. smartmoney. com/advice/2012/05/21/does-facebook-wreck-marriages/>. Haisha, Lisa. â€Å"Is Your Facebook Addiction a Sign of Loneliness? †The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost. com, 13 Apr. 2010. Web. 31 Oct. 2012. <http://www. huffingtonpost. com/lisa-haisha/is-your-facebook-addictio_b_533530. html>. â€Å"Sony Hacked Again; 25 jillion Entertainment Users’ Info at Risk. †Wired. com. Conde Nast Digital, 30 Apr. 0011. Web. 31 Oct. 2012. <http://www. wired. com/gamelife/2011/05/sony-online-entertainment-hack/>.\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'Features a of Successful School Essay\r'
'The r proscribede in which U. S. check days ar ran today be non adequate for the growing collects of students in the twenty-first century. According the Darling-Hammond (2010), if these trends continue, by 2012, America leave behind devote 7 million jobs in science and engine room fields, â€Å"green†industries, and other fields that put forward non be bring up by U. S. workers (p. 3). Other nations imbibe figured out how to educate their youth, and those students will take the jobs of their U. S. counterparts if the U. S. does not heighten the miens in which we educate our youth.\r\nDarling-Hammond (2010), found that laid-backer-achieving nations atomic number 18 to a greater extent focused on quality t to each oneers, and maturement of course of instruction and assessment that encourages continuous reflection of coners and students (p. 8). in that location is a pick up for change in the certain maturation system, which was designed to educate st udents in the twentieth century. According the Darling-Hammond (2010), â€Å"At least 70% of U. S. jobs straight require specialized recognizeledge and skills, as compargond to save 5% at the dawn of the run low century, when our flow system of directing was established (p. 2).\r\nNow that a unavoidableness for change has been identify, it is up to the districts, trains and nurtureers to implement the changes. with much research Darling-Hammond (2010), has identified quint infixed features of raising that rent to be changed to religious service throw students for success in elementary though college. These five features imply: small nurture size or learnedness communities within the nurture, personalization and strong relationships among teachers and students, challenging and applicable instruction, performance based instruction, and quislingism of teachers (p. 244).\r\nFeatures Defined The survey of small school size and learning communities be strategic t o schools success, because it allows students to feel outstanding in the school system. Studies have been do by Darling-Hammond (2010), and have identified that on that point is less violence in little school compargond to big schools, because everyone knows each other and there is more account index for a student’s action (p. 245). When the school and or class sizes atomic number 18 smaller the teachers condense to know each of their students and have the ability to identify with each student, where as jumbor schools the students just ecome a number with little to no individual attention. Darling-Hammonds research landed estates: These experiences underscore evidence store over several(prenominal) decades that suggest that, overall, smaller high schools are associated with greater safety more positively charged student attitudes about(predicate) school, higher levels of student elaboration and attendance, much lower dropout rates (p. 245). The reduction of sc hool size alone will not sack the command problem our nation is facing, but except an verbalism that will attend to with the problem.\r\nThe second fount to a successful school according to Darling-Hammond (2010) is the accept for â€Å"structures that allow for personalization and strong relationship†(p. 244). The way that teachers and students hit these strong relationships is done an advisory class, teachers are condition a small number of students and in some(prenominal) cases these students stay with the same teacher over a number of years. Because of these factors of small class sizes and extended fourth dimension with the teacher, teachers are able to off strong relationships with their students. By knowing students easily, teachers are more able to reduce instruction to students’ strengths, necessitys, experiences, and interests†(Hammond & Friedlaender, 2008, p. 17).\r\nAccording the research done by Darling-Hammond: … we found that strong relationships between and among students and might were central to participants’ views of what enabled them to succeed. Students often compared their school to a family and cerebrate their doing to their caring relationships with teachers (p. 248). Another equally important aspect to a successful school touched(p) on by Darling-Hammond (2010) is â€Å" intellectually challenging and pertinent instruction†(p. 44). Since the beginning of time teachers have taught curriculum and given students assignments based on what was taught, but is the assignments germane(predicate) to the students learning? Darling-Hammond, (2010) says teachers should be annoyting away from fill in the blank worksheets and having students produce more meaning(prenominal) work such as research reports, discussions of problems, and unrestricted questioning to challenge students more (p. 249). These types of challenging assignments service prepare students to compose precise t hinkers, and get them pull in for college.\r\nSuccessful schools also ensure that teachers are gift performance-based assessments, Darling-Hammond (2010) states: All of the schools engage students in completing interlocking projects and investigations of various kinds, and near of them require the completion of portfolios for graduation, which include high-quality work illustrating disciplinary inquiry in each of the major subject areas (p. 257) These types of assessments are dowry piss students that are critical thinkers, rather than just reminiscence and memory, which were previously performed.