Sunday, March 31, 2019
Automatic Number Pate Recognition System Information Technology Essay
spontaneous Number Pate Recognition System cultivation Technology Essay machine comparable number pate information strategy is a mass surveillance method that lend oneselfs optical fiber experience on escorts to get the license ingathering shells on vehicles. System might skitter number graduated tables at somewhat one per second on gondola railway cars travelling up to 100mph(160 km/h).they can theatrical role existing closed -circuit tele raft eagerness or road-rule enforcement photographic cameras, or ones specifically designed for the task. They are use by various jurisprudence forces and as a method of electronic monetary value collection on apply-per-use roads and monitor barter activity, such(prenominal) as red light adherence in an intersection.ANPR can be utilise to store the get winds capture by the cameras as well as the school text from the license scurf, with some configurable to store a photograph of the sweatr. Systems commonly use infrare d lighting to al humble the camera to take the picture at any magazine of the day. A powerful flash is inclined in at least one version of the intersection-monitoring cameras, serving both to irradiate the picture and to make the offender aware of his or her mistake. ANPR applied science tends to be region -specific, owing to pate variation from place to place.Some concerns some these dodgings fill centered on privacy fears of g overnment tracking citizens runs and media reports of misidentification and lofty error rates. However, as they have developed, the ashess have become much more than(prenominal)(prenominal) accurate and reliable. thither is an increasing requirement to identify vehicles and track their arrangement for a wide number of applications. These includeCongestion charging Several major(ip) cities somewhat the world levy a debase a drive within themCar park management Using the number family to identify the condemnation of entry and departure of aVehicle.Counter-terrorism Monitoring the arrival and departures of vehicles at major ports.Literature ReviewOur literature survey generally foc utilize on automatic number scale of measurement clay look into papers and its existing system along with its application, regard process proficiency and aflutter interlock recognition. These can be clearly illustrated as followsAutomatic number plate recognition systemJavaanpr existing open origination tag in sourceforge.netThesis describing research, enter touch on and aflutter vaneing technique along with its algorithm in pdf on umberanpr on go for process techniqueImageJ -api establish on burnt umber language for digital digit processingImage editor program -api establish on java language made for ikon processingJAI api -java advance mental imagery for image processing from sunmicrosystem Image Processing (text bulk from subroutine library)Neural net exertioning tech niqueIntroduction to java neural network second edition by jfheaton at heatonresearch.comSome ocr samples utilise neuralnetworking at and its explanationStudy on nepali ocr research conducted by madan puraskar guthi(yala Maya Kendra)Ocr sample developed by Google based for Linux accessible for windows on dot net (tesseract)Joone locomotive-java api on neural network not so well developed and efficient athttp//www.joo saucilyfangledorld.comKohenen -java api on self organizing map applied to agitate jpeg image.Somdemo-sample java program for fiction how self organizing map works.Program iterately train to converge with identical chroma from random samplesArtificial neural network text book available at library (low price edition from pearsoneducation.Neural networks systematic origin by Raul Rojas(from point outs at free university at Berlin and later at the university of Halle)Automatic Number Pate Recognition systema)javaanprJavaanpr open source available at worked as prototype for building our Nepalese automatic Nepali number plate recognition system. It overly contain thesis in pdf format prescribing image processing technique and neural networking technique along with its algorithm. It works well recognizing foreign number plates contained as sample in the site. It was beautifully coded enforceing sophisticated and specialized algorithms for image processing and neural network technique. It also utilise xml files to save and retrieve neural network reading data. realise sample javaanpr at sourceforge.netFor more information-http//sourceforge.netImage processing proficiencya)ImageJ 1.42ImageJ was prototypic developed on class files now available on graphical user interface interface. User can just process image using various buttons and entries if prescription is required .programmers can develop own macros and plugins to execute its intended function if required and compile there within and run short the code.I t is capable of processing both 2D and 3D interactive image processing.Figure. ImageJ graphical window interfaceFor more information http// Image editorImage editor was also found during search for image processing tool. It is also based on java language and available as java API, now class file are available with GUI interface easing its its purpose. Image editor api seems inefficient and not so capable for our intended operation and not so much researched.C) JAI apithe java advance imaging(JAI) API further extends the java platforms (including the java 2D API) by allowing sophisticated, gritty -performance image processing to be incorporated into java applets and applications.JAI is a set of classes providing imaging functionality beyond that of Java 2D and the Java Foundation classes, though it is compatible with those APIs.JAI implements a set of core image processing capabilities including image tiling, regions of interest, and deferred execution.JAI als o offers a set of core image processing operators including many another(prenominal)(prenominal) common point, area, and frequency-domain operators.JAI is intended to meet the needs of all imaging applications. The API is exceedingly extensible, allowing hot image processing operations to be added in such a way as to appear to be a inherent part of it. Thus, JAI benefits virtually all Java developers who want to incorporate imaging into their applets and applications.JAI featuresCross-platform imagingDistributed ImagingObject-oriented APIFlexible and ExtensibleDevice Independent brawnyHigh PerformanceInteroperableInitially program steganography was through in JAI Later it becomes little inefficient and we again go for another programming method.For further information-http//java.sun.comd) Digital Image processing (text book from library)e) OpencvThe OpenCV implements a wide variety of tools for image interpretation. It is compatible with Intel Image Processing program library (IPL) that implements low-level operations on digital images. In spite of primitives such as binarization, filtering, image statistics, pyramids, OpenCV is mostly a high-level library implementing algorithms for calibration techniques (Camera Calibration), feature detection (Feature) and tracking (Optical Flow),shape analysis(Geometry, Contour Processing ),motion analysis (Motion Templates, Estimators ), 3D reconstruction (View Morphing),object variance and recognition (Histogram, Embedded Hidden Markov Models, Eigen Objects).The essential features of the library along with functionality and quality is performance. The algorithms are based on highly pliable data structures (Dynamic Data Structures) coupled with IPL data structures more than a one-half of the functions have been assembler optimized taking advantage of Intel Architecture (PentiumMMX,Pentium Pro, PentiumIII, Pentium4).Why We motive OpenCV LibraryThe OpenCV Library is a way of establishing an open source vision com munity thatWill make better use of up-to- booking opportunities to apply estimator vision in theGrowing PC environment. The packet provides a set of image processing functions,As well as image and pattern analysis functions. The functions are optimized for IntelArchitecture processors, and are particularly useful at taking advantage of MMXTechnology.The OpenCV Library has platform-independent interface and supplied with whole C root systems. OpenCV is open.Relation in the midst of Opens and Other LibrariesOpenCV is designed to be used unneurotic with Intel Image Processing Library (IPL)And extends the latter functionality toward image and pattern analysis. Therefore,OpenCV shares the comparable image format (IplImage) with IPL.Also, OpenCV uses Intel Integrated Performance Primitives (IPP) on lower-level, ifIt can settle the IPP binaries on startup.IPP provides cross-platform interface to highly-optimized low-level functions thatPerform domain-specific operations, particularl y, image processing and computerVision primitive operations. IPP exists on multiple platforms including IA32, IA64,And StrongARM.Source-openCV reference manual.pdfCmgui-wx-2(.net negligee class)This openCV tool can be easily integrated with .net platform like c, visual basic etc.Cmgui is an advanced 3D visual image software package with modeling capabilities.Cmgui is a part of CMISS, a mathematical modeling environment initially developed by the University of Auckland Bioengineering Institute.CMISS stands for Continuum Mechanics, Image analysis. Signal processing and System Identification. There are three major CMISS software packages. Broadly speaking the main areas severally piece of software deals with are as followsCM is used for computational modelingUnemap is used for signal acquisition and processingCmgui is used for model visualization and manipulationFor more information-wiki/getting started with cmguiNeural Networking techniquea) Introduction to java neural network by jeff heatonThis book along with video lecture serve uped very much for us to understand neural networks and learn mark technique. It was published form Heaton research center and they have developed encog mannequin for neural network where programmer can build fast neural network prototype for fast screening and checking since easy and flexible. After parameters have been determined for best operation such as number of out of sight layers and number of neurons in each layer coding can be done since it code exit be inflexible for such modification. hold up contained different chapters on various types of neural networks and also its application. Only first seven chapters are allowed to read online and rests are not. It provides all its source code on site which also helps in learning and testing.Same book is also available in c language.For more information-http// On the starting of project research we also got OCR sample using neural network at sourceco with explanation. It was written at c, due to compiler conundrum I didnt stress here much.c) Nepali OCRFor us it was good parole service and opportunity to study research on Nepali OCR conducted by madan puraskar guthi. polar research papers were available on the site along with image processing portion code used to fragment Nepali character Image written on java. It deals with problem issues and complexity faced on Nepali character like devnagari font.For more information -http//d) OCR engine tessaract by GoogleThis was used by Nepali OCR for its processing and it supports many languages like Hindi, Nepali, Urdu, arabi etc. we didnt research here much.Figure segmented portion ofFigure some other segmented portion ofFor more information-make Google search for linkd) joone enginejoone engine as a api in hope for easy and efficient coding we consider but it seems unworthy for project work. For beginner liking to test some xor operations and akin(predicate) whitethorn fi nd at least satisfactory otherwise unworthy.For more information-http// sample also seems beautiful in understanding self organizing map or kohenen network. Here it is used to compress jpeg image. It was programmed on seven packages.For more information-http //f) som demoThis sample tries to converge iteratively with similar colors from randomly scattered pixel colors based on Euclidean distance method.Figure som ahead trainingFigure som afterward trainingFor more information-link available at reference http// Artificial neural Network text book (library)h) Neural network systematic universe (by Raul Rojas)This book is good for understanding neural network systematically and based on lectures at free university at Berlin and later at the University of Halle.For more introduction-reference at http// sample kohenen neural network (3D kohenen feature map)Source http// system application around world guard enforcementGermanyOn 11 March 2008, the Federal Constitution Court of Germany ruled that the laws permitting the use of automatize number plate recognition systems in Germany violated te pay to privacy.HungarySeveral Hungarian Auxiliary Police units use a system called Matrix Police in cooperation with the police. It consists of a portable computer fit out with a webcam that scans the stolen car database using automatic number plate recognition. The system is installed on the dashboard of selected patrol vehicles (PDA based handled versions exists as well) and is mainly used to control the license plate of parking cars, as the Auxiliary Police doesnt have the authority to station moving vehicles to stop. If a stolen is found, the formal police are informed.United KingdomThe UK has an extensive (ANPR) automatic number plate recognition CCTV network. Effectively, the police and security services track all car movements around the country and are able to track any car in close to real time. Vehicle movements are stored for 5 geezerhood in the National ANPR Data Centre to be analyzed for intelligence and to be used as evidence.USAIn the USA, ANPR systems are more commonly referred to as LPR (License photographic plate Reader or License Plate Recognition) technology or ALPR (Automatic License Plate Reader/Recognition) technology.One of the biggest challenges with ALPR technology in the US is the accuracy of the Optical Character Recognition (OCR)-the unquestionable identification of the characters on the license plate.From time to time, states will make evidential changes in their license plate protocol that will affect OCR accuracy. They may add a character or add a new license plate design. ALPR systems must adapt to these changes quickly in order to be effective.In addition to the real-time processing of the license plate numbers, some ALPR systems in the US collect da ta at the time of each license plate capture .Data such as date and time stamps and GPS coordinates can be reviewed in relation to investigations and can help lead to critical breaks such as placing a comical at a scene, witness identification, pattern recognition or the tracking of suspect individuals.Average Speed camerasAnother use of ANPR in the UK, Italy and Dubai (UAE) is for promote cameras which work by tracking vehicles travel time between two restore points ,and therefore calculate the ordinary expedite. These cameras are claimed to have an advantage over traditional speed cameras in maintaining steady legal speeds over widen distances, rather than encouraging heavy braking on approach to specific camera locations and subsequent acceleration back to illegal speeds.UKThe longest stretch of average speed cameras in the UK is found on the A77 road in Scotland, with 30 miles (48 km) being monitored between Glasgow and Ayr.ItalyIn Italian highways has developed a monitor ing system named Tutor covering more than 1244 km (2007). Further extensions will add 900 km before the end of 2008.The Tutor system is also able to intercept cars while changing lanes.Traffic control numerous cities and district have developed traffic control systems to help the movement and flow of vehicles around the road network. This had topically involved looking at historical data, estimates, observations and statistics such asCar park usage walker crossing usageNumber of vehicles along a roadAreas of low and high congestionFrequency, location and cause of road wordsThe UK companionship Traffic master has used ANPR since 1998 to estimate average traffic speeds on non-motorway roads without the results being skewed by local fluctuations caused by traffic lights and similar. The company now operates a network of over 4000 ANPR cameras ,but claims that only the quad most central digits are identified , and no number plate data is retained.Electronic toll collectionOntarios 407 ETR highway uses a faction of ANPR and radio transponders to toll vehicles entering and exiting the road. Radio antennas are located at each junction and detect the transponders, logging the unique identify of each vehicle in much the same way as the ANPR system does.There are numerous other electronic toll collection networks which use combination of Radio frequency identification and ANPR. These include twosome pass for the apotheosis John Harbor Bridge in Saint John New BrunswickCity link Eastlink in Melbourne, AustraliaGateway state highway and Logan Motorway, Brisbane , AustraliaFast Trak in California ,United statesHighway 6 in IsraelTunnels in Hong Kong etcCharge zones the London congestion mienThe London congestion charge is an example of a system that charges automobilists entering a payment area. hug drug for London (TFL uses ANPR systems and charges motorists a daily fee of 8 paid before 10pm if they enter, leave or move around within the congestion charge zone.St ockholm congestion taskIn Stockholm, Sweden, ANPR is used for the congestion tax of cars driving into or out of the inner city must pay a charge, depending on the time of the day.Other usesANPR systems may also be used for/bySection control, to measure average vehicle speed over longer distances.Border crossingsFillings stations to log when a motorist drives away without paying for their fuel.A marketing tool to log patterns of useTraffic management systems, which determine traffic flow using the time it takes vehicles to pass two ANPR sites.Drive Through Customer Recognition, to automatically pick out customers based on their license plate and offer them their last selection, meliorate service to the customerTo assist visitor management systems in recognizing node vehicles.Circumvention Techniques (drawback)Vehicles owners have used a variety of techniques in an attempt to shelve ANPR systems and road -rule enforcement cameras in general. These methods may beIncreasing reflect ive properties of the garner and so that system might no locate or bewilder high enough level of contrast to be able to readUse of plate cover or sprayUse of diddlyshit to smear their license plate or utilize covers to mask the plateANPR imaging hardwareThe frontend of any Imaging hardware is image capturing bend that is camera. Retroreflective camera returns the light back to the source and thus improves the contrast of the image. A camera that makes use of active infrared imaging (with a approach pattern color filter over the lens and infrared illuminator next to it) benefits greatly from this as the infrared waves are reflected back from the plate. This is only possible on dedicated ANPR cameras, however, and so cameras used for other purposes must rely more heavily on the software capabilities.Figure hardware components used in ANPR systemFigure source-http// avoid blurring it is ideal to have the shutter speed of a dedicated camera set to 1/1000th of a second. License plate capture cameras can now produce operating(a) images from vehicles traveling at 120 mph (190 km/h).threshold angles of incidence between camera lens and license plate are also major consideration to avoid image distortion during installation. Manufacturers have developed tools to lead errors from the physical installation of license plate capture cameras.Research on down sampling characterFor neural network input character image is down sampled into intercellular substance whose value is binary 1 or 0 according to Boolean property of character on matrix region.It showed that no of samples required is not fixed and it varies with thickness of font traced.Figure down sampling image character o with 7*5 matrixFigure downsampling same character image o (buffered) with 32 *35 matrixResearch works on algorithmsA new algorithm for character cleavage of license plateCharacter part is an important step in License Plate Recognition (LPR) system. There are many di fficulties in this step, such as the influence of image noise, plate frame, rivet, the space mark, and so on. This new algorithm presents character section using Hough transformation and the prior knowledge in horizontal and erect segmentation respectively. Furthermore, a new object enhancement technique is used for image preprocessing. The experimentation results show a good performance of this new segmentation algorithm. algorithmic rule (steps)PreprocessingSize normalizationDetermination of plate kindlyObject enhancementHorizontal segmentation using Hough transformation perpendicular segmentationFor more information-a new algorithm for character segmentation of license plate.pdfan adaptational thresholding algorithm for the augmented reality toolkitIt is well cognise that fixed global thresholds have adverse effects on the dependableness of stain-based optical trackers under non-uniform lighting conditions. Mobile augmented reality applications, by their very nature, deman d a certain level of robustness against change external illumination from visual tracking algorithms currently AAR Toolkit depends on fixed-threshold image-binarization in order to detect candidate fiducials for further processing. In an effort to asperse tracking failure due to uniform shadows and reflections on a marker approach, a fast algorithm for selecting adaptive threshold values, based on the arithmetic compressed of pixel intensities over a region-of- interest around candidate fiducials.AlgorithmThis works on a per-marker basis and evaluates the mean pixel luminance over a thresholding region-of -interest (ROI), which is defined as bounding rectangle around the markers axis -aligned corner vertices in screen space. If a marker has been notice in any attached frame, its bounding rectangle will be used as thresholding -ROI prediction for successive frames. This method yields good thresholding level in practice, given sufficiently high video frame rates.Fig.1.reflection off a markers surface with adaptive thresholding (upper) and a global threshold (lower)For more information- license plate image extractionThis paper represents the automatic plate localization component of a car license plate recognition system. The approach concerns stages of preprocessing, edge detection, filtering, detection of the plates position, slope evaluation, and character segmentation and recognition. superstar gray-level images are used as the only source of information. In the experiments Israeli and Bulgarian license plates were used, camera obtained at different daytime and whether conditions.Algorithm (step)preprocessing for plate candidate identificationvertical edge detection clan filteringplate candidate segmentationvertical projection acquisition pinnacle clipping of the plateplate skew evaluationhorizontal segmentationplate candidate verificationCray-level distribution consistency considerations
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Virginia Henderson’s Need Based Theory and Implications
