Monday, September 30, 2019
Max Weber: Iron Cage
According to him the modern era human beings, especially in the western capitalist society are increasingly being caught in the process of Rationalism and the factors elated to it such as, Bureaucracy, Disenchantment and Individualism. Through this essay we intent to agree with Weber about how he thought that Modern Capitalism in which people are rational is literally inescapable process in which they are getting locked into, and this ultimately gives rise to bureaucracy.We will give some evidences proving Weber ideas on how the protestant ethics contributed to the rise of capitalism and also show how there are no solid alternatives to this problem of bureaucracy. In his book â€Å"Protestantism and the Spirit of Capitalism†, Weber told us the Protestants who started off with an Ascetic life to whom their work was there â€Å"calling†I. E. Their only purpose in life was to work all day and not get pleasure from the fruits of their labor as self consumption was consider ed morally wrong because they were not to enjoy the money they earn on themselves.But later on with the emergence of the modern capitalism, the Protestants eventually ended up in focusing more on the pursuit of money. They started applying rational and scientific methods in the ways of making money to increase their profit margins. This rational way is very much evident even today because people have lost their religious values and in the capitalist society we have now, they just want to seek more and more profit and build wealth more than they possibly could require.According to Weber this went against the traditional Catholic Doctrine where they intent to avoid materialist pursuit by adopting the spiritual way of life. This had a huge impact on people's life because in the capitalist society today most people are not concerned with the nature of their job nor do they enjoy it much as long as heir social status is maintained and their financial goals are accomplished.Weber through his writing has explained how people especially in the west were developing this rational, methodological and a calculating approach to lead a life which had completely triumphed over the old traditional and irrational way of making money to please the God. In the process of making money, whether you like it or not you are forced to adopt this methodological way where you work day and night not to get close to God but to gain profit and this is what Weber thought as the â€Å"Iron Cage of Capitalism†, in which you continually pursue your calling and the spirit of capitalism is a cage where we are imprisoned in.However Weber felt that the protestant ethics did not directly lead to spirit of capitalism, but it is one of the main factors that lead to it. According to him the old traditional way which was based mostly on kinship and values has shifted its form to goal oriented rationality. This is where Weber is switching his writings and explaining how the modern capitalism whic h gave rise to strict set of rules and regulations is directly giving rise to the growth of Bureaucracy because bureaucracy is the main example of Rationalization.Weber argued that the rational goal oriented profit seeking ways had a tremendous impact on people's lives because this had dominated their behavior so much that the old spiritual values are being lost in the modern era. People were abandoning God, religion and spirituality in the name of freedom, insisting that it was not possible to free with the restrictions that the religions impose but they forget to realize that they themselves were becoming slaves oftener own material pursuit.This is what he meant by â€Å"Iron Cage†of Rationalism. This had increased their interest in power and authority which has taken the form of bureaucracy. Weber also explained the long term processes of Rationalism from which the magic has taken Out Of the world and there are no intrinsic mysteries in the world because the life has beco me so predictable and understandable that we could know the reason behind anything in world hence it makes life very dull and boring.According to him the modern world has lost its enchantment because people have mastered in the scientific knowledge in the rational way ND science has empowered them. In the book, Max Weber: Reading and Commentary on Modernity, Bureaucracy is described as â€Å"the means of transforming social actions into rationally organized action†(pig 214). Weber now is giving the example of bureaucratic organization which is enslaving people. According to Weber, Bureaucracy does have a lot of positive implications because these are effective in reaching the goal in a rational manner.It gives individuals more security in their respective work areas unlike the feudal system and also sakes more specialists in a particular area of the organization. However Weber also points out the negative effects of bureaucracy as well. Bureaucratic organizations are the dom inant form of institution in the modern society. It involves Hierarchy in offices where there are clear command of structures and expects the employee who is on bottom to report the higher employee and so on.It has written documents for the rules of conduct and you have to obey whatever the organization expects from you. They are also considered as very impersonal because they take away our emotions and feelings out of the situation and force you to do exactly what is required from their job and now your â€Å"impersonal†duty of office becomes your â€Å"calling†of life, because even if you disagree with something you still have to do it because you are mandated to follow instructions and obey the authority.In other words, in this process of Rationalization where people are forced to do whatever the bureaucratic organization expects it to do is what Weber thought as the â€Å"Iron cage†of the Bureaucracy. This restricts people to be creative and spontaneous a nd you are trapped into this cage forever escaping from the traditional religious ways. Weber goes on to say that this has a drastic consequences in people's lives as it had created inequality which keeps on increasing and keeps popping up, getting bigger and bigger as it is spreading everywhere.Weber saw some alternatives to these dominant organizations such as a charismatic leader who can break away its populace from this organization because according to him it was the charismatic style of organizations that maintain social creativity by giving people more freedom from the rules and regulations. According to him a charismatic leader is a person who is creative and possess extra ordinary qualities who makes up their own rules and this is a good solution because charismatic ruler is somewhere in between the 2 extremes forms, Bureaucratic and traditional organizations.The big feature of expansion of bureaucracy is taking the charisma out of the organizations which trying very hard t o be an alternative and opposite of bureaucratic organization. However there is also a problem associated with charismatic Organization hat it has a transitional phenomenon, which means it is very hard to make it last for a long time in its purest form because eventually it ends up becoming either Traditional or Bureaucratic.He also explains another alternative is; for examples if you have a community involved in every single decision, it becomes very messy and hard in terms of getting things done in the right way and efficient manner because everyone has the equal calling. So these are the reasons you can't escape bureaucracy and it has become the basic feature of the modern capitalist society. As Weber states; â€Å"Once fully established, Bureaucracy is among those social Structures which is the hardest to destroy†(pig 214).
Sunday, September 29, 2019
The Battle of the Little Bighorn
In 1861 the US government introduced the reservation solution. Plains Indians were to be moved to designated areas known as reservations. There they would receive payments from the government and be taught the ways of the white men. However the Indians who refused to surrender their lives and the Grace land that they and their brothers had lived upon, long before the white men's unexpected arrival, soon disrupted this plan. The breaking of the treaty, which prevented white settlers to settle upon their land, and also them passing through it, angered Red Cloud. There were many Sioux attacks on travellers. These attacks went on for many years, until 1866. The US army ignored their accusations and set up forts along the reservation, to prevent further attacks. Red Cloud in disgust attacked the army. The forts, which had been built upon the Bozeman trail, were soon under siege. The Sioux alone were not strong enough to capture the forts, which were equipped with weaponry the Plains Indians had rarely see before, Rifles. Red Cloud kept a force of several Sioux Bands and had also allied with the Arapaho and the Cheyenne. The incentive, of their livelihoods spurred them on. They fort for many months. Red Cloud also had the vision to try and persuade the Crow, traditional enemies of the Sioux, to fight with his people. Although this did not happen, Red Cloud and his people fought on. In 1868 the government admitted that the Indians could not be defeated militarily. So the Us government signed the treaty of Fort Laramie, which saw the creation of the great Sioux Reservation. No non-Indians were to set foot inside this reservation. As soon as the army had left, the forts were burnt to the Ground. It was the start of many years of peace for Red Cloud. However not all of his people agreed with the life that they had been hand fed. Red Clouds power decreased and the Sioux now looked towards the more militant leaders such as Sitting Bull and Red Cloud. However there were worse times to come for the people of the Sioux. The Peace Treaty could not be maintained forever, could it? In 1874 a man by the name of George Armstrong Custer led the seventh Cavalry to the Black Hills, to see whether the area held, the shiny stone that the White Men craved. In doing this he broke the Peace Treaty of Fort Laramie, which had been signed 6 years earlier. Custer had found Gold, hills full of it, ‘From the grassroots down'. This enticed thousands of miners, in search of happiness to the area. The army could not prevent this, and the government did not want to. The Sioux did. The inhabitants attacked many miners. The Government of the United States offered huge sums of money, per year, to the Sioux, in return for the rights to the Gold that they were obviously not using! But the Indians were not interested in round pieces of metal, that the white men exchanged and they were bot willing to give up the Birthplace of their people up easily. In December 1875 all Sioux were ordered to return to their disturbed reservation. The Indian numbers made this hard. There were reported to be 7000 Indians, amongst them Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull. Sitting Bull refused to agree to reservation life, and so many Sioux looked upon him as their new leader. February 1876 saw the army been ordered that any Indians that was not inside the reservation were to be treated as Hostile. This led to a three- pronged campaign, ordered by General Philip Sheridan. The campaign that followed led to the Battle of the Little Bighorn. Bighorn being the mountain ranges where the battle was to take place. And so George Armstrong Custer and his 7th Cavalry set out along with two other parties to force the Indians back to their reservations. Custer rode along the Rosebud River with the men he had been allocated by General Terry. Whilst