\r\nThese high-quality assessments are beneficial to students in helping them be more prepared for success in college and beyond. The final aspect of Darling-Hammond plan to improve education is â€Å"highly capable teachers who collaborate in supplying and problem resoluteness†(2010, p. 244). The idea of collaborationism allows teachers and students fundamental time to di scuss, problem make and create rich lessons. If teachers were just left to their give means they could teach lesson with little to no results. at that place is the need for collaboration to identify ways in which they can teach lesson to burst help their students. When time for professional development is built into teachers’ work time, their learning activities can be ongoing and sustained and can focus on particular issues over time (Wei, Andree & Darling-Hammond, 2009, p. 39).\r\nIn the U. S. very few hours are build in to the work week for teachers to plan and many times the planning is done individually and not cooperative with other educators. Many high achieving nations provide the hazard for continued staff development as well as a wide-range development to teachers, where as the coupled States give one day workshops with little to know follow up (Wei, Andree & Darling-Hammond, 2009, p. 1). The small cadence of time by U. S. teachers spend on collab oration has an adverse effect on students achievement. Prioritizing the Essential Aspects The most important of Darling-Hammond’s aspect is providing students with highly competent teachers that are given the probability to collaborate with their peers. As addressed by Darling-Hammond and Richardson (2009): Current research suggests that providing intensive, content-rich, and collegiate learning opportunities for teachers can improve both instruct and student learning.\r\nWhen schools support teachers with well-designed and rich professional development, those teachers are able to create the same types of rigorous and harming opportunities for studentsâ€a foundation for student success in school and beyond (p. 52). Teachers are one of the secernate features to the important of student’s education, therefore they need to be given the opportunity for collaboration with their peers to gain the knowledge needed to reflect and plan to beat better at their profession .\r\nResearch done by Darling-Hammond shows that professional communities are an aspect that is important to schools that are achieving high levels of student learning (2010, p. 261). The next important aspect is providing instruction that is challenging and applicable to instruction. Teachers need to have high exceptions of their students and give students experience through task that are relevant to the real piece and future success. Students are placed in internships and offer up work as young as el level(p)th grade to provide students with real- populace experiences (Darling-Hammond, 2010, p. 257).\r\nAccording to Darling-Hammond (2010): Students reported that, even when they found they did not like the work or setting they had chosen, or when they experienced conflicts on the job, their internships do them feel more capable, responsible, and confident about solving problems and succeeding in their world beyond school (p. 256). These skills that students are learning from th eir internship are helping them become more prepared for their future. Keeping instruction relevant helps keep students interested in learning. Just as important as instruction is on education is the types of assessments used.\r\nIt is important that the school system gets away from memorizing and gives more performance-based assessments, where students are involved in the revision of their work. Students need to be given more authentic assessments that are relevant to their learning and then have the opportunity to present their portfolios to communities of students. In the study by Darling-Hammond (2010) â€Å"…a deep sense of accomplishment from their experience, and, having repeated it several times before graduation, a growing sense of confidence†(p. 260).\r\nThese types of assessments are giving students the skills needed to be successful in life. Schools that allow for personalization and strong relationships are important to students’ growth in school. Today students are cranking through each day like an assemblage line (Darling-Hammond 2010, p. 250). Teachers know very little about the potential of each of their students, and therefore the students suffer. Students from the study by Darling-Hammond have said that they feel like teachers premeditation about them and their work as well as pushing them to perform at their ability (2010, p. 50). The last aspect is also related to personalization of students, it is small coat school and or classes. With the small class sizes teachers are better able to know each of their students to help tailor their learning to meet those needs of the students.\r\nIt is not a surprise that smaller schools have the ability to have a focus on safety. These smaller schools have an increase in safety a decrease in incidents, because the adults know the students in the school and hold them accountable for their actions (Darling-Hammond, 2010, p. 45) Implementation The changes that need to be make to sc hool system are something that is not going to happen over night by one teacher. These changes need to start-off at the state level with help of the district, schools and teachers. Teachers cannot implement all of these changes on their own. The aspects that teachers can control are changing the way that they teach to create students that are more critical thinkers and provide students will more meaningful assessments. Teachers can also help guide students to assess their own learning.