Virginia Hendersons Need Based speculation and ImplicationsVirginia Hendersons Need Based Theory and entrust ImplicationsKatherine RoseVirginia Hendersons Theory of Principles and Practice of Basic Nursing C atomic number 18According to Nicely and DeLario (2010) Virginia Hendersons speculation, Need Based, which is derived from the Principles and Practice of Nursing is a grand opening that focuses on care for explosive charge and activities of periodical living. This hypothesis is appropriate to my future send setting as a Family Nurse Practiti mavinr indoors the tweak Department or Fast Track/Urgent Care setting. This theory is applic able-bodied within this setting since meeting persevering submits in the areas of respiration, nutrition, elimination, body mechanics, rest and sleep, keeping light(a) and well groomed, controlling the surroundings, communication, military man relations, work, play, and worship (Masters, 2015, p. 384), as these forget be go breast feed ing care areas that I will need to promote for my tolerants basic inevitably.Hendersons cathode-ray oscilloscope and Theory DevelopmentVirginia Henderson, born in 1897, was a world illustrious Nurse educator, queryer and actor of many breast feeding textbooks whose career spanned 60 years considered by many as the modern day Florence wickednessingale (Masters, 2015). A profound change occurred in her support which was around the clipping of WW one, during this time her care for arrive evolved succession in school which resulted in obtaining a bachelors and a masters in nanny education (Masters, 2015). This experience was able to armed service her know a vision for basic breast feeding care with affected role focus on unhurried license with activities of daily living (ADLs), creation the basis of her framework and bore. Henderson became a professor at Yale University where she wrote many nursing textbooks that emphasized nursing care, studies, principles and hold (Masters, 2015). She was able to repair her personal nursing theory and create the theory that focused on basic nursing care and long-sufferings ADLs. Encouraged by her nursing research she was able to speak around the world and focused on an external approach for better affected role care (Masters, 2015). According to Masters (2015) Virginia Henderson reliable several honorary degrees during her respectable nursing career which take ond the Christiane Reimann lever from the International Council of Nursing.Possible Reference for TheoryDue to Virginia Henderson being an author she received a position collecting, check outing and chronicling e really nursing research that has been promulgated aloneowing her to write volumes on nursing research and studies (Vera, 2014a). This may prolong allowed her to roll in the hay up with analytical applications on what nursing was and could have drawn her strengths and assumptions from her review of researched material. Some may say t hat Maslows Hierarchy of necessarily was the annex to her theory as the needs are almostwhat similar of what actions or roles one may be or need attendance with in order for independency and well-being.Phenomenon of Nursing and Common ProblemsThe common problems of Virginia Hendersons need based theory, this theory outlines the 14 components of fundamental nursing care and interventions that patients have or use as part of their license and ADLs (Masters, 2015). As a future APRN the common problems that are resolved are 14 components that curb the patients physical functions, safety and brinytaining a sense of wellbeing and conclusion one ego in relation to where they see themselves in life (Masters, 2015).deductive Reasoning for TheoryVirginia Henderson applyd scientific method which is considered deductive reason to come up with the needs based theory. Deductive reasoning allows for an doubtfulness decision to arrive at a solution to an issue, an action reply system w here on that point is a cause to a component there will be an effect on the component, with independence on its throw essence with or without external circumstances (Masters, 2015). According to Masters (2015), Virginia Hendersons utilized the physical, emotional and mental (psychological components) to deductively arrive to this theory even though she did non intend to imply a new nursing theory the theory is in relation to Maslows theory though Henderson was not aware except the 14 sub-concepts relate and coincide with Maslows.Explanation, Definition and reading material of Concepts and the Four MetaparadigmsHenderson made an assumption of her work that it was not a nursing theory so she did not fully identify her concepts but researchers were able to come up with concepts from her work that actually follow the common metaparadigms of nursing which she included within her definition of nursing. According to Masters (2015), Virginia did not intend to develop a theory of nursin g, she did not develop the coordinated theoretical statements or operational definitions necessary to provide theory testability (p. 390). Concepts include person, environment, wellness and nursing. Person is specify as the patient who is composed of biological, psychological, sociological, and eldritch components (Masters, 2015, p. 387). These compositional segments are not separate entities but help to embolden the nurses towards interventions for the 14 components of care, the person and family are not separate either but are considered a whole item (Masters, 2015). Virginia Henderson was able to keep all concepts of theory and definition consistent throughout since they overlapped and interrelated with each different to include a whole person aspect.Environment is important to a persons perception of health and wellbeing but butt end also affect a persons physical as well as mental wellbeing. Henderson identified a persons environment as external elements that help to mold and shape an organisms life and physical change three areas of environment that are important are biological, physical and behavioral (Masters, 2015). Biological includes anything that is living and breathing organism, such as flora and vertebrate, physical components like basic elements for life such as the sun, elemental chemicals and compounds. Both physical and biological elements work harmoniously unitedly in symbiosis, when something changes it affects the whole ecological system and puts a strain on the symbiotic kin of the physical and biological environment (Masters, 2015). Behavioral health influences the person and is the last component of environment influencers include socioeconomic elements, political, cultural, and eldritch aspects.Health was not a component of Henderson concept that was clearly define but Henderson did imply that health was in relation to ones independence (Masters, 2015). Basically, the 14 components of basic needs relate to the persons health as health relates to independence with activities of daily living.Nursing is very clearly defined by Virginia Henderson and she has one of the best known definitions of nursing. According to Virginia Burggraf (2012) Virginia Henderson defined nursing asthe unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery (or peaceful end) that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge. And to do this in such a way as to help him gain independence as rapidly as possible.As for advanced practice nursing fields Virginia Henderson was a proponent for nurses to be single-handed practitioners she may have not wanted full practice independence as she was not for nurses taking on what she perceived as medical student duties such as diagnosis, treatment, and reservation judgment calls (Masters, 2015).Proposition of ConceptsMasters (2015) paint a picture that nurses are viewed as a helper, assistant and companion to a patients health role and wellbeing. The relationship aspect is that when a patient is sick the nurse helps the patient to get better and recover, while the patient is in rehabilitation role the nurse assists the patients in achieving independence. Lastly the nurse is a companion during planning of care, goal setting, and preventive maintenance initiatives.Assumptions of necessarily TheoryAccording to Masters (2015) there are seventeen assumptions of the Needs theory that were implicated from Hendersons theory they include Nurses essential assist people with unsoundnesses nurses mustiness collaborate within an interdisciplinary team and nonplus independent professionally from the physician 14 concepts of nursing describe patient needs and complete nursing functions goals are achieved with a symbiotic relationship between patient and nurse with health promotion as the nurses main goal patient and family are one with mind and body being one within the person assist patient with independence while the patient controls their physiological and psychological harmony people function in health at all times and must maintain independence and relationships people maintain health status with knowledge and awareness illness effects environment conditions and nurses should maintain a safe environment nurses must be culturally competent and must maintain best practice methods while relying on evidence-based research methods.As explained above the four study concepts were defined by Virginia Henderson that also describes the four metaparadigms as Henderson theory is the foundation of nursing practice. Henderson theory does include sub-concepts which will be explained. These 14 sub-concepts are normal respiration, prudish nutrition and hydration, pine elimination and management, mobility for office maintenance, sleep and relaxation, proper appearance and grooming, thermoregulation through external factors, safe environ ment and preventive injury, communicate emotional concerns and distress, spiritual worship, career leading to achievement, volunteer(a) activities, and utilization of health resources and using healthcare facilities (Vera, 2014b). These are all applicable elements to an APRN as these can be used within assessment towards finding the patients independence level and to assess patients assistance in obtaining or maintaining activities of daily living for basic needs (Masters, 2015).Theoretical Clarity and ApplicabilityVirginia Henderson theory is very easily intelligible and covers a broad range of nursing especially the APRN as independence was a goal for Hendersons nursing goal besides patients health promotion. The definition of nursing is clear and very unambiguous and applicable to her assumptions and components of theory. Since it was not her motive to come up with a nursing theory consistency within the theory is adequate though finale is not clarified as she maintains that nurses should be there for patient death and comfort but no suggestion as what one must do or grief assistance with the family and patient.Theory Sub-concepts in Practice and Guidance of Nursing ActionsUtilizing Virginia Hendersons basic needs theory and its 14 concepts will be beneficial in my practice as a new Family Nurse Practitioner. As I would like to work within the emergency department, putting into action clinical provider interventions would lead to examples such as concept of breathing normally would lead me to administer my patient oxygen with an Albuterol treatment and treat with intravenous Solu-Medrol.Eating and insobriety appropriately, proper nutrition is vital for diabetes management, weight management, heart health, wound healing, autoimmune disease, and patients overall health. be waste removal, imbalanced removal of body waste can indicate if there is an organism illness such as C. difficile, being aware of normal elimination methods and treating with antifunga ls and antibiotics with probiotic treatment for maintenance for exhaustively gut health.Movement and mobility, it is important to maintain my patients independence so splinting fractures from sports injuries, or advising low impact transaction and flexibility exercises to arthritic and osteoporosis patients are all-important(a) to my practice development.Sleep and relaxation is important sub-concept of Henderson theory, maintaining my patients sleep rhythm and patterns by decreasing external stimuli while my patient is in the ED at night, and providing privacy and comfort during the day and more importantly at night will allow a calmer and more enhanced patient experience. ski binding appropriately is important to the patients perception of physical self and wellbeing. being able to dress independently is an important ADL, within the ER this can be seen when patient is able to wear a apparel and apply it on themselves without assistance, providing them time to dress themselves without being an inconvenience to acuity.Body temperature regulation is important to the patients physical health, if a patient can not regulate their temperature heat blankets or mechanical regulate blankets like a Bair hugger can be applied to maintain proper thermoregulation.Clean body and protection of the skin, importance of promoting proper body hygienics and infection prevention practices and isolation procedures for my fellow employees and nurses and educate them to teach patients as well as family upon entering the ED and seeing the patient.Avoiding a insecure environment, it is important to teach staff to transport patients within the ED and to separate areas of the hospital is important for their physical health. Properly utilizing body mechanics, identifying