riding into position, Custer spotted the Sioux village about 15 miles ahead. Custer contemplated attacking, ignoring the conversation he had had with General Terry earlier, Terry: â€Å"Don't be greedy, wait for us†Custer: â€Å"No, I won't Little did any of them know, that this would be one of the most controversial and misinterpreted conversations, ever made? Custer ignored Terry's orders and prepared to fight. He split his battalion up in three, and planned to send troops under Captain Frederick Benteen, who was ordered to prevent the Indian's usual tactic or escaping. Another group of men were given to Major Marcus Reno, who was to pursue the group. Custer hoped to attack the camp from the North and South Simultaneously. By looking at the tactics he pre-prepared, you would come to the conclusion that he was a very intelligent man, with a lot of experience and will power. However, he was soon to realise that these tactics were not properly thought out, in fact they were soon to be the biggest mistake of his life. A life that, would not see another battle, or another day. Custer had not used his Scouts well; he had barely used them at all. He had Indian Scouts from the enemy tribe of the Sioux, who could of told him a great deal about the strength of the Indian Camp he was preparing to attack, about the firepower of the Indians and the terrain that surrounded the camp. Custer sidelined the scouts, he was the man that ran the show, he knew everything, and he was the noble and brave war veteran. Well, at least this is what he had thought, and if truth were told, so did his men. They had not lost under Custer; he was a respected and experienced Indian fighter. He had never needed scouts before, why was this battle going to be any different? He needed Scouts, especially ones who could blend in, and this would be different. Little did George Armstrong Custer know that the Indian camp he was about to attack with only his battalion was three times his strength, containing not only Sioux, but also Cheyenne warriors. Custer' s plan was put into action: Reno's squadron of 175 soldiers attacked the northern end of the camp. Quickly finding themselves in a desperate battle with little hope of surviving, Reno halted his charging men before they could be trapped and killed, they fought for ten minutes in un-orderly state, hoping that it wasn't going to be their scalps upon the mass of tee-pees they saw before them. Reno withdrew his men into the woods that lined the river. When that position proved indefensible, they retreated uphill to the bluffs east of the river, pursued hotly by f Cheyenne and Sioux Warriors. Just as they finished driving the soldiers out, the Indians sighted roughly 200 of Custer's men coming towards them, through the tough terrain at the other end of the village. This then took the pressure off of Reno's men. Cheyenne and Hunk papa Sioux together crossed the river and locked horns with the advancing soldiers, forcing them back to a high ridge to the north. Meanwhile, another force, largely Oglala Sioux under the command of Crazy Horse, swiftly moved downstream and doubled back in a sweeping arc. This boxed the un-defeated men of the 7th cavalry enveloping Custer and his men in a pincer move. The Indians began pouring in gunfire and arrows. Gunfire came from Winchester repeating Rifles. Rifles that they traded with white men for fur. The exact rifle that Custer had ordered to be left behind, as this would hold his men up, in a battle where, he thought, guns were not necessary. Custer thought a lot of things would weigh him down. The gattling Guns, Sabres and extra troops for example. All because he thought they'd slow him down. But how much he would of wanted them despite their ‘weight', whilst surrounded by the ‘savages' he had promised to leave in peace. The peace was broken, and so was Custer's plan. As the Indians closed in, Custer ordered his men to shoot their horses and stack the carcasses to form a wall, but they provided little protection against bullets. In under an hour, Custer and his men were killed in the worst American military disaster ever. Proving that Custer was greedy and Custer didn't wait. There were many factors that led to the defeat of Custer. However by reading the facts about the war, above, you can see that Custer eyes were clouded over. An urgency to go down in American history as the noblest man, the greatest Indian slayer and most of all The President of the United States. A great Indian slayer should be able defeat a camp of Indians on his own? This was why George Custer did not use Scouts. Therefore he ran into a camp that was 3 or 4 times larger than he had first anticipated. So the men he obtained, of which he thought he had sufficient were out numbered 3 to 1. This obviously was a huge factor to why he and his men were slain. He did not expect to come across a camp of this size, let alone a camp that were equipped with a greater fire power than his squadron. This was another factor. Custer had not expected the Indians to have Guns as well as the knifes and bows and arrows they were expected to own. This meant Custer's men were facing 3 times as many warriors as he had, who were more equipped in the white mans fire arms than them. Having known this a war veteran would have surely come up with alternative tactics. So you see, lack of and misinterpreted information led to unsuitable tactics. It was like a chain of events. Lack of knowledge meant lack of weapons and firepower, which meant poor tactics. This lack of knowledge could have so easily been avoided, by sending out some of their many Indian Scouts. Who could have quite easily got an insight into the size and firepower that the rival Indians had. But Custer' eyes were clouded with greed, he needed no scouts. Custer definitely went down in history. He went down as the General who led his men into worst military disaster in American History. What happened to the Sioux after the battle? Although the Indians won the Battle of the Little Bighorn, it was not a major event in Sioux history. Knowing that there would be severe punishment for their victory, the Indians immediately split up and traveled on so that the U. S. Cavalry would have a difficult time trying to find them. Eventually, they would be forced to live on reservations as their land went into the hands of the U. S. government for mining and farming. Something the Indians did not do or intend on doing. They had fought hard in a losing battle. They had success in the Battle of the Little Bighorn, but had lost their way of life. Their victory attracted even more discrimination and racism and gave the white men an extra incentive to wipe out the Plains Indians altogether. They would now be forced to live as the white men, be taught to farm crops and live in captivity. Some Indians killed themselves rather than live a false life with their humiliated and half annihilated brothers. So the Battle of the Little Bighorn was not really a victory for the Indians. They had fought with their lives, and what had they won, a life of shame, cruelty and eventually death. The reward for their victory was nothing.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Analysing The Universality Of Human Rights Philosophy Essay
Analysing The Universality Of Human Rights Philosophy Essay Abstract:This paper aims to critically study and assess the different perspectives on the universality of human rights,and locate the position of the perspectives according to Dembour’s four schools of thoughts. The perspectives of human rights on cultural divesity and linguistic diversity have also been emphasized upon here. Universality of Human Rights & its Different Pespectives Human Rights are rights that one is entitled to enjoy simply because of thefact that he is a human being. These are equal and inalienable for all , and cannot be denied to anyone human in nature and form. Thus they are Universal in nature, and function as a legitimate standard for a political system. This ofcourse willlead to a discussion of being ‘human’ and enjoying the human rights(Donelly 2003). Being Human beings, everyone deserves to enjoy certain rights after fulfilling certain obligations to the society. These fulfillment of obligations are based on morality of the people as an individual and as a class, judged by the society at large and then being endowed with certain privileges to be enjoyed in the form of Political rights. Rectitude and entitlement, the two aspects of a right, are directed towards a preset standard of conduct, which bings forth the duty and obligation that an individual is expected to perform, and calls for individual and universal attention towards righteousness . Performance of this duty entitles the individual to enjoy the et of privileges in the form of a ‘right’. To have a right to something, makes one entltled to own the sole authority to enjoy it, denial or repression of which entitles one to have special claim for justice. Rights enjoyed by one cannot be reduced because it clashes with correlative duties of another, neither can it be reduced for enjoying a benefit. Hence, rights give authority to its holders , and not just benefits( Donelly 2003). Rights are meant to be exercised, enjoyed, respected, and enforced. These are the four principle dimensions of a right. Respecting ones rights gives other the privelege of enjoying and asserting his own rights, otherwise it is liable to be questioned , threatened or denied. A violation of a right is an injustice doneto someone, and is subject to distinctive force and remedial logic(Donelly 2003). Ludwig Wittgenstein, the analytical philosopher propagated that a concept should not be defined by what one thinks it means , but by its meaning and practice in everyday life. One should rather analyse facts on the basis of observation, rather than thinking. This led to the introduction of his concept of Family Resemblance The concept of Human rights when approached through the family resemblance matrix, highlight the following factors: Morality Their existence disregarding social recognition Possessed by every human being Their arbitrariness Emergence through political and social struggle Their usage for political communication Servitude to bourgeois Basis on human nature Bear a socio-legal concensus Ability toget transformed into legal rights ( Dembour 2006). Dembour argues that , although most people believe in the combination of the first three factors as the essential element of the concept of Human Rights, or that human rights exist irrespective of bein having social recognition as every man is deemed to enjoy it being human beings as the rights are framed on the basis of human nature, it should not be assumed that it rests on a socio- legal consensus, or bears arbitrariness in its state. He believes that Human Rights have come into existence as result of force of language use, and believes that they would cease to exist if conversation ordiscussions about them die down Different competingconcepts of Human rights exist inthe society,and people fight to establish their own opinions disregarding others. Donelly’s concept og Human Rights though is encouraging for many, but highlight some political or intellectual inadequacie s in termsof moral integrity in his book Universal Rights in Theory and Practice. Harsher’s Philosphy Of Human Rights points out that Human Rights demands that every single individual’s dignity is considered in an existing political norm, where one individual’s security of Human Rights leads to the security of another , mankifesting this security to an indefinite expanse and time in the society(Dembour 2006).