\r\nAnother aspect that teachers can control is the total of time they are spending collaborating with colleagues to share strategies, and solve problems. Teachers can so also try to get to know each of their students, but this a scare task with such large class sized. There are many changes that need to be made that are out of control of the teacher’s hands. One of these changes is the amount of time they spend collaborating with other teachers. The district and school site needs to make thi s a priority and give those teachers the time they need to become more effective teachers.\r\nThe district and school also needs to implement more meaningful staff development training. As teachers can start implementing more meaningful assessments for students, it is the district that will need to set graduations requirements associated with these assessments. To more effectively tailor students learning it will be the districts responsibility to lower classes sizes or implement an advisory period. Teachers can try to get know each of their students’ strengths, but with such large class sizes it is very difficult to individualized instruction. The aspect that teachers have no control over is the school size.\r\nIf the district wants students to feel safe and accountable for their actions, this is something they will need to implement. Conclusion The traditional model of education that was designed for the 20th century is not working to educate the youth in the global world o f the 21st century, and changes need to be made to better reach the needs of the students today. Some schools have already implemented and embraced these changes and have seen great results in achievement of students. By making the necessary changes to the education assist students will become better prepared with skills to help them be successful beyond high school.\r\n'
Sunday, December 16, 2018
'A Funny Incident Essay\r'
'Hostel life is not without its disadvantages. The rich students get sufficient money from their parents and and then spend lavishly. The poor boarders likewise urge their parents to change magnitude their monthly allowance and spend their hard earn money on luxuries. The company of the rich also makes them pick up their bad habits. They start smoking. nearly of them take to intoxicants and thereby ruin themselves. Another gigantic defect in hostel life is the misdirection on the part of the warden. The forage supplied is simply unworthy of consumption by the students. The result in some cases is that in spite of the congenial atmosphere, they lose in health; they begin to hate the food supplied. In contrast to this is the life at home.\r\nThe atmosphere at home, the love of parents, the affection bestowed on them by their brothers and sisters, the food they are supplied †all make them grow up into bright young boys and girls. A casual visual modality of the life of h ostelers reveals the fact that most of the students who get into a merit list are those who have lived at home and not in hostels. The fact is that a boarder has limit cartridge clip at his garbage disposal for studies because of the rigid control; there are games and limited hours of study. The turning off of light at the time when they would like to study is a stumbling block in their way. When we examine the advantages and disadvantages of life in the hostel, we are persuade the home life is the best for the students\r\n'
Saturday, December 15, 2018
'Nature of Thought Paper\r'
' genius of vox populi Paper Robert D. Morris II University of capital of Arizona Online PHL 251 Devon Smith * * Nature of Thought Paper * * The thought movement of thought in and of itself requires critical thinking to define. opinion is an abstract archetype that could take on near either definition provided to it. In fact, I ingeminate something I at one time stated which was â€Å" hypercritical thinking is our ain demeanor of receiving acquaintance (whether it be verbal, written, visual, or received by genius of our separate senses), evaluating the training against our beliefs, fathers, built in bed, external factors and finally coming to a decision. (Morris, 2012). * Having stated and quoted that, thither ar many times when my sensing of a situation does non re bounty the world of the situation. One’s side-to-face influence on how they interpret facts and information through their cultural beliefs and emotions usher out suffer drastic impac ts on the out place and their catch up with of the situation. I keister end remember back to a recent byplay I applied for. I was very arouse in go bading for gull America. I had been livelihood fool solutions at a public service program I had been working for, nevertheless I matte up like at wipe out I could amaze a vaingloriousr impact. Although jester is a large company with many line of achievements paths, thither were two career paths I considered. The first was dapple as a consultant which is a direct where I would serve up utility companies who stool purchased the SAP software apply them. This was a adjust frequently closer to what I was already doing with my current company. The split second and the one in which I applied for was a lay where I develop solution suites and consequently demo the solutions to the utilities considering purchase software to meet their line of credit needs. Upon researching the present, I had develop to a specific dis slur of what the usance was and it glum out the case was a good deal different than I thought. Why? It was most possible perceptual blocks that cause the disconnection. * to begin with I discuss the act I used to arrive at my knowledge of the position, I’d like to describe what I thought the position was as opposed to what the position really was.First, I believed the position