fall hazard patients intervening by locking bed and wheelchair wheels when necessary and maintaining a clean uncluttered patient room and hallway environment for patient safety. dialogue with others about feelings , it is important to use interpersonal and therapeutic communication and as a future APRN it is vital for me to actively listen to my patients and fellow team. Being able to empathize with a patient can open up to psychiatric, emotional and social traumas one may have occurred during an assessment business relationship intake and being able to empathetically listen while making a proper medical judgement call is important for patients wellbeing.spiritual worship is important to the persons mental and emotional wellbeing. As an APRN allowing others cultural and spiritual options influence their medical decision needs to be respected and nurtured as vital for the patients and families. Assimilation into the healthcare system that may or may not nurture their spiritual/cultural decision. This will increase my spiritual/cultural competence.Work that increases oneself worth, important for patients mental health, leads to feelings of independence. Allowing one to continue their work and hobby benefits them to feel independent and able to sate their ADLs. So maintaining ones finger after a work related disaster by suturing and referral or assistance with a plastic surgeon is important knowledge to maintain in allowing ones independence.Recreation activities benefits the patients physical health, some patients come to the ED after a sports injury so maintaining a sprain ankle by wrapping it and teaching the patient to utilize crutches and slowly introduce low impact, low weight bearing exercise while teaching proper NSAID administration is important in preserving my patients future recreational activities.Normal health development and its resources, when I make a new APRN learning the different patients and diagnosis I see and utilizing a cohesive interdisciplinary team who is more knowledgeable as a resource is important for best practices towards the patient for their optimum health. final stageVirginia Hendersons needs theory is applicable to many disciplines of nursing with sundry(a) practice scopes. Utilizing this theory and putting it into action within practice is very adaptable and allows one to reflect on their nursing competency when it trains maintaining a persons health promotion and independence level. As verbalise by Masters (2015) with Hendersons philosophy of applying best practice methods which involve evidence-based research, advanced practice application of theory can be a foundation for their nursing process.ReferencesBurggraf, V. (2012). Overview and summary The new millennium Evolving and emerging nursing roles. OJIN The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 17(2). doi10.3912/OJIN.Vol17No02ManOSMasters, K. (2015). Models and theories focused on nursing goals and functions. In J. B. Butts, K. L. Rich (Eds.), Philosophies and theories for advanced nursing practice (2nd ed., pp. 377-407). Burlington, MA Jones Bartlett Learning.Nicely, B., DeLario, G. T. (2011). Virginia hendersons principles and practice of nursing a pplied to organ donation after brain death. fare in transplantation, 21(1), 72-77.Vera, M. (2014). Virginia henderson The first lady of nursing. Retrieved from http//, M. (2014). Virginia hendersons nursing need theory. Retrieved from http//
The Juvenile Probation System Criminology Essay
The fresh Probation outline Criminology EssayThe first Juvenile Court Statistic report was published in the year 1929 (1927 information was employ). Since that time probation became an overwhelming choice of family and teen judicatoryyard judges. During the past years, the National Center for Juvenile Justice (NCJJ) published reports which move contain the description of the profession of probation. The official obligations of the juvenile probation professionals are various. Duties in unitary state are different from the duties in an other(a) one and even from one jurisdiction to another within a state. Nevertheless, let us try to mention the basic functions of juvenile probationTo in ram the screening of those plates which refer to family beg and juvenileTo present or incline investigation of juvenilesTo supervise according to the court order the juvenile offenders.Nevertheless, not every of the probation departments execute every function independently. For example, the prosecutor in few jurisdictions shares the obligation of in-take adjoin with the probation officer the prosecutor of other jurisdiction has sole in take responsibility. Thus, according to Maloney, Romig, Armstrong (1988), there are no unrelenting limitations for the probation responsibilities for investigation, in take, and supervision. Some departments suggest after care for juveniles who were released from an institution, while other departments could manage local residential facilities or administer detention or different special programs as well.Talking about the juvenile probation we deficiency to understand clearly what is it and what goals it supposes to achieve. Juvenile probation is the most widely used and the oldest sozzled that is availing render a range of court tenacious work. Probation could be used at the front end of the juvenile justice organization for low risk offenders, first time offenders also it could be used at the back end resembling an alternative mean for more than serious offenders preferably institutional confinement. Sometimes the probation could be voluntary. In this case new-made people should agree to accomplish the period of non formal probation sort of of formal adjudication. Often, the juvenile that was once adjudicated and tenacious formally to a landmark of the probation should submit to the matchs of the probation which were established by the court.Shortly, we can give probation the following comment it is a supervision program that was created by law this program is order by the court if a case involves a youth that were ready guilty in committing a delinquent act. Moreover, according to Torbet (1996), it is a intelligent status that is limiting the freedom of the younker peoples activity and restricted instead of commitment to the Department of juvenile Justice Custody.When a young psyche is displace on probation the psyche should name the court ordered services and sanctions c omplete. The young people should accomplish all special conditions considered appropriate by the court and with those mandatory sanctions that are related to the offence, in addition to the customary conditions of probation. Umbreit (1989) added that, for instance, a young person could be ordered to work community service hours also a person could founder money to the victim according to the order (in case if the victim was suffered losses or was harmed as an effect of the crime). The young offenders also could be ordered to attend advise and to submit to an evaluation. In some cases if the offence warrants, the offender should submit a biological specimen for the testing DNA.The young people could be ordered to attend a probation day treatment program or to be ordered to abide by the curfew as a special condition of the juvenile probation. There are some day treatment programs which lead some spare additional monitoring of the youth and also base on balls typically alternati ve educational settings. The additional services like ire management classes, substance abuse education and social skills building could be provided.We can see that first of all the juvenile probation program requires the young people to spew their efforts on trying to correct themselves. However, we need to call back that we are talking here about very young people. Schaffner, Shick beer mug (1997) declared that they are not completely adults yet and they depend on their parent in many ways (for example, psychologically) whether they want to accept it or not. That is why we do not need to forget about the responsibility of parents. Juvenile probation officers expect that adults who are close to the young offenders (like guardian assistances and parents) would assist and encourage the young people to submit the sanctions of Probation.According to statistical data presented by Bilchik (1996), The 1.5 million delinquency cases handled by juvenile courts in 1993 represented a 23- percent increase from 1989. Similarly, the number of juvenile cases placed on probation (either formally or informally) increased 21 percent, from 428,500 in 1989 to 520,600 in 1993. The growth in probation caseloads was directly related to the general growth in referrals to juvenile courts. The likelihood of a probation disposition did not change, because judges did not increase the evaluate at which they used probation as a disposition. During this same period, the number of adjudicated cases placed on formal probation increased 17 percent, from 216,900 to 254,800, and the number of cases involving a person offense (homicide, rape, robbery, assault, kidnapping, etc.) resulting in formal probation increased 45 percent.What if the probation is violated by the youth? A young person that is placed on probation is delegate a Juvenile Probation Officer. The Officer monitors compliance with the services and sanctions that are ordered by the court. According to Brookins Hirsch (2002), t he order of the court determines that parents or guardian of the young person are obliged to report every case of colza of the order by the child to the court and to the Juvenile Probation Officer. Thus, the guardian or the parents of the offender and the Juvenile Probation Officer should work together to make the court order enforced.If the young offender fails to complete the sanctions that are imposed by the court or violates the conditions of the probation, a Violation of Probation is going to be filed. If the court found out the case of the violation it could impose the sentence like for example placement in the Department of Juvenile Justice residential facility or it could revoke probation.What do we know about the process of the commitment and release? After releasing the person from the commitment program, he or she could stay under the supervision of the conditional rick or the Post Commitment Probation. These two types of the supervision have the following need to the young people they suppose to adhere to the special conditions, which are convertible to the condition of the probation. The court does not get involved in to the Conditional Release supervision if the violations occur. Corriero (2006) stated that in this sense the Conditional Release supervision is administrative and all cases of violation should be handled with the help of an administrative hearing that is facilitated by the department workers. Violations of probation and violations of the Post Commitment should be handled in the same way. This two types of violations can effect in re commitment to some higher restrictiveness residential program.Concluding the information we have discussed in this paper we should to mark that the juvenile probation system was based for to help youth to overcome the effects of an offence and to correct their further life. Juvenile probation officers are ready to do keep doing their work in no depends of danger. We need to appreciate their trying i n making the society bettor and to help young people continue their lives in the right direction. also it is important to mention one more time that the help and the validating influence of guardians and parents is required. The Juvenile Probation program would not be so booming if parent and other adults close to the offenders do not want to put efforts on helping them. Summarizing the conditions of the success the Juvenile Probations success, we can mention that efforts of some(prenominal) young offenders and adults around them are required.Sometimes it is hard to believe that this or another young person is able to become a approximate citizen and even parent can lose the hope in their children. However, juvenile probation officers believe that they can do something for those youth. It means that the society also should believe in better and help the officers in their uneasy job and pay attention to the positive results of it.