Friday, September 27, 2019
Saypa supermarket chains Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Saypa supermarket chains - Essay Example Subsequently, right after about two years of supermarket experience, the chain’s management decided to extend and expand. It opened the second shop in the nearest local town of Yalova. After some while, everybody became aware of Saypa as a household name. Credited to the good management team and the effective ways of advertising, in the next ten years, fifteen supermarkets were opened around different cities. The number having reached up to thirty one (31) stores in 2009, Saypa has become the leading supermarket chain in the City of Bursa with one thousand two hundred (1,200) personnel in its workforce. Supermarket chain Saypa does not merely satisfy the shopping needs but it also provides further services such as promotional cinema and theatre vouchers, organises special events and conventions for charity. It therefore strengthens relationships with society and raises the loyalty level among its customers. Recently, it launched a new promotion package which monthly awards two couples for one week holiday around Turkey. Another reason why Saypa is so popular around the city is that it was the first company which started membership cards, discount vouchers and also saving points for patrol buyers. On the other hand, the company does take care of its employers with special discount cards, sickness payments, free transportation to work and free training programmes for the new starters. Also, the company arranges parties with dinner included twice a year for a meeting and fellowship with employees. In the event, management tries to find out if the staff and personnel have anything to s ay to ameliorate the company’s service quality. Saypa`s future plan for 2009 is to expand with new branches at Istanbul which is the most populated city in Turkey and Europe. Hence, the company aims to keep up with its rivals more, and communicate easily with the
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Describe a picture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Describe a picture - Essay Example In particular, the use of red, black and dark blue serves to show how urban lifestyles leave individuals feeling secluded. The juxtaposition of dark and light hues gives the illusion of cramped spaces - both in geographic terms and as a metaphor for the state of mind of a city-dweller. We can also see in the painting how a cityscape is illustrated through the use of straight lines, sharp edges and angles. They could be interpreted as representing the rigid racial and class divisions that prevail in modern societies. They also stand for the harshness and monotony of contemporary livelihoods. It is instructive to look at the artist’s broader interests to better comprehend the painting. To note, Scarlett has had an active interest in art forms other than painting. These include jewelry designing and deco designing as well. As a result, his understanding of sense of space as a three-dimensional construct is unique. This is amply brought to bear in the Bird’s Eye
See Below Journal entry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
See Below Journal entry - Essay Example However, according to published reports on by Tognotti (2014), it is clear that the group’s stated mission goal, as voiced by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi on June 2014, it to come up with a new Islamic caliphate worldwide. This gives an indicator that the group, aims at controlling the whole world, by making sure everyone abides to the Islamic Sharia laws, failure to which one risks being sentenced to death. Such ideologies have seen many youth being recruited to join the bloody group, with the hope of being saved from torture. ISIS is motivated by a series of Islamic beliefs, which revolve around the Day of Judgment, which they use as its strategy to make its enemies aware of the motives behind the ideologies (Pazzanese, 2014). There has been constant conflict between the US and most Islamic countries. This was evident when American Journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff were executed by ISIS (Wood, 2015). This can be termed as political threat to the US government, in that they have to withdraw their forces from its territory of face constant attacks. The motive and real objective of ISIL/ISIS is a paradox. While some term it political, the group is motivated by its religious believes, though deeply rooted in extremism, which involves radicalization and use o violence in victimizing those who do not borrow their religious idea. Tognotti Chris. (2014, Sep 2). What Does ISIS Want, Exactly? The Terrorists’ Stated Goal Has Been Made Clear. Retrieved Jun 2, 2015 from:
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Advertising in the 21st century Unit 9 Project Essay
Advertising in the 21st century Unit 9 Project - Essay Example This piece of research work addresses the relevance of IMC in today’s business world and examines how this can be implemented as a strategic step for advertising campaign. This paper identifies three companies at different levels, one from the Fortune 500 lists, one form the INC lists and one from the major online shopping companies and describes how these companies can effectively use IMC as basic strategy for their marketing. Lamb, Hair and McDaniel (2004) described that integrated marketing communication is a careful combination of all promotional messages like traditional advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, event marketing, public relation, interactive marketing and so on so as to assure consistency in whatever messages being communicated to the targeted markets (p. 413). Belch and Belch (2007) emphasized that IMC is a marketing process of planning, designing and developing brand communication program with customers, employees and associates in order to build short term financial benefits and long term brand value (p. 11). Various communication tools are effectively coordinated based on company’s goal to reach different target market more effectively and thus to create short term profitability and long term brand equity and brand loyalty among the customers. IMC is a process in which companies accelerate its revenues and returns by aligning communication objectives with business goals (Schultz and Schultz, 2004, P. 3). Business goals normally include profitable operation as well successful marketing of goods or services being offered to the customers. IMC helps companies achieve their objectives by aligning and coordinating various elements of communication including advertising, sales promotion, direct selling, public relation etc. IMC has become relevant in today’s business because it not only
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Medical ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Medical ethics - Essay Example To some degree I would classify myself as a secular humanist and believe that ethical decisions should be based on firm logic and ethical theory, instead of religious doctrine. One of the major issues of in medical ethics has been the question of whether individuals in severe and life-ending pain should be able to commit euthanasia. Currently, individuals such as Dr. Jack Kevorkian have been imprisoned for practicing euthanasia. I believe this should not occur. I object entirely to the notion that individuals in such situations should not have the option of terminating their life. I believe that if an individual is clearly in a strong level of pain and their life will be hindered beyond enjoyment and wellness, then the individual should be given the option of ending their existence. Furthermore, allowing religious doctrine to dictate medical ethics is a dangerous slope, wherein progress and outstanding care may be compromised because of outdated
Monday, September 23, 2019
Principles of Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Principles of Human Resource Management - Essay Example There are some factors that work in the Company’s favor. (a) It has a solid, established reputation in the locality and has been in existence for fifty years. Since the firm offers accounting services where an old and established firm is always preferred, it is likely that the reputable nature of the firm will be a strong basis to not only attract new business, but also top notch candidates to serve with the firm. (b) With rising prices and tough living conditions in nearby London, the Company has a great opportunity to attract qualified candidates who are looking for better and less expensive living conditions and who prefer a more spacious environment. However, there are several weakness in the current manner of operations in regard to Human resource management. (a) The firm does not appear to have realized the importance of Human Resources in enhancing the firm’s business, as evidenced by the fact that there is no human resource department, other than the involvement of one of the partner in managing payroll and pension issues. No other form of coordination exists in this department. Other professional firms like AccountCo have a well defined HR Management, because professional accountancy is being identified as the sphere with the strongest demand for accountants. In addition to pension schemes offered at AccountCo, other firms are also offering their employees performance related bonuses and other incentives. Private medical health insurance is offered by these companies and cash in lieu of other perks such as a Company car and other incentives. Additionally, several companies are also providing for paternity and maternity benefits such as additional leave and crà ¨che facilities for young children. Flexibility in working hours is a notable feature of the new accounting environment, in view of the increasing use of technology and the Internet in all work applications. While AccountCo
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Social Groups in American History Essay Example for Free
Social Groups in American History Essay After WWII women, African-Americans, Hispanics, and Whites all set out to establish a set of desires and wants we call the American Dream. Not just to have money and be successful but to ensure that all men are equal, to have the freedom to do what we want and practice our beliefs, and to fight for policies in government that benefit the good of our people. Throughout the American history, we have been through many challenging times in which these freedoms and desires have been tested. Nevertheless, through it all, these situations have made us stronger as a united nation and taught us what it really means to be American. During the war women were encouraged to take jobs that men would do for the first time in history. To some it was a surprise but to many it was a sign of the times. â€Å"By 1942 a poll showed that only 13% of Americans disagreed with women in the workforce†(Brinkly, pg.751) Many of them also joined and became war nurses in which they helped many of the men recuperate. Many women were extremely well at making war time products and took the place of men. During the war women foresaw many diverse opportunities and advancements in their lives. â€Å"Even though there were many laws restricting women from working they still managed to come through for our country.†(Gorn, pg.140) For once women were not just considered as a reproducer but as a producer itself. After the war the men had returned home and measures to push women back to how it used to be began. â€Å"In 1945, 3/4 of the women surveyed by the Womens Bureau of the Department of Labor wished that they could continue working which showed their interests in the skills they obtained.†(Brinkley, pg.752) Women were determined to push forward a claim their spot in society. This pushed for a new movement of better educated and stronger women. When African American soldiers returned they found a nation that still did not give them full rights, this caused a movement for the expansion of civil rights which had been born. Most black soldiers who had left their farm jobs in the South decided not to come back home at all. Instead, they moved to cities, looking for employment that was related to what they had learned in the army. The civil rights movement was a time when blacks that were oppressed for several years, rose up against the odds to achieve their freedom. This movement stimulated a growth in the black migration to cities. â€Å"On December 1, 1955 Rosa Parks changed America forever when she was arrested in Montgomery, Alabama for refusing to give up her seat to a white passenger on a city bus.†(Brinkley, pg.881) When Rosa Parks was asked to give up her seat to a white woman, she refused because she was annoyed with the treatment that African Americans received. She was later thrown in jail for disregarding the law. This led to an uprising and many protest against the judge’s action. Through unity, education and courage the African Americans claimed their independence. After WWII America it self became less influenced in religion. â€Å"In the 1960s, many social critics had predicted the virtual extinction o religious influences in American life.