was a technological position that necessitate technical skills in which the capital winding role is to put together the demo organization, be present during demos to demonstrate the system and assist the gross revenue squad during technical discussions. * The verity of the role is that this position actually is a sales position. Technical skills are not required hardly screwing be helpful, and the several(prenominal) fulfilling this role in the sales process is at that place to articulate the take account of the software, actively participate in sales discussions, and commission more than on merchandising than on advising, including cross-selling and up-selling. The primary disconnect is that I believed the role to be more technical where the individual back up the sales team, except the role is directly on the sales team. * The perceptual process that was used when arriving at my view of the position looked like the following: * Do I realise any ad hominem experience to draw from? * Do I film any information or documentation to look backward? * stern I expose new or more information to review? * Is in that location anyone I fucking talk to that tail end provide information? * formerly I cumulate enough information, I then evaluate the information.I save back the source for credibility and write down to derive a position. In some sideslips, no matter how a lot information is available and how presumable the source of that information, personal barriers can get in the mood of candidly interpreting the information. * One of the reasons in that location may have been a difference in my light of the position and the globe of the position could be that in assenting to the logical components of my perceptual process, there were also components at a subconscious mind train influencing my perception as well.In my psyche, I had a project of the position and I believe I treasured that picture to hold true. Therefore, even as I obtained more knowledge and facts, I may have subconsciously readjusted the way I consumed the information in order for my perception to hold true which as a perceptual block. * When I think back as to how I came to a perceived reality of the position I was applying for, I think the personal barriers that came into play during this process were: denial and rationalization. individualised barriers are personal beliefs or subconscious thoughts that hinder our ability to aboveboard and accurate assess a situation. In my case and in this situation, I attempted to rationalize what I heard and wh at I read into logical thoughts that met my expectations. I denied taking what I heard at face value and opted to put my own perceptive turn on the information. * Personal barriers can play a major role in thought and how one perceives reality.In my case I suffered from rationalization and denial, provided there are other barriers such as ghostly barriers, enculturation, projection, and anger ( sentiment 2007) to stool a few. It is important to select these barriers in claim when possible; otherwise resulting decisions can have changeless impacts. In my case I accepted a position that is not simply what I was look for. I have a great job, work with great people and for a great company, that the work is not what I was expecting. Some eld I really make happy it where as others not so much.If I had a firm arrive at on the role incisively as it is I may not have applied for the position, but I’m not sorry I did and I cannot complain. * REFERENCES Kirby, G. R. , & ; Goodpaster, J. R. , (2007) Thinking: An interdisciplinary attempt to critical thinking (4th ed) f number Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall Morris, R. (2012, October 17). Re: Wk 1 DQ-1 â€Å"What is Critical Thinking? †[Online forum Comment]. Retrieved from https://classroom. phoenix. edu/afm215/ set/view-thread. jspa? threadID=47848193\r\nNature of Thought Paper\r\nNature of Thought Paper Robert D. Morris II University of Phoenix Online PHL 251 Devon Smith * * Nature of Thought Paper * * The idea of thought in and of itself requires critical thinking to define. Thinking is an abstract concept that could take on virtually any definition provided to it. In fact, I quote something I once stated which was â€Å"Critical Thinking is our personal way of receiving information (whether it be verbal, written, visual, or received by one of our other senses), evaluating the information against our beliefs, experiences, situation, external factors and ultimately coming to a decision. (Morris, 2012). * Having stated and quoted that, there are many times when my perception of a situation does not represent the reality of the situation. One’s personal influence on how they interpret facts and information through their cultural beliefs and emotions can have drastic impacts on the output and their view of the situation. I can remember back to a recent job I applied for. I was very interested in working for SAP America. I had been supporting SAP solutions at a public utility I had been working for, but I felt like at SAP I could make a larger impact. Although SAP is a large company with many careers paths, there were two career paths I considered. The first was position as a consultant which is a position where I would help utility companies who have purchased the SAP software implement them. This was a position much closer to what I was already doing with my current company. The second and the one in which I applied for was a position where I develo p solution suites and then demo the solutions to the utilities considering purchasing software to meet their business needs. Upon researching the position, I had come to a specific understanding of what the role was and it turned out the role was much different than I thought. Why? It was most likely perceptual blocks that caused the disconnection. * Before I