Friday, March 29, 2019
River And Water Management Flood Control Environmental Sciences Essay
River And Water Management gorge Control Environmental Sciences EssayFloods be a major business organisation in many parts of the world due to the many losings experienced in time of gluts. Therefore, fill up forethought techniques argon rattling important in aras that atomic number 18 given to frequent flooding. Flood management techniques atomic number 18 social organisations designed with the aim of containing flood pee in request to control floodplains. The aim of flood control techniques entails estimating the directs of water that micturates floods and wherefore measuring the required tip that testament create a working flood defense. Flood defenses are strong barriers that prevent water from flooding floodplains (Woods Woods 2007, p.5).Floods generally sink when mensesing surface water spills over the restraining curses into dry land. Floods are a intrinsic hailrence in almost all river systems. Areas that are prone to flooding include those that a re located downstream of dams and low fictionalization areas. Flooding features vast losings which include human and animal life, dent wearing away, ill-uses of properties, destruction of vegetation and other environmental damages. Also, areas that are unnatural by floods could as salutary as be prone to droughts. This squeeze out even cause further loss of human and animal lives. Flood waters are usually polluted with harmful bacteria resulting from sewage. This means that people change by the floods are at greater risks of getting infective diseases (Proverbs, et al., 2011, p. 221).However, floods besides flummox positive alludes on ecosystems. One benefit from flooding includes much fresh water for domestic and irrigation usage. Other benefits include large deposits of minerals and nutrients into affect areas. Apart from these, floods also help to improve the condition of water ecosystems. However, they slew be considered to be the most damaging compared to volcan ic eruptions and earthquakes due to their frequencies. Therefore, morose measures must be in place to prevent the massive losses occurred during floods (Gruntfest Handmer, 2001, p.12).Methods utilise to control floodsTechniques that are apply in controlling floods submit the adaptation of the river environment and areas which are close to the river. Flood control techniques can be applied on the river telephone circuit, floodway or on the floodplain (Ghosh, 1997, p.55).Techniques applied in floodplainsFloodplains are areas that lie below the flood elevation and on the whole on the floodway and river transport. The majority of techniques applied on floodplains lie far from the river merely they are designed to reduce flood damage.Levee/Floodwall around structuresThis technique involves the verbalism of a levee/floodwall around structures that are located in floodplains. Levees can both be permanent or temporary. Construction of the levee usually requires the use of strong , sentimental or natural material that can endure drive from the floods (Hyndman Hyndman, 2010, p.356). The article of faith of using levees and other barriers is to raise the height of structures located in floodplains which floodwater must then(prenominal) climb in order cause flooding. These structures are thither to offer protection to structures. However, they put other structures at a high-pitched risk of flooding due to the then change magnitude water computer memory in the floodplains. Furthermore, serious damage to protected structures can then occur when the levees are unable to hold back floodwater. This is because the pressure that the floods hit the structure is extremely high compared to when there is no barrier (Green, 2004, p.36).The use of levees, dykes and floodwalls has a cast out impact on the natural river processes (Harmancioglu, 1994, p.42). Ideally, developed water spills should ground level a natural lend which provides a way for the floods to fl ow. Therefore, levees would reduce the index of the floodplains to process floodwaters. The inability of the floodwaters to flow freely indoors the floodplains would interfere with tip in their aquatic habitat. The river would res syndicate by creating other channels in order to admit excess water to flow. The developed channels crystalize the backwater as well as reduce habitat complications (Harmancioglu, 1994, p.43).Off-stream detention pondThe main aim of creating detention ponds in floodplains is to collect the floodwaters once the river has reached its level best capacity. Detention ponds are constructed away from the floodway but must be within the floodplain catchment. When directing water into the detention ponds it will have an impact on trim down the amount of water a river carries. This will have a negative impact on natural river processes due to the reduction of water flowing downstream. Reduced amount of downstream flow could then cause a reduction in depos ition transport, which may gallop to the rising of the ground level of the channel and deposition of fine sedimentations. In addition, allowing water to flow into a detention pond may cause more water to flow into the pond than expected. This may ask to an amplifyd development of river channels (Ali, 2002, p8.3).Detention ponds also create new surroundings for the breeding and maturing of tilt. However, the construction of detention channels must be finished with(p) in a way that creates a connection between the pond and the mainstream so that the rivers natural environment can be maintained. Severe damage to the environment can occur when the detention ponds break down lureership to flooding in the floodplains.Techniques applied on floodwayThe floodway is made of river bevels and the active channel. In general, the floodway counterfeits the part of land that is immediately next to the river. This piece of land allows flood waters to pass without raising the floods dep th upstream. One characteristic of floodways is the battlefront of small wedges, either due to cuts made by previous floods or natural levees due to deposits from previous floodwater (Mambretti, 2011, p.66).Reducing the believe slopeThis technique consists of cutting the riverbank backwards to produce a gentler slope (Masoudian, 2009, p.14). It may involve re industrial planting or resurfacing the bare bank using materials subsequentlywards. Reducing the bank slope will have an impact on the increasing flood transportation at the channel level due to the increased bank width. This usually happens because reducing the bank slope increases the surface area of the bank channel, which then increases the volume of bank flow. However, if slope reduction is done through planting vegetation, it is likely that the bank stability will be increased. This has an rig of creating a natural containment, which reduces the speeding of water. A reduction in the velocity of water then decreases the rates of soil and bank erosion. Vegetation on river banks may also trap sediments within flows, which may then forgo to a buildup of banks, increasing the effectiveness of banks in controlling floods (Masoudian, 2009, p.16).The fact that reducing the bank slopes then also reduces erosion along the river banks has a negative impact on natural river processes. Without erosion on the river banks there will be a reduced amount of sediments, a reduced level of wood debris and a reduced amount of channel migration. Therefore, the erosion occurring naturally along river banks is vital in maintaining an active balance within river systems. Aquatic habitats will also be affected reducing bank slopes has a negative impact of clearing areas where fish may hole up during the day in order to be safe from predators. Juvenile fish usually hide in undercut river banks making it an innate fortune of an aquatic habitat (Masoudian, 2009, p.17).Reinforcing riverbanksThis technique involves add ing supportive material to riverbanks in order to increase their stability and in resisting flood flows. The most commonly used reinforcement method involves planting natural vegetation as it acts as a stabilizer and increases the ability of riverbanks to control floods. Planting vegetation on riverbanks can be done through hydro seeding, which involves various methods to add a mixture of water, fertilizer and seeds into riverbanks. The planted seeds will then grow and form a vast network of blood systems. The root system helps in holding the soil together, which then strengthens the riverbanks. The other method used to pull in plant material on riverbanks is hand planting. In this technique, mature plants are inserted into riverbanks to continue with their harvest (Stokes, et al., 2007, p.50).Planting mature plants has the advantage of providing immediate protection against floods through flow reduction. The other method involves the use of plant mats, which are either natural o r synthetic materials implanted with plant seeds and fertilizers. The mats are then spread on the riverbanks, and then the watering process follows to allow the seeds to germinate and support the following growth. Apart from irrigating the plant mats, proceed instabilities in the river level can help in germination and supporting growth (Beek, et al., 2008, p.33).The main impact of introducing plants along river banks is the formation of strong riverbanks that can stretch forth pressure from flowing water. The other impact is the prevention of enhanced channel migration. Floods that may occur along banks with sufficient plant material may be less severe compared to those occurring in areas without plant stabilizers. The use of plant stabilizers provides a long-lasting solution to control of floods. This technique also offers an environmental friendly method of flood control, which is easy to maintain. Continued increases of vegetation along riverbanks increases channel roughness a nd reduces the water velocity. The use of plants also comes with the advantage of providing food for the aquatic life in the protected rivers. Fish may also find a natural habitat in the vast root system generated by plants (Beek, et al., 2008, p.34).GabionsGabions are constructed using wire mesh baskets that are filled with stones of two-six inches. Like plants, gabions are meant to strengthen river banks, which boosts the river banks ability to resist pressure from flowing water. However, for gabions to be effective plants should be added to them. Gabions also deteriorate in time, which means that replacements are required when they stop functioning properly. The use of gabions reduces the natural erosion that occurs along riverbanks. This then reduces the amount of sediments delivered to downstream habitats. In addition, flows that are deflected by the gabions may create new river channels (Mascarenhas, 2011, p.82).Gabions also lead to an increase in water velocity, which has th e disadvantage of reducing the amount of backwater that is essential for the survival of fish and other aquatic life. Well-designed gabions may serve as a reliable source for spawning gravel as well as habitats for aquatic life.Techniques applied along the river channelSediment trap/ mineThis technique involves excavating or dredging a depression on the riverbed. Construction of sediment traps requires the proper assessment of sediment load within a river in times of flooding. Maintenance of sediment traps require continued mining of sediments after every serious flood event. Sediment mining reduces the amount of sediment deposits in the river channel, which in turn increases the channel volume as well as the flood transportation. Removing sediments could only have a short boundary impact of improved flood transportation because of the continued deposition of sediments downstream. Therefore, continued removal of sediments is necessary to prevent incidences of flooding (Mascarenhas, 2011, p.105).Removal of sediments within the river channel affects natural river processes. One effect of sediment mining is the change of the channel morphology. Any changes in the channel morphology affect the way the water flow and the river bed interact with each other. Removing sediments from the river channel changes the channel gradient. These changes then have further impacts on the gradient both upstream and downstream. An increase in the gradient in one location of the river may lead to the formation of a v point or otherwise cognise as a nick point. This leads to increased erosion in the channel, which extends to a point where the gradient is stable or where there is bedrock resistant to erosion (Raudkivi, 1993, p.35).The removal of sediments affects aquatic habitats in several ways. When fine sediments are removed, there is a creation of a spawning habitat for a human body of fish species. On the other hand, removal of spawning gravel reduces the level of spawning ha bitats (Raudkivi, 1993, p.41). run realignmentThis technique of flood control involves the digging of new and deeper channels on the river bed but with a different position compared to the subsisting channels. When flow realignment is done to increase flood transportation, there is a reduction in frequency and severity of floods. Flow realignment creates different structures for the river flow. This interferes with natural river processes both upstream and downstream. The most significant impact of flow realignment is obviously on aquatic habitats. The use of heavy equipment to make flow realignments creates disturbances on the river bed this alters existing aquatic habitats. Therefore, usage of flow realignment techniques needs thorough assessment of effectiveness impacts on the aquatic ecosystem (Fleming, 2002, p.47).Word Count 2,108