†(Brinkley, pg. 892) Religion during this time took a change rather then it being extinct more and more people began to turn to Christianity. From the 70s till the early 90s religious effort grew rapidly. When families that were in poverty began to rise up this led them into the growing middle class. America stated to see more time devoted to religious practices. This marked a new beginning in American history. As apart of the growing middle class more families stated having extra income to support a growing family. America itself during this time became known as the baby boomer generation. â€Å"At the peak of the baby boom, during the 1950s, the nation population grew by 20 percent.†(Brinkley, pg.790) The baby boom generation was the result in the rapidly growing economy in which a family’s income was rapidly increasing. Also housing prices and the new GI bill made it easier for citizens to progress. All over the U.S. white Americans were living the American Dream. During the early 1960s and 70s many citizens did not agree to why the U.S. was at war with Vietnam. Many men had no desire to be apart of the war. â€Å"The Selective Service System, which was used to carry out the draft, had aspirations of directing soldiers into areas where they were most needed during wartime.†(Brinkley, pg.870) The draft made it possible for government to supply the war with enough troops to protect our country. Many people took advantage of the draft system’s postponement policies to avoid going away to war. Others refused to go or basically did not register. There were also people who left the country to escape the draft. Draft cards were burned publicly, schools walked out in protest of the war, and even special music events were used to stop the war. With all this negative actions against the war, it was very hard for the soldiers to fight a war when their country did not support them for putting their lifes on the line. During the 60s Hippies were mostly defiant young people who sought for change in U.S. life style. Hippies experimented with many innovative ideas for the 60s. The Hippie movement began in San Francisco in the 1960’s. It was a different way to live life. â€Å"Closely related to the New Left was a new youth culture openly scornful of the values and conventions of middle class society.†(Brinkley, pg.856) The Hippie movement was a rebellious uprising which displayed efforts against war. Many Americans did not agree with the Hippy way of life because of there beliefs of free sex, drugs, their image and their music. Migrant workers went through a lot of struggles. During the 60s for one person this struggle was enough to fight for. Cesar E. Chavez founded and led the first successful farm worker’s union in U.S. history. â€Å"Caesar Chavez began with grape pickers in the town of Delano In 1965 and quickly gained converts in California’s enormous factory fields†(Gorn pg.297) In September 1965, Cesar’s NFWA, with more than 1200 members, joined in AFL-CIO sponsored union in a strike towards the major Delano area table and wine grape producers. Cesar led a successful five-year strike-boycott to the millions of supporters to the UFW, United Farm Workers.†He put together a nationwide support association of unions, church groups, students, minorities and consumers.†(Brinkley, pg.861). The two organizations merged in 1966 to form the UFW, and it became affiliated with the AFL-CIO. By 1970, the boycott influenced most grape growers to sign contract with UFW. Through out history we have seen many great examples and great role models that have changed America’s society greatly. African American, Hispanic, or even gender issues have all took a new approach and gained it independence buy fighting for freedom and prosperity. The American Dream has always been a set goal for Americans and as long as we are democratic society we will fight for our rights and aim towards a better way of living. Works Cited Brinkley, Alan. American History, a Survey, Volume Two, Twelfth Edition. Gorn, Elliot J. Constructing the American Past: A Source Book of a People’s History, Volume Two, Sixth Edition.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Marco Polo The Travels
Marco Polo The Travels Marco Polo is inarguably the most famous medieval European traveler, despite the heated controversy among modern scholars surrounding his adventurous travels. In The Travels of Marco Polo, Polo has clearly portrayed the character of the 13th century Asian society, which forms the basis of this paper. Various issues have been considered in the paper, such as the government organization and administration by Kublai Khan, the prosperity of the Asian society, their beliefs and last but not least, the values and possessions that people esteemed. At the age of only 17 years old, Marco Polo accompanied his father and uncle in a long and difficult journey from Venice his birth place, to Cathay, China. It was in this journey, started at the end of 1271, that Marco began his account of the escapades during the three and a half long difficult journey, and his account of the Mongols life. Marcos detailed description on the greatest moment when he first met the Great Khan, and the appointment of Marco to high posts in the Khans administration demonstrated Marcos gift in linguistics and languages. His amazement with Chinas vast power, immense wealth, and complex social structure made Marco to travel the more in China, becoming one of the most travelled Westerners on the Silk Road. His journey throughout Asia took 24 years, which made him to reach beyond Mongolia to China (Silkroad 10-14). The following analysis is based upon Polos information, and additional information obtained with reference to his writing. The government of the 13th century Asian Civilization provides an interesting reading, especially from the ruler, Kublai Khan. Kublai Khan was, as Polo describes him, the â€Å"the greater and more powerful than all others†, of the six khans that ruled the Mongol Empire. Being the last khan, a title given to a ruler in the Mongolian languages, Kublai ruled the Mongol Empire from 1260 to 1294, founding the Yuan Dynasty, which lasted until 1368. The Mongols, under the rule of Kublai, implemented divide-and-rule methods in a way that made the Mongols and the Asians to remain separate from Chinese life (Brummett et al 98). By dividing the Chinese population into the Mongols; the northern Chinese and Koreans; the southern Chinese; and the central Asians, it was possible to successfully rule the Mongol minority. While the Mongols and the central Asians enjoyed extensive privileges the southern Chinese were barred from state offices. The government was also reorganized by Kublai, and he established three distinct divisions to supervise the military, to deal with civilian affairs, and the third one to supervise the major officials (EWB 6-10). The prosperity of the Asian society during Marco Polos travels is revealed by many of Polos quotations concerning, for instance, the Greater Hermenia. Polo wrote that the Tartars of the Levant frequented the Armenian country every summer due to the outstanding pasture that was available in plenty for their cattle. The pastures were always abundant for the cattle, and according to Polo, the pastures were in large quantity, never failing the cattle. Also of unique significance is the oil fountain that Polo met on the boundaries towards Georgiana. The plenty oil that sprung from the fountain was in such a large quantity that as Polo put it, â€Å"a hundred shiploads might be taken from it at one time.†Although the oil is was not recommended to be used with food, it was needed for burning and was also used for anointing camels that had the mange. The oil was such a treasure that people came from great distances to obtain it (Armenia ch5). The beliefs of the Asian civilization are of utmost importance when understanding their character. There were various beliefs in the 13th century Asian society, and the existence of the different religious beliefs, for instance, was because of Kublai Khans religious tolerance. Moreover, Kublai supported Confucian rituals and rites at court, and also showed special act of kindness to Buddhism. His tolerance was further demonstrated by his decision not to alienate Daoist interests, as well as protecting Muslims and professing an interest in Christian beliefs (Polo 134). The monastery of St. Barsamo is a very important example in portraying part of the beliefs of the 13th century Asian society. The many monks who came to the monastery involved themselves in knitting girdles, which they placed on the altar of the monastery as the service continued. The monks have been likened to the â€Å"Brethren of the Holy Spirit†Polo, and he writes that they present the girdles to their friends and to other people, since the monks belief was that the girdles could remove bodily pain. Every monk, henceforth, just like the â€Å"Brethren†is religiously fervent to have them. Polos description of how the one-eyed man prayer caused the mountain to move is very significant in understanding the Christians and their behaviors, as they converted the Saracens after the miracle had been performed (Armenia, Ch12) Polos travels reveal various possessions that people esteemed. One of these was the manufactures promoted under the Mongols. The Mongols were good stewards at accumulating wealth, which they did through various ways, such as sacking of cities, promoting trade, and by taxation. A variety of objects were found in the tombs of the influential Mongolians, especially from the 13th and 14th centuries. These included items such as gold cups, leggings, robes. Of these commodities, hundreds of craftsmen were located into northern China, others located in the steppe regions north of the Yellow River. Marco Polo described them as â€Å"they live by commerce and industry†¦just as we have woolen clothes of many different types, so have they of cloth of gold and silk†(Waugh 34). Marco Polos narrative was of tremendous use in understanding the 13th Century Asian civilization. From all the discoveries that he made, and all the documented information regarding the behaviors, culture, and way of life of the Asian community, it was possible for one to not only understand the civilization, but also appreciate the lifestyle. There were numerous adventures in Marco Polos travels, which played an important role in understanding various elements of the character of the civilization. Marcos escapades were written with a simple, yet profound, easy to understand way, and his excellent skill of using an interactive language was very significant in relating with the society. Since most of the information provided in Polos narration was concerning his experiences and the Asians way of life, the narration was a very relevant source in understanding and characterizing the society. Works Cited Armenia. The Travels of Marco Polo 1: Chapter 3. Retrieved on July 29, 2009 from _3 Brummett, Palmira Johnson., Edgar, Robert., Hackett, Neil J., Jewsbury, George., Taylor, Alastair M., Bailkey, Nels M., Wallbank, Thomas and Lewis, Clyde. Civilization past present. Longman, 1999. EWB. Kublai Khans administration â€Å"Encyclopedia of World Biographies†. 2007. Retrieved on July 29, 2009 from Polo, Marco. The Travels of Marco Polo .Cosimo, Inc. 2007. Silkroad. Marco Polo and His Travels. 2000. Retrieved July 29, 2009 from
Delegation :: essays research papers
Delegation Human Resources Management Ever watch good delegates in action? They know exactly which jobs to hand and to whom. They know the old talents to tap and the new talents to test. Somehow, they even make the busiest people feel privileged to do even more. Delegating is a management tool that should be used in every company out there. Mark Twain once said, â€Å"To be good is noble, but to teach other’s how to be good is noblerâ€â€and much less trouble.†     Webster’s Dictionary defines delegating as entrusting authority to another. The key to delegating is the word entrust. When you delegate, you entrust the entire matter to the other person along with sufficient authority to make it work. It involves authorizing others to carry out specific tasks under your general supervision. It forces the manager to be more organized because the supervisor must outline projects, assign responsibilities, set deadlines, and check progress.      There are several guidelines to effectively delegate. You must communicate fully the degrees of freedom and judgment you expect the other person to use. Delegate authority as well as responsibility. Your subordinate must have the authority to carry out the responsibilities they have been delegated. Setting performance standards also allows the individual to understand the outcome you expect. Finally, delegate your reoccurring work, and don’t dump. The supervisor must not abdicate his responsibilities, and must understand that the responsibilities are never lifted from his shoulders, and understand that the responsibilities of the results of the unit are still the managers.      There are five steps to delegation. First you must define the task completely. You then must determine to whom to delegate the project to. The most important step is to provide clear communication of what the instructions are and your expectations regarding the task. The delegator and delegatee must than reach a mutual agreement about the task and any deadlines you may provide. Finally, you must monitor and evaluate the results and provide feedback to let the individual know your thoughts on the task.      Everyone benefits from delegation by having time to accomplish the management duties that often get neglected. This may include long range planning, innovation, and coordination with your work group and representing your work group and its members to higher management. These things don’t get done well when you are heavily involved in the day-to-day work of your section. The delegator has more time for advance skills while the delegatee gains new skills and abilities.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Music Essay -- essays research papers