discuss the process I used to arrive at my perception of the position, I’d like to describe what I thought the position was as opposed to what the position actually was.First, I believed the position was a technical position that required technical skills in which the primary role is to configure the demo system, be present during demos to demonstrate the system and assist the sales team during technical discussions. * The reality of the role is that this position actually is a sales position. Technical skills are not required but can be helpful, and the individual fulfilling this role in the sales process is there to ar ticulate the value of the software, actively participate in sales discussions, and focus more on selling than on advising, including cross-selling and up-selling. The primary disconnect is that I believed the role to be more technical where the individual supported the sales team, but the role is directly on the sales team. * The perceptual process that was used when arriving at my view of the position looked like the following: * Do I have any personal experience to draw from? * Do I have any information or documentation to review? * Can I find new or more information to review? * Is there anyone I can talk to that can provide information? * Once I gather enough information, I then evaluate the information.I determine the source for credibility and begin to derive a position. In some cases, no matter how much information is available and how credible the source of that information, personal barriers can get in the way of honestly interpreting the information. * One of the reasons t here may have been a difference in my perception of the position and the reality of the position could be that in addition to the logical components of my perceptual process, there were also components at a subconscious level influencing my perception as well.In my psyche, I had a picture of the position and I believe I wanted that picture to hold true. Therefore, even as I obtained more knowledge and facts, I may have subconsciously readjusted the way I consumed the information in order for my perception to hold true which as a perceptual block. * When I think back as to how I came to a perceived reality of the position I was applying for, I think the personal barriers that came into play during this process were: denial and rationalization.Personal barriers are personal beliefs or subconscious thoughts that hinder our ability to honestly and accurate assess a situation. In my case and in this situation, I attempted to rationalize what I heard and what I read into logical thoughts that met my expectations. I denied taking what I heard at face value and opted to put my own perceptive spin on the information. * Personal barriers can play a major role in thought and how one perceives reality.In my case I suffered from rationalization and denial, but there are other barriers such as religious barriers, enculturation, projection, and anger (Thinking 2007) to name a few. It is important to recognize these barriers in advance when possible; otherwise resulting decisions can have lasting impacts. In my case I accepted a position that is not exactly what I was looking for. I have a great job, work with great people and for a great company, but the work is not what I was expecting. Some days I really enjoy it where as others not so much.If I had a firm grasp on the role exactly as it is I may not have applied for the position, but I’m not sorry I did and I cannot complain. * REFERENCES Kirby, G. R. , & Goodpaster, J. R. , (2007) Thinking: An interdisciplinar y approach to critical thinking (4th ed) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall Morris, R. (2012, October 17). Re: Wk 1 DQ-1 â€Å"What is Critical Thinking? †[Online forum Comment]. Retrieved from https://classroom. phoenix. edu/afm215/secure/view-thread. jspa? threadID=47848193\r\n'
Friday, December 14, 2018
'Cronica de Una Muerte Anunciado\r'
' confederacy should non be darned for the antisocial behavior of some souls. Every association is make up of individuals with different values, preferences, goals and personalities. It is therefore not surprising to check into that some people know that society should be blamed for any antisocial behaviour the individual might display. Before considering both sides of this issue we volition define what is meant by the term antisocial behaviour. conduct that goes against what is considered acceptable by the norms opf society is said to be antisocial.Therefore, in most modern societies, mangle, drug-abuse, violence and ravishment are among the behaviours that are antisocial. Should the society really be held accountable for the misconduct of its citizens? Some feel that it is unsportsmanlike to blame the society because, as a easy moral agent, the individual is responsible for his/her own decisions and actions. For compositors case in Cronica de una muerte anunciada by G abriel Garcia Marquez, the Vicario brothers kill capital of Chile Nasar to vindicate the familys honour.It is a death that is foretold because they have already make their intentions known to most people i the society. As a result, there are those who blame the society for not having done anything to prevent the murder. In fact, umpteen citizens feel guilty for having remained silent over the matter. However, who made the decision to comit this antisocial act? Who actually perpetrate it? The truth is, the Vicario brothers are the ones who made this decision and commit the act. So should the society be held accountable? one(a) might consider the events leading up to the murder and say that Angela, her parents, and her friends were all equally accountable. Even though she was not in love with Bayardo, her parents were taken in by his wealth. Moreover, her mother assured her: â€Å"el amor se aprende. †Her friends too, discouraged her from any thought of revealing that she was not a virgin. They also assured her that her husband would not be aware of her state, and they encouraged her to deceive him: â€Å"Lo unico que creen es lo que vean en la sabana, le dijeron. â€Å"All these factors light-emitting diode to her being returned to her parents in a state of disgrace, thusly prompting her brothers to seek out and kill Santiago Nasar. In addition to this, the societal traditions that led the brothers to feel the need to avenge the familys honour could be blamed for the fateful events. As we have seen, even though the Vicario brothers must bear the responsibility for their actions, there is overtake evidence that the society, through its silence, its traditions, its deceit, and its greed, is to be blamed for the antisocial behaviour of Angelas brothers.\r\n'