Evaluation of Tourism Brochure for Portugal
Evaluation of phaetonry Brochure for PortugalThe National tourism Office for Portugal describes the field as one of the worlds oldest nations whose boundaries shit remained un variety showd since the thirteenth century. It encompasses the Azores and Madeira within its region and offers rapid access to anformer(a)(prenominal) countries in Europe as nearly as the American stainless and Africa. It has mild winters and agreeable summer generation. It has a population of over 10 million, with the highest demographic in Lisbon. It boasts strong and historical and cultural ties with the rest of the world. (Sourced from http//, Date accessed, 12/01/09)Located in South West Europe Portugal has been an economic and politic anyy sinewy landed estate and played a key role in early mari period exploration during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.It is clear that touring car pamphlets key objectives argon to sell a positive and assemblageing finis to mo veers what is non quite so app bent atomic number 18 the disguised messages that ar frequently conveyed by the expressive style in which certain pictures ar produced and by substance of cleverly composed coded textbook throughout.Two official cusps issued by the Lusitanian tourism Office result be analysed for their content within this paper. This pull up stakes roughlyly counsel on visual mental images as hygienic as some textual interpretation. One represents a traditional travel tract depicting the country generically, while the some other is their most up to date promotional campaign brochure which has only recently been launched.In Eric Laws Embracing and Managing Change in Tourism he talks active using content analysis to make replicable and valued inferences from data to their context. His model seeks to decode messages according to categories including location, activities, transport and travel parties etc whilst breaking bulge out the analysis in section s the front page, depictions and text. (Laws, 1998) It is this approach that will be utilize to this paper.Assessing first the more traditional brochure for the country, immediately the front dwell conveys a sense of isolation, with what appears to be a digitally enhanced image of a rock in the middle of the sea. Whether this is meant to represent Portugal is unclear and although a little uninspiring it will appeal to a certain fiber of audience that will want to discover more. This audience target becomes more apparent the further into the brochure you read. The first page into the literature provides a mixture of emotive, nationalistic and evocative images. A local Portuguese poet is quoted as a means of engaging the reader immediately with the prospect of a country which is inspired by the arts, as well as characterising it as a country non to be confused as a seaside resort, scarcely sooner for its lesser know rugged mountains and lakes which are illustrated romantically on the front cover. The accompanying text continues to relay all of the diverse things that Portugal has in terms of appealing to a broad audience. These allow nightclubs, hiking or deserted coves. However whilst it may seem to want to appeal to all battalion it is at the same time obviously difficult to attract the type of middle class, sensitive and emotional visitant who will be inspired by beauty and poetry. The sulfur page continues with this antecedent notwithstanding elaborates on the architecture, museums and heritage to be discovered. Now the reader begins to consider Portugal as more of an old world country, which of course is what it is and it is clear that the brochure wants to emphasise this age old association with Portugal, not so a lot the seaside resort, but more of a cultural absorbn. Once over over again this romantic element continues across the following pages where the quaint old images are elaborated further with the introduction of the idea of ro mance. Its as if the brochure has succeeded in coming across as a charming, welcoming country which is most suitable as a coating for lovers and couples to embrace. The reader is told that for the Portuguese romance is as important as the air they breath It charge goes so far as to say one-night stands are out which automatically assumes that the young, single man or woman perhaps coming to the country in a group of standardized young and single people would not feel comfortable or at ease. This is not the grocery store that they want to encourage. It is a clever message and not so much cryptic, more overt in its presence. Already there have been quadruplet images all of which contain no people in them. This is specially fire as it suggests the sender of the message is trying to convey Portugal as a form of tourism which suits escapism.Pictures of food and restaurants feature across the next deuce pages with a list of the ten things you should not leave Portugal before tastin g. Portugal thrives on its high-level services like drinking, eating and shopping and it seems uncharacteristic then(prenominal) that for a thirty six page brochure only roughly three or four pages have any images of food, bars or restaurants.Already this assumes in legion(predicate) ways that the country has defined its tourist and is utilising diverse methods of trying to attract them. In Finn et als Tourism and Leisure interrogation Methods Data Collection, Analysis, and Interpretation the authors write about a research consider which took place over three years on a remote Scottish Island with the intention of understanding better the alliance between islanders and tourists. Life on the island changed significantly over the summer months when visitors arrived and the study was able to determine that all visitors could be clearly categorized. The categories included day-trippers, summer residents, tourists, returning island-born visitors etc. (Finn et al, 2000) The tourist s were defined, known and responded to accordingly.Each country has an understanding of who their visitors are and will attempt to appeal to them as categories, such as those listed above. In order to do that they apply a number of techniques that will be designed to capture the imagination of any given category. This point brochure omits any indication of hedonism, instead it depicts couples walking or lone back-packers. on that point are no crowd scenes, no shots of happy groups of participatory people. The focus remains on large rural landscapes, with urban representations limited to the city architecture, rather than on night life history or entertainment. The word romance appears s flat times in the first four pages, which immediately indicates that the oweness is on this type of visitor a couple or perhaps two friends looking for meaty encounters rather than drink-fuelled, party antics. This isnt isolated to one section of the brochure either, it is prevalent throughout ev en in the pages selling Lisbon, Portugals audacious capital city. In fact the word Lisbon only features once in some contact details at the end of the literature. Portugals capital is referred throughout by its old traditional Portuguese name, Lisboa. This in itself suggests that the tourist office is appealing to more train and knowledgeable travelers who will know that Lisboa is Lisbon. Some readers may understandably pick up a brochure of Portugal looking for Lisbon, but it is clearly this type of electromotive force visitor that the country is not necessarily interested in appealing to here. Page 19 goes into tremendous detail about the historical undercoat of the region. For many standard holiday makers looking for a cheap and smiling(prenominal) get away this will automatically leave them cold and disinterested. The text reads like a detailed guide book in the bolt of Lonely Planet or Time Out.The Mosteiro dos Jernimos in the regulate of Belm is a hymn in stone to Por tugals maritime heritage, while the Torre de Belm is a potent symbolism of Portugals great ageof expansion. Even contemporary architecture takes on a maritime theme the amazing new Vasco da Gama noseband is in the shape of a giant sail.After the devastating temblor of 1755, Baixa Pombalina (the centre of Lisboa) was rebuilt in a classical style, but many of the twirl mediaeval bairros remain, crammed with fascinating shops, restaurants and cafs. At night they come into their own,offering e actuallything from African to Latin American music and of course thebluesy melancholy of fado.This is not the phraseology traditionally associated with grabbing the attention of hard marketing, fast promoting tourist attractions and once again only seeks to reiterate the type of audience they are trying to capture.The second brochure for analysis is very different in its approach. It has been designed in a deliberately stylized way to grab the attention of the effectiveness tourist. The rea der is informed immediately that this has been created specifically for Portugal by the world noteworthy photographer Nick Knight. A photographer who is British, which immediately eradicates any thoughts of nationalism or national pride which comes across so clearly in the opening pages of the other brochure. And on the cover the reader is presented with a juxtaposing photograph of the Portuguese football manager Jose Mourinho resting above the caption My country has 220 years of insolateshine every year. Jose Mourinho is the face of Portugal, literally. Not only that but the accompanying statement makes it personalized somehow, as if Mourinho was talking to the reader as a friend or overconfident. This is a very clever way of engaging readers. In addition it is almost as if the writers of the brochure have decided that they need to associate the country more with a well known image. It signifies pride whilst boasting that it is a country blessed with sun and celebrities. Natio nal celebrities as well as the ability to attract other celebrities such as Nick Knight. It is a very bold, confident style.The most noticeable next technique to be analysed is the selected font that the brochure is compose in. This looks like old computer style icons, which conjures up images of both the coming(prenominal) in terms of technology and of nostalgia for old fashioned computer text. As a consequence the reader becomes drawn in by a familiar yet inspirational attitude towards the literature being presented. Is this the way in which Portugal is trying to be imagined? As an inspiring, advancing-thinking country which is in any shield calm some how.As if carrying on with this theme the brochure then informs us that Portugal is essentially trying to re-define and re-brand itself, telling us on page 4, that its many and varied assets deserve to be promoted and exploited.with a proper show so that they can be seen, appreciated and valued as they are not enough at the mo ment. This self-depreciating and yet overly confident message will appeal to readers on a number of levels.The culture which the reader is communicated on page 6 is particularly raise. It seeks to plead with likely tourists on the basis of beginning to disassociate itself away from its old Mediterranean personal identity. Despite none of Portugals coast being on the Mediterranean Sea, it has often promoted itself as a Mediterranean area. For the first time in this brochure it is realigning itself with the Atlanticand our home. This signifies a complete change of image and identity for the country and one that it wants to relay to other potential visitors from around the world. After approximately seven extremely short paragraphs along this same theme and a biography of Nick Knight what emerges is a series of robust images, first of rugged seascapes and rough coastal scenes which shift feelings of drama, excitement and energy which is clearly what this new Portugal is attempting to portray. Probably the most violenceful messages are however the next set of portraits which illustrate well known Portuguese people including the architect Miguel Cancio Martins, the artist Joana Vasconcelos, the footballer Cristiano Ronaldo and of course Jose Mourinho. It is a brochure which is very stylised and reads more like a index point presentation than a piece of promotional tourist information. It is particularly visual and leaves behind any romantic, idealised, historical textual information so associated with the hard sell of old world countrys. alternatively it is making a very brave and bold move into re-branding itself as a country to be viewed as a modern contender even going to the extreme of repositioning itself geographically within the Atlantic Ocean, rather than the Mediterranean. Perhaps this has been done in a move towards getting people to start associating it with an entirely new type of holiday which does not necessarily reflect the beaches, clubs an d excitement connected to the Mediterranean, but more in line with the sophistication of the brochure discussed earlier. To be considered more like Mexico and Guyana rather than Cyprus and Greece the more popular and media driven destinations which are more and more given over to be associated with package tours, groups of young people and stag and hen parties. The other rationale for its provocative move qualification relate to the Middle einsteinium so firmly entrenched as it is in the Mediterranean, in particular Israel and Libya. Recent political unrest and continued problems in this area might have prompted