Mozart, Wofgang Amadeus (1756-1791) Austrian born, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was regarded to be the greatest child prodigy the world has ever known. At age four, he heard his older sister playing a harpsichord minuet. Mozart begged his father to let him try the piece, and by ear, he played the piece perfectly. Throughout his life, tragedy struck. He was one of the most talented composers ever to walk the face of the earth, yet he led a life filled with much unhappiness. Upon traveling to Italy, Mozart fell in love with the Italian opera. One of his most famous peras is The Escape from the Seraglio, in which the heroine was named after his wife Constanze. Although many of the people in Vienna greatly praised this opera, Mozart's patron, Emperor Joseph, was not a fan of the style. Even though Mozart had his streaks of bad luck and his family was often in debt, his marriage to Costanze held many moments of happiness. On Sunday mornings, Haydn and two other musician friends from Vienna would show up at Mozart's residence and would play string quartets. Haydn is quoted as telling Mozart's father, "I declare to you upon my honor that I consider your son the greatest composer that I have ever heard (Kaufmann, 67)." Mozart composed many operas of which his most loved are The Marraige of Figaro, Don Giovanni, and Cosi Fan Tutte. His last opera, The Magic Flute, has charm and intelligence, even though it was written when he was sick and depressed. Ironically, during the sam...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Dont Hate Me because Im a Muslim :: Personal Narrative Writing, religion
September 11th was the worst day ever for the United States. I am a Muslim and I am an Arab-American. I was born in the U.S. Virgin Islands and have lived here all my life. The first time I ever heard of Osama bin Laden was when the terrorist attacks happened. The attacks not only affected Americans, it affected everyone, including Arabs. Just because a group of Arabs planned the attacks doesn't mean all Arabs are the same. It isn't fair how people blame all Arabs, or all Muslims. That Tuesday morning, I found out what happened when I got to my third period class, American History. We were getting ready for a test but went to the library to watch the news. At first I thought it was nothing, but then I realized it was extremely serious. Everyone immediately blamed the Arabs. The news said there was a car bomb and everyone said it was Palestinians, my people. That really upset me. At the end of October the supermarkets my family owns, my house and the houses of some of my aunts and uncles were raided by the CIA and FBI because some lady said our supermarkets supported terrorists and that one was working there. I found out after school when my aunt picked up me up and explained what had happened. I was really upset. They took all our computers from the house and stores except for two, which they made copies of. My parents came here to get away from the war in the Middle East and struggled to make sure nothing affects us. We have a successful life, but now people want to stop us from having a good life. I feel hurt. I am an American, too. I am also proud to be an Arab! I felt hurt when the terrorists attacked. So
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Kormaks saga Essay
The saga began with Harald Fairhair who was king of Norway, the chief in the kingdom was known as Cormac who was one of the Vik-fork by kindred and was the mightiest of champions as went to the battles with the king. Cormac had a son Ogmund who earned himself a good name and riches for taking sea-roving in summer and served in the kings house in winter. He one summer he went roving in British Isles and met with Asmund Ashenside who had worsted many men of war and vikings. Since they had heard of each other’s greatness, they challenged each other by fighting. Asmund, although he had a better following withheld some of his men from the battle and as a result most of his people were killed and he fled therefore leaving the victory for Ogmund and went back home with wealth and worship once more. Ogmund then married Helga daughter of Earl Frodi and when Asmund heard of it, he went to meet him and asked for a fight which Ogmund agreed and after the fight, Osmund left three marks on Asmund but did not kill him. Kormaks Saga is an Iceland saga which seeks to the life and death of Kormaks, In this paper, the research will be based on the life, how he fell in love, loss of love and how he fought for it to the end. Cormac was born and bred. Ogmund had a son with Helga by the name Frodi. After the death of king Harald Fairhair, Eric Bllodaxe took over the kingship and since they were not in good terms with Ogmund, he prepared to take a ship and head to Iceland. However just before the ship was ready, Helga fell sick and died along with her son Frodi. Ogmund sailed to the sea and as they neared the land, he changed course and they landed in Midfiord at the time when Skeggi ruled the land. Skeggi welcomed them and gave them land for settlement and since his lurk seemed to grow less, he built himself a house on the sand hills where he lived ever after and married Dalla daughter of Onund the seer and gave birth to two sons; Cormac and Thorgils, (Mallet & Scott, 1847, 148) . Cormac fell in love After his father’s death, Cormac set eyes on Steingerd daughter of Thorkel who lived at Tunga and she thought him to be handsome, (Bredsdorff, 2001, 321) . However, some of the people in that homestead disliked him and he had a hard time trying to win over her affection. Two sons; Odd and Gudmund of a woman named Thorveig who lived at Stonestead in Midford new too much about the deal. Odd more often than not came to Steingerd house to check on Thorkel and made great friend ship with his sons. Odd however did not like Cormac drove the brothers against him and were ready to attack him when he came. The swords which were set for him at the door feel on him and he broke a great deal of his notch on them and as a result, Thorkel attacked him calling him a rascal and then took Steingerd, locked her up and swore that they would never see each other again. He tried to fight back but saw her brothers with swords ready to attack him and therefore he ran saying that he would fight them back and that no one threatens him and that the gods will befall them and punishment will fall upon them. Despite that, he sought her and once he found where she was hidden, he burst the doors and talked with her the entire day even though she feared for his life. When Thorkel saw that his plan did not yield any fruits, he told the sons of Thorveig waylay Cormac in a dale near his garth but himself remained at home so that he would bring them help if need be and so he send Narfi to go with them. As Cormac went back to his home in the evening, he saw the three men who attacked him severely although Narfi did not fight but instead dodged behind them. Cormac fought them, killed Odd and Gudmud died afterwards due to the wounds he had received. Steingerd father however was unable to help them because his daughter saw him as he set towards Cormac with weapons and stopped him on his tracks. Cormac the went to Thorveig and ordered her out of that are and refused to pay her any money as a compensation for her sons death, as a result, the woman cursed him and old him that he would never have Steingerd but he did not believe her. According to ( Collingwood, 1901, 52) , after all this, Cormac went to see Steingerd as usual and she asked him to make peace with her father so that he can marry her, so Cormac took gifts to Thorkel and after many people had their say about the whole saga, it was concluded that Steingerd be pledged to Cormac and therefore their wedding was fixed. However, Thorkel had had bewitched Cormac so that he could not have his daughter and when the wedding day came. Cormac failed to appear and it was said that he had broken the engagement. Due to all what had happened, Thorkel and his son planned on how to avenge Cormac by wedding Steingerd off to Bersi who was a widower and lived in the land of Saurbae. Although he was afraid of Cormac at first, they assured him that he was out of the way and therefore a wedding was set at once so that the news could not get out through the countryside where Cormac lived but all this was done against Steingerd will. Steingerd sent her Narfi to go and tell Cormac about all what was happening but his two trials failed as he was stopped by Vigi and therefore the wedding went on and they set off for a journey to Hrutafiord. In the process Narfi went to Mel where Cormac was to tell him the bad news but instead Cormac attacked him due to anger but afterwards, he set him free and started chasing Bersi and his bride saying that she was his bride and was crying for him. Thorgils, his brother then gathered eighteen men and followed Cormac to Hrutafiord. Thorveig spaewife gave Bersi her boat and ordered for the other boats to be scuttled so that Cormac would not find them, therefore when Cormac came, she asked for two ounces of silver which Cormac refused to pay and therefore she gave them a rotten boat which was filled with water as soon as they were off the show and therefore they were forced to go back to the shore, (Douglas, http://omacl. org/Cormac/). However Cormac followed them and no matter how much his brother begged him to go back and gain their honor, he insisted on seeing Steingerd. However Bersi told him that she would not agree to go with him and offered his sister Helga to Cormac whom he refused. He then prepared to fight Bersi who was a great fighter and has many swords and weapons which were great and made him win in many fights. Cormac therefore borrowed weapons from Skeggi and he rode with fifteen men to Leidholm in Middal where they were to meet with Bersi who had as many people. The fight on Leidholm between Bersi and Cormac went on and due to his bad luck, Cormac was defeated and was therefore required to pay Bersi money for release which he assured payment and they then parted ways. Cormac then went to his kinsman Steingard and asked him to take the money to Bersi and he stayed there for some time as his thumb was swelled from the fight and Bersi’s brother said that he had won due to Cormac’s mishap. Many war songs were made about the fight by many people including Bersi when describing the war to Steingard and when they met again with Cormac, Cormac when he returned the sword to Skeggi and when he went back to his mother at Mel. At Saurbae, games were held during winter and Bersi’s lad Asmund always beat up Thord sons who went home bleeding and their mother vowed to seek her brother Bork’s help so that her sons win since their father was helping Bersi instead of his sons. However her husband forbid her and instead opted to talk over with Bersi. After wards, things cooled down until spring when Bersi and other people went to the tent of Olaf Peacock where his chief was but the sit he usually sat on had already been occupied by a fine looking man who was Steiner and had come to pay him his money from Cormac. He dared Bersi to take a fight with him so as to know whether he will get both of the silver or loose both. Bersi however was defeated and this was the making of Thord as a repayment for his sons and so as to see him down for once. Bersi was taken home to Saurbae after this where he took long to heal his woods, (Douglas, http://omacl. org/Cormac/). Thord returned the luck stone to Bersi which healed him and they became friends again. However due to all these, Steingerd was angered and left Bersi as he called him ‘ Breech Bersi’ and therefore asked for a divorce from him. She went back to her kinsfolk and after meeting with her brother Thorkel, she asked him to get her things back from Bersi including her money and