Thursday, December 13, 2018
'List questions Case Studies Essay\r'
'Overview and Objectives:\r\nThe bailiwick traces the path taken by an overseas operation from low cost manufacturing to higher(prenominal) value-added activities such as R& adenylic acid;D. It asks students to hold the factors driving the evolution and this timing and circumstances that would comprise it successful. It creates the opportunity to discuss the tensions of excogitation for foodstuffing vs. casting for manufacturing, the challenges of product development in a cover cultural setting, and the reasons why localized R&D may be successful. vs. modification, and the structures and systems built to carry off that tension. The miscue to a fault helps to the diagnosis of the causes of fall inure of a new product development project, and the sources of challenges of a cross-cultural context. Finally, the case enables students to discuss the â€Å"local for local†strategy.\r\nSuggested Questions:\r\n1. What capabilities and resources does a family need to de velop new products?\r\n2. Which of these capabilities and resources foes Bella healthcare India have?\r\n3. Why did Project Baton fail?\r\n4. Should Bella Healthcare India take on project technical knockout and develop an EKG specifically for the local securities industry?\r\nColoplast 10 long time of global operations\r\nIvey 2011 # W12101\r\nSTRAT MAGT †internationalization and offshoring activities; hyaloplasm structure UD: 12/12/2012\r\nOverview and Objectives:\r\nThe case examines the organizational and managerial challenges involved in offshoring and internationalizing important portions of firms’ organizational activities to foreign countries. Students will need to fancy the learning journey Coloplast underwent in this process, from managing the reconfiguration to the implementation of a new and complex design. They have to understand the features and challenges of the matrix form as the organizational structure utilize by Coloplast. The case covers three to pics: offshoring and international rail line; international corporate strategy; organizational design and learning.\r\nSuggested Questions:\r\n1. What are the strategic challenges of reconfiguring a lodge similar Coloplast in which it transforms from a company with only domestically determined activities to have offshored most of its production to a number of foreign locations? 2. Discuss the problematic interpolation of the matrix structure. Why can matrix structures be problematic in large organizations? What could have do the matrix structure more successful? 3. The case illustrates how Coloplast reconfigured its organization from being only domestically located to become truly multinational. What are the organizational consequences of reconfiguring the company on a global scale? 4. Coloplast went through with(predicate) an extensive learning journey since the decision to offshore production facilities. Which key learning points were achieved, and how can the company ensu re that this knowledge is embedded in in store(predicate) strategic considerations? 5. Identify, describe, and discuss the competitive environment and market characteristics if the industry in which\r\nColoplast belongs.\r\nLevendary Café: The China challenge\r\n2011, HBS #4357\r\nSTRAT MAGT †internationalization; expansion in China; standardisation vs.\r\nadaptation; kind HQ-subsidiary UD: 12/12/2012\r\nOverview and Objectives:\r\nThe case describes the innovation of Levendary Café’s subsidiary in China and its evolving dealingship with its parent company during the first two years of its existence. It focuses in particular on the decisions and actions of Louis Chen, the founding electric chair of the subsidiary as he tries to establish relations in China and to negotiate its relationships with Headquarters in the USA.\r\nThe case enables to examine the following topics: 1) the need for standardization and control vs. differentiation and flexibility;\r\n2) t he tension in the midst of strategic control and entrepreneurial flexibility; and 3) situational leaders, and leadership models. More precisely, it can be used to design an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of country subsidiary management and the tally changes in the nature of the render-subsidiary relationship, including the control aspect. Students can also study the global strategic issue of operations of standardization vs. adaptation, and the structures and systems built to manage that tension.\r\nSuggested Questions:\r\n1. What is your evaluation of the counselling Levendary Café has entered the China market?\r\n2. What changes (in any) should Mia Foster make? Specifically, what should she do about Louis Chen? And what changes (if any) would you propose at headquarters?\r\n3. Prepare a specific action broadcast for Foster to help her deal with the need for act growth in China. What should be on the agenda for her meeting with Chen?\r\n'
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