Portugal to consider disassociating itself from its previous identity.In Pritchard and Morgans study, Evaluating spend destination brochure images the case of local authorities in Wales, they identified the power and influence of images appearing in brochures into six groups all of which assist with establishing identity scenery, activities, people, heritage, urban and r ural and iconic destinations. (Pritchard and Morgan, 1995). This contemporary brochure proves no different in many ways. It still succeeds in Portugal establishing itself as a vacation destination in that it projects large bold images of Portugals natural scenery, not its heritage, castles or monuments, but the wildlife that exists around its coast, the people of course are also iconic representations and exemplify the country as a modern forward thinking and inspirational place to go. No activities are demonstrated but the photographs of well known people listed by occupation craftily suggests that it is manageable to do anything in Portugal, whether that be a scientist, artists, architect or even an Olympic champion. Portugal has it all.The juxtaposition of both brochures traditional and contemporary have been interesting to analyse in relation to their differences as well as their very obvious similarities. From this angle it is determinable that messages may often be similar or indeed the same but that they can be delivered in very conflicting ways in the context of differing perspectives. Many of the messages relayed in both brochures advertising Portugal predominantly appeal to more broad minded, sophisticated audiences who appreciate and know a little more about life and the world around them. By doing so it sometimes actually serves to caution anything other than that type of tourist, which may on some levels seem risky, whilst on others is understandable if the country has faced economic, public or political issues due(p) to the nature of their tourism or media associated tourism.ReferencesFinn, M, Elliott-White, M, Walton, M (2000) Tourism and Leisure Research Methods Data Collection, Analysis, and Interpretation Pearson EducationLaws, E, Faulkner, W, Moscardo, G, Faulkner, B (1998) Embracing and Managing Change in Tourism International Case Studies RoutledgePritchard, A and Morgan, N. (1995) Evaluating destination brochure images the case of loca l authorities in Wales, Journal of Vacation Marketing, Vol 2, pp 23-38Ringer, G.D (1998) Destinations Cultural Landscapes of Tourism RoutledgeOfficial Portugal Tourism Office (Sourced from http//, Date accessed, 12/01/09)
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Comparing Kate Chopin’s The Storm and T. Coraghessan Boyle’s Greasy Lak
Comparing Kate Chopins The Storm and T. Coraghessan Boyles oleaginous Lake Kate Chopin and T. Coraghessan Boyle made excellent use of the elements pointedness of view, suit, and setting in their in brief stories The Storm and Greasy Lake. Kate Chopins characters and events follow the settingthe storm. This greatly enhances her work. Boyles characters mirror his setting as wella greasy lake. It is abominable how much greater depth and deeper the insight is for a invention when the potentials of elements of musical composition are fulfilled and utilized. Chopins The Storm is written in third-person objective point of view. The narrator is not involved with the characters in any way, entirely telling the story as it happened. The narrator is overly omniscient which makes the point of view a normal, usual telling of the story. Chopin uses this to emphasize the uniqueness of her setting. It is also interesting to know how characters feel that the re ader hasnt even been introduced to unless in the story. Clarisse, Alcee Laballieres wife was not even in the main(prenominal) events of the story and yet we know that their intimate conjugal life was something which she was more(prenominal) than willing to forego for a while (Chopin 116). Boyles short story Greasy Lake is written fro the point of view of the main character of the story. This is authorised because the reader needs to feel the fear and see the murkiness of the lake finished the eyes of a participant in the story. I suddenly mat a rush of joy and vindication the son of a call was alive Just as quickly, my bowels turned to ice (Boyle 133). Calixta is the main character in Chopins The Storm. Calixta is a fairly flat character who plays a static role in... ...X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. Literature An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama, 8th Ed., edited by Joseph Terry. revolutionary York Longman, 2002.Chopin, Kate. The Storm. Eds. X . J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. Literature An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama, 8th Ed., edited by Joseph Terry. new-made York Longman, Cutter, Martha J. The Search for a Feminine Voice in the Works of Kate Chopin. rambunctious Tongue Identity and Voice in American Womens Writing, 1850-1930, pp. 87-109. multiple sclerosis University Press of Mississippi, 1999.Hennessy, Denis. Dictionary of Literary Biography, Volume 218 American Short-Story Writers Since World struggle II, Second Series. A Bruccoli Clark Layman Book. Edited by Patrick Meanor, State University of New York at Oneonta, and Gwen Crane, State University of New York at Oneonta. Gale Group, 1999. pp. 70-77.
Lady Macbeth Responsible For Duncans Death Essay -- essays research pa
ohn Keating English Honors brothel keeper Macbeth Must Take aboutBlame for Her Husbands Destruction In Macbeth, a variationwritten by Shakespeare, Lady Macbeth is partially responsiblefor the wipeout of her husband. Lady Macbeth is not amonster without feelings, however she is tricky and cunningwhen she influences Macbeth to overcome Duncan. Lady Macbethsability to influence her husband leads the audience to cerebratethat she is the primary cause for the destruction of Macbeth.The audience is also led to bank that Lady Macbeth isresponsible because she makes up the details of the plan tokill Duncan, while Macbeth was considering not even goingthrough with the murder. Although Macbeth had the thought ofkilling Duncan, he would not have acted on that thoughtunless Lady Macbeth persuaded him. Lady Macbeth is cleverperson, able to manipulate her husband, and this ability tomanipulate Macbeth makes her partially responsible for thedestruction of Macbeth. Lady Macbeth knows that herhusband is too kind to kill Duncan without her help she fearsthy record / It is too full oth milk of human munificence / tocatch the nearest way (I.v.16-18). She is very much aware ofthe situation that she needs to push Macbeth to kill Duncan or elsehe will not do it. We see Macbeths hesitance to murder theking when he lists reasons not to kill Duncan in Act 1, whenhe says, Hes here in double trust / First, as I am hiskinsman and his subject, / Strong both against the deed then,as his host, /...
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Themes in Steinbecks Of Mice and Men :: essays research papers
Of Mice and Men set about Writing In this essay I will be discussing the impertinent Of Mice and Men and the importance of the American day- aspiration which is a main theme in the impertinent. I will also be mentioning some other themes which argon present such as l iodinliness, racism, ageism, hardship, knowledge and broken aspirations. The American dream states?All men are created equal, that they are rarityowed by their power with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, conversancy and the pursuit of happiness.?America is sibyllic to be a land strengthened on opportunity. It promised independence, land and a decent living throughout full work. It also meant in opening that anyone can become successful. It is a large(p) dream for the lucky fewer that succeed, Throughout this novel the theme of the American dream plays a study role. The characters Lennie and George?s dream is to buy their avouch ranc h together and be their own boss. Throughout the novel the dream is mentioned monotonously by Lennie and George and in short it becomes Candy?s dream, so it is really important throughout the novel because these characters rely on it and it is the only look forward to which they have left. The dream is very important because it is what some of the characters rely on and what keeps them going, just the thought that one day they may actually secure this dream and escape the bleakness and disappointment and peril which is their lives. The dream of the ranch keeps George and Lennie going through the oaf times and it infects others like Candy and Crooks nonetheless is just a plenty of words repeated over and over again. It starts off being verbalise rhythmically but by the end they?re spoken monotonously. When George last accepts that dreams don?t come true, the dream becomes a burden to him.? arrange about that place George?.Fragment (consider revising)?Go on- read again George? This is a sec of a comfort story for Lennie which you tell a child.Themes in Steinbecks Of Mice and Men essays research papersOf Mice and MenEssay Writing In this essay I will be discussing the novel Of Mice and Men and the importance of the American dream which is a main theme in the novel. I will also be mentioning some other themes which are present such as loneliness, racism, ageism, hardship, friendship and broken dreams. The American dream states?All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.?America is supposed to be a land built on opportunity. It promised independence, land and a decent living throughout honest work. It also meant in theory that anyone can become successful. It is a great dream for the lucky few that succeed, Throughout this novel the theme of the American dream plays a major role. The characters Lennie and George?s dream is to buy their own ranch together and be their own boss. Throughout the novel the dream is mentioned monotonously by Lennie and George and soon it becomes Candy?s dream, so it is very important throughout the novel because these characters rely on it and it is the only hope which they have left. The dream is very important because it is what some of the characters rely on and what keeps them going, just the thought that one day they may actually achieve this dream and escape the loneliness and disappointment and peril which is their lives. The dream of the ranch keeps George and Lennie going through the tough times and it infects others like Candy and Crooks yet is just a bunch of words repeated over and over again. It starts off being said rhythmically but by the end they?re spoken monotonously. When George finally accepts that dreams don?t come true, the dream becomes a burden to him. ?Tell about that place George?.Fragment (consider revising)?Go on-tell again George? This is a bit of a comfort story for Lennie which you tell a child.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
The Complementarity of Scientific and Religious Modes of Understanding
Scientific and religious approaches to comprehending reality argon deeply complementary. I do non use the word deeply for emphasis all the qualities that science and religion hold in common ar anything unless obvious. Viewed on the surface, science and religion often appear to be at odds. Details and dogmas frequently conflict, and misperceptions originating on either side can require to rejection of the unfamiliar system. At the lofty level of philosophical abstr bodily process, a squ are(p) reconciliation of science and religion will likely al right smarts run elusive. At the level of personal experience, however, incorporating scientific and religious modes of taking into custody is not only possible, it is profoundly enriching. The impulses, methods, and themes that define twain science and religion are strikingly similar. Curiosity and an insatiable desire to make sense of the cosmos are qualities that are innate to human life unsurprisingly, these impulses are the tea raway(a) force behind both scientific and religious explorations. The means that accelerate such explorations are fundamentally alike as well both science and religion are system-driven, with an emphasis on unflagging action in the pursuit of greater understanding. Finally, both scientific and religious modes of understanding inexorably return to a common set of recurrent themes, accent the creativity, dynamism, and unity of the world we perceive.Curiosity is instinctive in humans. We are innate(p) knowing nothing but impatient to know all where did we write out from? Why are we here? How are we to live? Such questions give more than a simple probing for objective facts they are attempts to elicit meaning and order from the observed world. Responses to these questions often take t... ...we live in.Isaiah 40 3-8The voice of one crying in the wildernessPrepare the way of the LordMake straight in the desertA lane for our God. Every valley shall be exaltedAnd every mountain and cumulation brought lowThe crooked places shall be made straightAnd the rough places even-temperedThe glory of the Lord shall be revealed,And all flesh shall see it in concertFor the mouth of the Lord has spoken.The voice said, Cry outAnd he said, What shall I cry?All flesh is grass,And all its loveliness is like the vertex of the field.The grass withers, the flower fades,Because the breath of the Lord blows upon itSurely the people are grass.The grass withers, the flower fades,Because the breath of the Lord blows upon it,Surely the people are grass.The grass withers, the flower faces,But the word of our God stands forever.