dowry since she could not own him now that he was crippled. After the winter, Thorkel went to look for Bersi but he said that he had too much to bear and would not pay the money. A fight was then set between the two and Bersi used a longer sword than it was lawful to kill Thorkel. Thord however saw it as a waste of a life and decided to make it up between Bersi and Vali by asking Vali’s sister to become Bersi’s wife and after Bersi built a strong stone wall around his house for safety. There was a man Thorarin Alfsson who lived at Thambardal and had three sons; Alf, Loft and Skofti and in Tunga in Bitra lived Odd who had a daughter Steinvor and her by-name slim-ankles. Odd argued with another man Glum about who was greater and he insisted that Bersi was greater that Thorarin and as a result they fell out and lain a wager on it. Thorarin was very angry on hearing that and he took Steinvor to his home to spite his father and dared him to say anything against him. Odd went to Bersi for help and Bersi went to Thambardal to get Steinvor back as a result he fought with Thoradin and killed him and went back with Steinvor. As Thoradin’s son went to attach Bersi, he killed them all and took Steinvor ti his home. Bersi adopted Olaf’s child Halldor and since Thordis did not like it, she took all the money so that Steinvor and the child could not be helped. Bersi the made a plot on killing Vali, Thordis brother and did so with Steinvor and Halldor’s help. Steingerd then wed Thorvald son of Eystein and Cormac heard of it and went to visit her and straightened things out. Cormac then left with his brother to Norway and were welcomed by Hakon the king and stayed the whole winter and went to the wars in the summer and made many raids with Siegfried. King Hakon soon died and the brothers befriended the next king Harald and went to war in Ireland with him and won a great victory. shortly however, Cormac left the Ireland despite the kings pleadings and landed in Midfiord. Once on shore he met with Steingerd and after a long talk he sang many songs to her and they parted somewhat angry with each other and he went to Mel the entire winter. In winter, he went to see Steingerd at her home and brothers of Narfi made an ill song and accused Cormac of writing it, as a result Steingerd was angered and Cormac took time to proof himself innocent and once the truth was out, he slain Narfi and Thorvald hid himself. Thorvard set a fight with Cormac but failed to turn up. Thorvald the accused Cormac for libel but were defeated and when Huna- water thing came, Cormac and Thorvard met and Thorvard challenged Cormac and he agreed and went back to Mel. Thorvard then went to Thordis the spae-wife to seek witch craft help against Cormac and Cormac went a bit too late to Thordis for help. However when the fight came, Thorvard was defeated by Cormac but Steingerd refused to go with him and the parted ill pleased. Thorvard then sought help for healing from Thordis and was told to smear blood of the bull Cormac had killed around the hill so they bought the bull from him in exchange with Steingerd’s ring and she was very angry, (Collingwood, 1901,52) . According to (Chaillu, 2006, 422) , Thorvard asked for another fight from Cormac but despite seeking Thordis help to make his sword blunt, he fought him , thrust his shoulder and paid Cormac another ring and as Thorolf tried to attack Cormac, he warded off the blow and sang him a song. Cormac and Thorgils set to go to Norway and before going he kissed Steingerd twice and was required pay for what he had done with the two rings Thorvard had parted with. After that they went abroad and were welcome by the king. Steingerd asked Thorvald to go to Norway too and although he did not want, they went and were attacked by vikings who wanted to rob them and carry Steingerd. However, Cormac helped them and made it to the king’s court safely. After some time Cormac found Steinford and kissed her four kisses and paid two with two ounces of gold and afterwards they made out several times. According to (Jones, 1935, 9,148) , Thorvald cruised to Denmark with Steingerd and the two brothers followed soon after and found Thorvald’s ship robbed and Steingerd taken by vikings whose head was Thorstein son of Asmund Ashenside who was an old enemy of Ogmund father to Thorgils and Cormac. Thorvald was afraid to go after them so the brothers went aboard Thorstein’s ship and managed to safe her and although Thorvald allowed her to go with Cormac, she refused and parted ways as they went to Iceland and the brothers to Norway. The brothers won many wars in Wales, England and Scotland and achieved great feats. In conclusion, Cormac met his death when he was attacked by a monstrous Scot man and although he killed the Scot, he had broken his two ribs and his las will was to give his brother Thorgils all he had and therefore he died and Thorgils became captain and lived in the vikings for a long time. References: Bredsdorff Thomas & Tucker John, chaos and love: the philosophy of the Icelandic family, Museum Tusculanum press, ISBN: 8772895705, 2001, p 321 Chaillu Paul,  the viking age, Kessinger Publishing co, ISBN: 1428627782, 2006, p 422 Collingwood WG & Stefansson J. the life and death of the Cormac the Scald: (â€Å"Kormak’s Saga†), Ulverston, 1901. p 52 Douglas B. Killings, the life and death of the Cormac the Scald: â€Å"Kormak’s Saga†, March 1995 Jones Gwyn, four Icelandic Sagas, Scandinavian foundation, Europe, 1935, pg 148 Mallet, Paul Henri, & Scott Walter, translated by Piercy Thomas, Northern Antiquities, H.G, Scandinavia, 1847, p 9, 148
Monday, September 16, 2019
Advertising and Behavior Control Essay
In the article â€Å"Advertising and Behavior Control†there were many arguments for and against advertising. The first and the biggest problem Robert L. Arrington has against advertising is â€Å"puffery.†The reason/reasons why Arrington has a problem with puffery is due to the fact that the seller makes exaggerated, or suggestive claims about a product. His overall argument on puffery is that it isn’t just â€Å"bragging†but it is bragging that is designed to persuade you to want the item or product being sold. The bragging goes so far as they convince the viewer (of the advertisement) they need the product. Puffery ultimately leads to manipulation, exploitation, and control over what people think of the product. Although Arrington has reasons against puffery, he also points out examples as to why puffery is good for advertising. As stated on page 284 â€Å"businesses just give the consumer what he/she wants; if they didn’t they wouldn’t stay in business very long. Proof that consumer wants the precuts advertised is given by the fact that he bus them, and indeed often returns to by them again and again.†Puffery ultimately leads to the customer purchasing the product. If puffery is not used then as Arrington states businesses would go out of business very quickly. Puffery is not the only argument for or against advertising Arrington had but definitely was is strongest one. Another argument against advertising that Arrington had was credibility of an advertisement. He uses Philip Nelson’s ideas and theories to better explain his thoughts. His argument states that even when the message is not credible, we as a society give it validity by allowing ourselves to see the advertisement, and the fact that we constantly see them makes us believe that things are true. Simply put as stated on page 285 â€Å"advertised frequently, is valuable indirect information for the consumer. The reason for this is that the brands advertised most are more likely to be better buys-â€Å" Although the constant streaming of false or indirect information from advertisements makes us believe something that may be untrue, there is a counter argument as to why this form of advertising is legitimate, One of the counter arguments is in the form of a thought provoking question on page 285 â€Å"do the advertising techniques we have discussed involve a violation of human autonomy and a manipulation and control of consumer behavior, or do they simply provide an efficient and cost effective means of giving the consumer information on the basis of which he or she makes a free choice.†This may seem like a lot to grasp, but in essence the meaning of that thought provoking question is: is advertising information, or is advertising there for us to create wants and desi res in our life? These are just a couple of the arguments for and against advertising, and Arrington continues with many more thought provoking and legitimate arguments. All in all, Arrington makes claims for and against advertising, and eventually comes to the conclusion that he does not know what is right. If advertising is indeed good or bad as he says on page 289 â€Å"I do not pretend to have the answer. I only hope that the above discussion, in showing some of the kinds of harm that can be done by advertising and by indicating the likely limits of this harm, will put us in a better position to grapple with the question.†In my own opinion I don’t think that advertising should be controlled anymore than it is now. My reason for thinking this way is because products are made to be sold and along with that products are also made for us (the customer) to use, and enjoy. If products weren’t marketed/advertised to the customer as enjoyable, or brings you a higher satisfaction in life what would be the point of any person buying the product? Sure puffery may seem like it is a scam by â€Å"extending the truth†but at the same time if you had the money, and the time, and the friends to live a life like a commercial then it is very well possible to achieve that fulfillment from a product. Unfortunately not everyone is capable of doing this, but a product that is advertised is always going to be represented better than it actually is, due to the fact it is there to make a profit, and to be sold. My next point is the fact that advertisement falls into our liberties. We all have the right to freedom of speech. By advertising, or marketing one is free to say, promote, speak, etc. how they would like as long it is not in an offensive or demeaning way. This is why I believe there should be no more restrictions or limitations (if any) on advertising/marketing.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Biological Perspective Essay
One client I worked with had very low levels of assertiveness and because of this was often treated very badly by friends, family and work colleagues. This led to her becoming really rather depressed, which meant that she tended to avoid interactions with other people whenever possible, lowering further still her confidence and her ability to deal with social situations. She was becoming increasingly withdrawn. Whilst the counselling helped her to understand how she was contributing towards her own distress by having so low an opinion of herself, the antidepressants helped her to feel well enough to start to re-engage with people and to put into practice some of the ideas and life skills she was learning in therapy. By the time the medication was slowly stopped after her depression had lifted, she had firmly established new patterns of behaviour and relationships. She was easily able to continue this new and more useful way of being, therefore removing the need for further medication . Back to Top The Disadvantages of Antidepressants Many people I know would say that when you are profoundly depressed, there are no disadvantages to taking something that makes you feel better. Certainly I know many clients whose lives have been transformed by taking the right antidepressant, prescribed by their doctor or psychiatrist. Having said that, no medication is without its problems. With antidepressants, the main problems are firstly, finding the right antidepressant and secondly, side-effects. Antidepressants seem to help about half of the people who take them and different antidepressants work better with some people than others. The process of matching the right medication to the person is far from a precise science and one psychiatrist I know will admit that it often comes down to luck and guesswork. Having said that, the choice of antidepressant is usually informed by the exact nature of the symptoms experienced.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
The Bad Effects to Health of Excessive Computer Use