Philosophy of Education :: Philosophy of Teaching Teachers Essays
Philosophy of Education In todays society a good, well rounded education is what every child needs to succeed. The classroom environs, the curriculum, and the way the classroom is managed are all grave factors that contribute to the character of education that a child receives.I believe that the learning environment is very important to a childs desire to learn. standardised Rousseau, I think that education should take place in a rural setting when possible. Ideally the classes would be small, consisting of fifteen to twenty learners. This allows for a more than intimate relationship between the student and the teacher. By this I mean there is more time for individualized instruction. I to a fault sapidity that the school environment should be open and bright. When I go to high school there were no windows in the building. This made me aroma imprisoned and uncomfortable.A nonher important factor is the curriculum that is taught. Like the essentialists, I believe that litera ture, history, foreign language, religion, math, and science are all very important. I also agree with reconstructionists, requiring current events and government. It is very important to know and see to it what is happening in the world and in our own state.When it comes to vocational provision I have a humanistic point of view. A student have somewhat of an idea about what they want to do in life. If these children do not plan to attend college, they should be allowed to enroll in a vocational training field of their choice.Another subject that is not mentioned but one that I feel to be very important is drug education. I feel that our educational system does not eliminate enough time covering drugs and how dangerous they can be. One chapter in a health book is not enough. I feel it should be taught in depth for at least a semester. In this country there is a constantly growing drug problem. If children could learn more about the effects of drugs, maybe it could help them to m ake better decisions concerning drugs. schoolroom management is another key factor to a childs education. I believe in a structured classroom environment. umpteen states are now setting standards that the students and schools must meet. Therefore I feel that a good mix of direct instruction and hands-on type of activities are best for this situation. I also feel students should be held accountable for their actions in the classroom rewarded for exceptional behavior and punished for
Monday, March 25, 2019
Gandhi Was One of the Greatest Men to Ever Live Essay -- Indian, Revol
I am going to try to answer an raise question as to who is the greatest humans in the world today. In seeking an answer to this inquiry, I predict that people would first instinctively go back to the days of the great wars in history, and go foreveryplace the names of the men who held positions of vast responsibility and power in that dumfounding conflicts, people who succeed in front of their task and, thus, were considered heroes. However, I reverse away from the storm of wars, and from the men who rode that storm to power and place and I look further for that man who impresses me as the greatest man who lived in the world. A man, who people can surely call the greatest, should be a universal man a man who combines in accurate residue the supreme qualities of an idealist and a realist, a dreamer and a doer. The man who satisfies those qualities, I believe is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the Indian leader, of the great revolutionary movement against British rule in India. He is better known as Mahatma, called by his own countrymen first, meaning the Saint. Gandhi was born on second October, 1869 in India, of a rich, clever and cultivated family. He was re ard as the sons of such families are always reared, possessed of everything that money could buy (Gandhi A Biography). On phratry 29, 1888 he went to England to study law at University College London. He took his degree in regular course, returned to India, but failed to become a successful lawyer in Bombay and Rajkot. At the same time, he already found that religion was access to have a dominant place within his life. Even forrader his journey to England, he had taken the vow to abstain from wine, flesh, and sexual intercourse, and on his return to India, his asceticism in... ...crowds of people were gathering in order to seek his words. He seems to be was a person whom the Indians saw in him, perfect and universal man. He had a simple, altruistically and uncorrupted personality. In his politica l duties he was a firm realist, consistently working towards a last of liberation while on the other hand, he was an idealist, living ever in the pure happiness of the spirit. Works CitedGandhi A Biography. Kamats Potpourri. 4 Jan. 2011. Navajivan Trust. 13 Feb. 2011. . Holmes, John Haynes. Mahatma Gandhi an American Portrait. Harvard Square Library. 2006. Harvard University. 12 Feb. 2011. . Moncur, Michael. Mahatma Ghandi Quotations. The Quotations Page. 1994. 12 Feb. 2011. .
Women Travel Writers :: Gender Femininity Literature Essays
Women Travel Writers After my own presentation, I wanted to dig a little deeper and see how women travel writers were representing reputation in the 18th century. I wondered if the womens descriptions differed far from the men that I analyze in my presentation. I want to focus on Dorothy Wordsworth (Williams sister), Ann Radcliffe and Helen Maria Williams. Im leftover to know if they were guilty of over-representing women in landscape and nature scenes. At the truly end, Ill put in my two cents about the gendering of disposition. First of all, Dorothy Wordsworth traveled with her chum a lot in the early 1800s during this time she kept a journal and wrote, in rich details, about the landscape. Although she wrote predominately with a picturesque tone, she make an effort to pay attention to the sharp, jarring contrasts in nature, like crags, petulant edges, and precipices. William Snyders essay Mother temperaments Other Natures Landscape in Womens Writing, 1770-1830 suggests that it was Dorothys intention to practise the paradoxes in nature to focus on Natures contrast. Snyders source for his theory comes from his underweight readings of Dorothys journals he explains that her language and vocabulary are picturesque, but that she presents Nature in need of disquiet (146). Snyder infers that for Dorothy, maternal care flows out from the human heart, non to it from above or beyond (146). Snyder comments that Dorothy made a point of bring out the irregularities in nature and draws her inspiration on the irony of ordered chaos. Snyder concludes that Dorothy likens Nature to a dress-maker, the female as pattern-maker (148). He suggests that she places emphasis on what the hands, non the breasts, do (148). Snyder also points out that Dorothy usually referred to Nature with the impersonal pronoun it, and non with she or her (147) Snyder believes that Dorothy deliberately overlooks possibilities for maternal symbolism or personification (147). Dorothy does not view maternality with fertility and bounty, but with protection and intimacy (148). However, she does use the maidenly pronoun in some of her works, but Snyder explains that she, the metaphoric woman, is a craftsperson, not a mother (147). Unfortunately Snyders argument does not convince me how can Nature be a pattern-maker while being in need of care? I think the image of pattern-maker indicates originality and creativity, Nature as innovative and refreshing, not Nature in need of help, as Snyder indicates early in his argument.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Analytical Evaluation of Freud Essay -- essays research papers
Based on the past education and the information I acquired during the duration of this course I chose to do my evaluation on Erik Erikson using the classical psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud and Carl Rogers using the non-Freudian / interpersonal approach from Adler and Jung. Since thither is no way to tell if either theory is redress or wrong it is imperative that we discover our avow theory among the popular ones and hail our own method of practice based on our current knowledge. This is through by comparing and evaluating each psychologist and their own theories to derive a parking lot ground among each of them. In response to Erik Erikson and his approach on ego psychology he was an insecure child growing up who had problems with identity amazement. According to Freud and the classical psychoanalysis, this could possibly be a reflection of his Oedipus mingled in where he enkindle non find out with his father nor stern he get close to his mforme r(a). Since he is dealing with his own confusion of his own identity he can no longer look at flavours of closeness with either pargonnt causing him to feel tatterdemalion. His father abandoned him at an early age and so he never had that feeling of closeness with his father. Being as though he did not convey that male role during his growing up he can not feel that sense of love coming from either p atomic number 18nt which caused him to father up with the ego identity model in his own practices. Freud didnt hardly invent the idea of the cognizant versus unconscious mind, but he for sure was responsible for making it popular. The conscious mind is what you are aware of at any particular second gear, your present perceptions, memories, thoughts, fantasies, feelings, what sport you. Working closely with the conscious mind is what Freud called the preconscious, what we might today call "available memory" anything that can easily be made consc ious, the memories you are not at the moment thinking about but can readily bring to mind. instanter no-one has a problem with these two layers of mind. But Freud suggested that these are the smallest split Freud created a sense of super ego where you internalize the parental standards, ideas, and prohibitions. Since Erikson had no parents to identify with his sense of standards were nonexistent. He had a feeling of lower rank in rel... ...p Obviously, everyone suffers from inferiority in one form or another. For example, Adler began his theoretical work considering organ inferiority, that is, the fact that each of us has weaker, as well as stronger, parts of our anatomy or physiology. many of us are born with means murmurs, or develop heart problems early in life near have weak lungs, or kidneys, or early liver problems Some of us stutter or lisp Some have diabetes, or asthma, or polio Some have weak eyes, or low hearing, or a poor muscula ture Some of us have innate tendencies to being heavy, others to being skinny Some of us are retarded, some of us are deformed Some of us are terribly tall or terribly short And so on and so on. Both Erikson and Rogers possessed different qualities that can be attributed to other psychologists to evaluate themselves and their performance in the world of psychology. Each different theoretician created a different contribution to psychology and neither one is right or wrong. It is up to each individual person to create their own image of what is right or wrong and what they want to teach in their lives and use in their every day life.
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