THE BAD EFFECTS TO HEALTH OF EXCESSIVE COMPUTER USE A Research Paper Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement In English 102A – Writing in Discipline By: Go, Alyssa Y. Vergara, Bellie Anne S. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE OCTOBER 8, 2010 CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Today, computers play a very large part in our daily lives. We use computer for a lot of things like business, education, communication and entertainment. We can find computers almost everywhere nowadays, at offices, at school and even at almost every home. Because of the computer’s speed and efficiency, we always turn to it to get our work done. As a result, many people tend to spend long hours using it. And using the computer for an extended period of time results to several health problems. As computer science students, this means that when we graduate, we will eventually get a job that will require us to use computer for long periods of time. It is important that we should know the risk of our profession such as the health problems that we would most likely have to face. This research could also aid the general public who uses computers in their daily lives. It could help us to know the health problems caused by the extensive use of computers and the possible solutions to prevent or overcome it. Stamatellos(2007) stated in his work that the extensive use of computers can result two possible health problems: the â€Å"Computer Vision Syndrome†(CVS) and the â€Å"Repetitive Strain Injury†(RSI). CVS is a series of eye problems due to staring at the monitor of a computer for a long period of time. RSI is an intense pain felt on a particular muscle, joint or ligament that is used to repeat the exact same movements. If these problems are not treated it could lead to permanent damage to your health and consequently to your life. The health of users are key component in information system. However, people don’t bother to take care of themselves, and when the time comes they discover they have so many illnesses. The widespread use of computers is now casing health concerns. This research discusses the preventions and cures the user can do to keep them healthy at office and at home. There are some ergonomic concepts that we can follow to take precautions to prevent this injuries. Take a break after using computer, do some simple exercise during that time. Stretching and doing some simple wrist in your hands and arms. To prevent injury to typing, place a wrist rest between the key board and at the edge of your desk. To prevent injury using a mouse, place the mouse at least six inches from the edge of the desk. The eye strain is not a serious or long term illnesses. You should get regular eye examination, through this you can take care of yourself. Another one is the back pain, muscle fatigue, it caused by poor posture; get an ergonomic chair it allows you to sit and to use arms and hands in healthier way. Sit properly in the chair, your feet should be flat on the floor. You can just go and take a break and be sure that your workplace is well more designed. Statement of the problem This research focuses on defining the bad effects to health of using the computer for an extended period of time. This research will answer the following questions: * What are the specific health problems we may acquire by using the computer excessively? * What are the causes of the said health problems? * What are the possible solutions we can do to cure or prevent these problems? * What is an ergonomic workplace? * How can we make our workstations ergonomic? Significance of the study This research gives information regarding health problems due to the extensive use of computer among users, computer professionals and its association with working environment conditions. A significant portion of computer users were found to be having health problems and this denotes that the occupational health of the people working in the computer field needs to indicate occupational health problems such as Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) and Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). This research further explains that long periods of working at a computer can cause eyestrain and overuse injuries of the hands and wrists. Using this research, employers and managers can help transform working stations to be more ergonomic. The working place will be more suitable and comfortable for the workers. Furthermore, it will lessen the chances of the workers getting computer health related problems. Scope and delimitation This study limits its coverage on the people who are working in the computers for long period of time, particularly company employers identify the health problems that they encounter and to propose possible solution regarding this problem. This study considers every aspect of the employee’s health information that has an impact on their performance such as their condition regarding office work. The wide of using computers has led some important health concerns, which is associated with occupational safety and health concerns. Many people use computers as part of their job. If you use one and suffer illnesses it may be because of the way you are using the computer. Problems such as suffering from strain in the back of the hand due to excessive ‘mouse' clicking, eye strain, shoulder and back pains or stress or neck ache if you use a computer without a break for a long time. The employees suffered this condition because of their heavy work loads and regular night work. Furthermore they face number of health issues particularly (RSI) Repetitive Strain Injuries and (CVS) Computer Vision Syndrome. Methodology The goal of this research is to ascertain the different bad effects of using the computer for an extended period of time. To reach this goal, we conduct surveys and interview of individuals who are working with computers long periods of time. Surveys are done for all the employees of a particular computer company to determine whether there really is an overall increase chance for people who are working with computers to get computer related health problems and to ascertain which health related problems they’ve got. The data collected from this test are recorded and later tested for relevance. Interviews are done with employees who already have computer related health problem. This is to determine which health problems are more prevalent and which health problems are rare. Using these interviews, we get the possible causes of the said health problems. An inspection of the workplace conducted. This is to test if the working environment is indeed another factor affecting or causing health problems. All of the data collected from the said methods and complied, tested and further analyzed to reach concrete results. GANTT CHART Day| Activity| Day 1August 17, 2010| Brainstorming| Day 2August 20, 2010| Arguing for the research topic| Day 3August 24, 2010| Getting resources| Day 4August 25, 2010| Making the final research title and thesis statement| Day 5August 27, 2010| The submission of the research title and thesis statement| Day 6August 31, 2010| Introduction of the research| Day 7September 3, 2010| Submission of the Introduction| Day 8September 7, 2010| Submission of the Statement of the problem| Day 9September 14, 2010| Submission of the Significance of the study| Day 10September 17, 2010| Submission of the Scope and Delimitation| Day 11September 21, 2010| Submission of the research Methodology| Day 12September 24, 2010| Submission of the Definition of Terms| Day 13September 28, 2010| Submission of Bibliography| Definition of terms End-user as used in this research refers to a person who is operating computer. Bad Effects as used in this research refers to the physical disorder that affects person. Ergonomic as used in this research refers to the strategic ordering of the lay-out of the workplace such that it will be more suitable and comfortable for the user. Information system as used in this research refers to the specific use of the computer to support user actions such as operations, management and decision making. Health as used this research refers to the physical well being of a person. Computer Science as used in this research refers to the study of the theoretical and practical use of the computer system. Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) as used in this research refers to eye strain problem due to staring at the monitor of a computer for long period of time. Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) as used in this research refers to the painful injury in the hands or wrist caused by the repeated usage of the keyboard and the mouse. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) as used in this research refers to the disease of the hand characterized by the numbness, tingling, pain and weakness. Bibliography Books Bentham, P. (1996). VDU terminal sickness: Computer Health risk and how to protect yourself. London: Jon Carpenter, Publishing. Morley, D. & Parker, S. (2008). Understanding computers: Today and tomorrow (11th ed. ). USA: Thomson Course Technology. Shelly, G. , Cashman, T. & Vermaat, M. (2008). Discovering computers: Fundamentals (4th ed. ). USA: Thomson Course Technology. Stametellos, G. (2007). Computer ethics: A global perspective. U. S. A : Jones and Ballet publishers, Inc. Williams, B. , & Sawyer, S. (2007). Using Information Technology: A practical introduction to computers and communications (7th ed. ). New York: Mc Graw-Hill companies Inc. Internet source Hege Crowton. (2010). Health Risk Due to long hours at your computer. Retrieved September 28, 2010, from http://www. ariticlecity. com/articles/health/article_2730. shtml The American Optometric Association’s article on CVS. (2010). Computer Vision Syndrome. Retrieved September 15, 2010, from http://www. aoa. org/x5374. xml Top 4 Health Problems Caused By Computer Use. Retrieved September 28, 2010, from http://heheli. com /business/top-4-health-problems-caused-by-computer-use/ Long hours at Computer: Health Risks & Prevention. Retrieved from September 28, 2010, from http://www. lifemojo. com/lifestyle/long-hours-at-computer-health-risk-prevention-26899842
Friday, September 13, 2019
What is the most convincing ethical system Why Research Paper
What is the most convincing ethical system Why - Research Paper Example A person can select the option that is best for him or her. The best should be according to the person in hand, how he admits what he wants and desires and also what is important to him. When a person identifies what is best for him, and then comes the premise of the most convincing ethical system he should dwell in (Bishop, 2000). If we perceive capitalism to be the most convincing ethical system or the institute of ethics then we first have to define what capitalism is. It is theory of the law. It is that theory of law that constitutes of description of property rights of an individual. This means to determine and avert the conflicts. Conflicts arouse when human beings make irreconcilable decisions about some of the resources that are used in ways proposed most of the times. This Theory of Law relies on the acknowledgment that individual actions are based on the decisions made by individuals and they are brought together by sense of responsibility (Kristol, 1978). Most of the resou rces are spent on the decisions that individuals make. The person who finally decides fate or use of a resource possesses the resource in actuality. Future conflicts regarding conflicts can be prevented by determining who has the authority to make decisions about the resources and who can legally hold it. Capitalism is therefore about recognizing the potentially disrupted resource an owner or proprietor can have. It’s the only way out to avoid the conflicts about future and determines who will get the resource in the end. To avoid the future conflicts about the resources and who will take what decision is about who is the lawful owner of resources. Therefore, capitalism is based upon recognizing owner and proprietor (Bishop, 2000). The ownership of resources is not subjective to anything in the realm of capitalism. Considering the ethical inferences of capitalism, it is highly advisable to unbalance the model of theoretical capitalism from the history of human civilization wi th the idea of emphasizing the significance of one’s freedom. This is the way that laissez-faire and free-market capitalism exist in market and also the perfect model of human society which ceases a difficult task for native Romans and Greeks and also the medieval kings. But, capitalism reassumes democracy as its highlight. The most basic form of economy and government is capitalism in its democratic form (Kristol, 1978). The possession of individual rights is the basic form of capitalism and everyone should have a free will in capitalism. It is known for giving autonomy to individuals on the basis of property rights, and freedom upon one’s own mind, body, and the spirit. Therefore, the everlasting rule of capitalism is that natural resources should be used by human beings free of will. Human beings are free to practice their rights until they don’t intervene in others’ rights. The historical theory of Karl Marx materialism is to try to impose laissez-fai re in medieval rulers which is not right jurisdiction of this presumption. If laissez-faire depends on development in history, how it is the best form of human civilization. These ideas dwindle in the mind of one as one pertains to think about comparison of contemporary capitalism from the pre-historic capitalism (Bishop, 2000). But, with powers comes responsibility. It is the ethical responsibility of an individual to have the freedom of recognizing the outcomes of such decisions. Therefore, all the creators receive what they make, regardless of the negatively or positivity of such object. Considering this justification, destroyers are solely responsible for the things they
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Toyota Motor Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Toyota Motor Corporation - Essay Example Capital is one of the key aspects examined here. The company profitability in 2011 has gone down and capital funding reduced. It has a large capital reserve .the first quarter has experienced a decrease of 17.2% in sales. This indicates future drops and forecast with the economic times. Debt to equity ratio is 0.69. This indicates that the company is more funded with equity than debts. Current ratio of is 1.0 in the past one year. This indicates that the company has liquidity value overall. There have not been significant changes in its shareholders equity within the first quarter. This indicates that the shareholders have not forsaken their duties in this company. Character is analyzed in terms of the willingness to repay the loan. A credit report is generated on Toyota’s borrowings, tax remittances, any court proceedings on default, past loaners, and overall honoring the debts. The length of the present debt is analyzed as well as the amount owed. Toyota is current paying a fine of $16.4 million for a recall suit. This has jeopardized the power leadership in the automobile industry. FICO scores of 300-800 are used and it is said, the higher the score the better the customer is worth. Collateral is the asset or guarantee placed that can be seized by the company in case the customer default in repayments. At Toyota, current assets and fixed assets stands at 28 387 556 yen a drop from last year’s value of 29 million yen.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Case Study Chapter 12 How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria
Chapter 12 How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria - Case Study Example Maria is an excellent resource to the school; diversity encourages creativity among other new ideas, which enhances competitiveness of the institution in question. From the case study, we see her taking the initiatives of communicating to the less fortunate girls among other children with different challenges, which seem to affect their life in school. These kinds of the initiative will ultimately boost the performance of the school. Such girls will have the courage to face life challenges as they have a person who guides and motivates them. This idea came from Maria, and it is a clear example of a new idea, which boost competitiveness (Miller 227). Diversity creates an opportunity where an institution creates an effective environment, which meets global standards. In reference to the case study, we see it was through the diversity that they came to uphold the position of Maria in the District School. If they had not taken the initiative of hiring her, they would not have realized the benefits along with hiring women. Such standards enhance the institution’s competitiveness (Miller 227). Tokenism in this case is about challenges facing Maria, yet she does not have the authority to overcome some of these issues. Ideal example is the issue concerning role model. It is ethical for a teacher to be a role model to the students, but this practically possible if the administration is acting as a role model to the minor teachers as well. In this instance, Maria feels challenges because she is doing a lot, but getting little in return of her efforts (Miller 229). The tokenism issues that Maria has to deal with concerns doing a lot and getting little appreciation. They think it is a privilege to offer her the job opportunity, but they do not value the effort in classroom, supportive talks she offers to students and the community service duties. If I were the communication consultant
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Analyze the relationship between humans and technology in the novel Essay
Analyze the relationship between humans and technology in the novel and in the present - Essay Example But amidst the shining avenue of technological advancement, human civilization forgets the curse that it brings with it. The dark abbeys lying behind the gleaming and shining pavement of human civilization is casted with curse, tears, agony and bloodshed of million innocent people who become mere scapegoats and prey in the hands of lured and power hungry class who tear asunder the faith and the dreams of numerous innocent faces for their own interest and power play. The novel ‘Fail Safe’ by Eugene Burdick, throws light on the darker side that the technological glitch brings and discusses about the apocalyptic attitude which Americans possessed during the peak hours of the Cold War. This feeling and foreboding eclipsed the entire American society and pervaded throughout the nation. First introduced in the year 1962 to its readers, the novel ‘Fail Safe’ was written when entire America was still staggering from the Cuban missile crisis. At such point of time ‘Fail Safe’ was written to portray the fact that more the countries would indulge into the development of nuclear capabilities, more the potential for newer enemies would prowl on their horizon. ‘Fail Safe’ is written against the background, when disaster would have trucked any moment and during the period of political doldrums â€Å"Fail Safe†continued to deliver powerful response through the issues captivated within the periphery of the novel. Before trying to relate the difference of relationship between the humans and technology in the novel and the similar articles during the contemporary time, it is quite essential to note and understand the background of the write-up. Analyzing the background of the write-up essentially and poignantly involves the background of the creative mind behind the framing of the plot. The background of the writer who yields various documentations in the form of hypothesis or direct testimony of his experience or recorded experience
Monday, September 9, 2019
Investigating Disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Investigating Disease - Essay Example This global resurgence of TB, according to Volmink and Murphy (2005) can be attributed to, " neglect of tuberculosis control programmes, HIV infection and immigration from high-prevalence countries" (p. 321). In 1993, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared TB a global emergency. It was the scientist Robert Koch who isolated Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a species of bacteria as the causal factor. The disease may be latent or active. In the former stage individuals are infected with the bacterium, but the immune system fights off the bacteria, preventing the manifestation of symptoms. Here the individual is usually not contagious. In the active stage, individuals show symptoms and are contagious. A deficient immune system exacerbates the condition; therefore organs besides the lungs are susceptible to infection. According to Heinsohn (2004), "Extrapulmonary TB may affect any organ or tissue but is much less common than pulmonary TB" (p. 7). Pulmonary tuberculosis is contagious with increased risk of infection. With the discovery of streptomycin by Selman Waksman, antibiotics have repeatedly proved their efficacy in the treatment of TB. However the US Congress, Office of Technology Assessment warns that "When a patient takes TB medication erratically or when an inadequate combination of drugs is prescribed, active, infectious TB can recur in a form resistant to one or more of the drugs used in the original treatment" (The Continuing Challenge of Tuberculosis, 1993,p. 6). Thus Multidrug- Resistant tuberculosis poses a threat in controlling and preventing the spread of the disease. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a hereditary, genetic disorder that results in the secretion of abnormally thick mucous that damages organs, leading to respiratory and digestive problems that ultimately cause death. While primarily associated with the lungs, this disease also attacks the pancreas, small intestine, and all glands where cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) plays a vital role in efficient functioning. Thus Kolbe (2005), calls it " a multisystem disease affecting children and increasingly so, adults" (p. 361). It is an incurable and fatal disorder. Branscomb (1994) found that, "In spite of treatment, most patients die during infancy or childhood. Rarely, patients survive past the age of 20" (p. 318). However with improved diagnosis and treatment measures, more patients are surviving to reach adulthood. Tuberculosis and cystic fibrosis are usually seen as diseases of the lungs or pulmonary disorders, as it is here that they do the most damage. But both have debilitating effects on other organs as well. TB is a contagious disease as inhaling infectious particles can transmit it. Contact with infectious droplets may occur via coughing, sneezing or laughing. Preventive strategies play an important role in curbing the disease. Meanwhile CF is a genetic disorder that is brought about by defective genes. Therefore treatment is difficult as these disorders are very complex and scientists and researchers have a long way to go in cracking the genetic code, pertaining to these disorders. Both diseases call for early diagnosis and treatment to stem the damage that is sure to result otherwise. Counselling for the individual and family is imperative in both cases, as it helps people come to terms with the devastating impact of the disease while promoting social
Intuition Science Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Intuition Science Paper - Essay Example Intuition science is unique because the mind and the external environment are both taken into account. Understanding the environmental factors responsible for the emergence of human intuition is crucial to understanding intuition itself because it is a major influence on our actions. Intuition arises from the unconscious mind. This means that the sub-conscious mind has a significant role in determining our conscious behavior-a role that is larger and more important in the decisions we make every day of our lives. Moral behavior is included in all this and intuition science sheds light on the cognitive processes that affect moral decision making. Our evolved brains have acquired the complexity and the capacities they have from the acquisition and storage of the information that the brain continually receives from external stimuli via the senses (seeing, touching, hearing, etc.). The brains stores all of this information starting at birth. This information quickly grows as we age and e xperience the world. The brain has evolved to simultaneously use all of the stored data and hardly use any at all. The conscious and sub-conscious parts of the mind each process the data in different ways, but ways that have allowed for the emergence of abstract thought, the capacity to rationalize, and to become moral creatures.
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Human Sexuality- Sex Surrogates Unit 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Human Sexuality- Sex Surrogates Unit 7 - Essay Example d of sexuality are responsible in ensuring that the surrogates and the client are well informed of their each individual task prior to participation in the sexual therapy. Details regarding the risk of possible sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV, herpes, etc. should be discussed thoroughly to prevent possible problems throughout the length of the treatment. Allowing the involved parties about the possible transfer of sexually transmitted diseases will make them more aware and be extra careful not to go through beyond what is necessary for the therapy. In order to maintain a healthy relationship between the clients and the surrogates, safe sex guidelines and constant medical checkups are required.3 As soon as the sex therapist uses a surrogate partner as part of the sex therapy program; the surrogate should automatically take responsibility on the client’s welfare. It means that the surrogate should all the time keep the client’s information as confidential. Also, it should be clear to the surrogate not to act as the sexual therapist but to function only under the supervision of the sex therapist. It is the responsibility of the sex therapist to make sure that the surrogate is clear about his role and obligations as a surrogate partner. There is a code of ethics that is designed for the use of professional surrogates association.1 Therefore, all surrogates are obliged to act according to the appropriate and accepted professional ethics. In line with the use of a surrogate-assisted sex therapy, the clinical procedures should always be consistent with the SSSS admissions policy that surrogates must work only under the supervision of a licensed sex therapist.
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