Thursday, September 3, 2020
On chevron article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
On chevron article - Essay Example Trust prompts partners responsibility C. Duties builds partners endeavors and D. Expanded partners exertion increments corporate achievement. As such, Hosmers hypothesis puts together its contentions with respect to the way that ethical practices makes a business sound. Hosmer's content, in contrast with Kant, has all the earmarks of being an administrative content that utilizes morals on the side of the board, in this way comprising 'information in the administration of intensity', for example philosophy. Be that as it may, morals isn't belief system. Moral way of thinking was created in Greek relic by extraordinary and eminent scholars, for example, Plato and Aristotle. The keep up that morals would; for instance, request that supervisors, IR specialists, and exchange unionists be straightforward, useful, agreeable, genuine, open, big-hearted, and unassuming. However, Hosmer keeps away from such a pertinent rundown in his hypothesis. (185) 2. Another test for the board and its ideo logical outgrowth of managerialism- - originates from utilitarianism hypothesis as examined by (Johnson, Hosmer, Pogge and Horton). Utilitarian morals is coordinated towards making the best useful for the best number of individuals. Worker's guilds (Johnson) and numerous worldwide associations (Pogge/Horton) progress in the direction of this objective. The executives as per (Hosmer 2008), in any case, has different objectives and plans which is basically to the make benefit. This sole reason as an end in itself, precludes this hypothesis as being morally legitimate. (p14) and (P4) and (p1-14). 3.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Effective Managing Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Successful Managing Systems - Essay Example Accordingly, when the exercises are set to be done, the circumstance is essentially constrained by the individuals who comprehend what is happening. Different officials become forgotten about noticeable all around and the circumstance gets intense for them as they go about just as they recognize what's going on when really they don't. The strain between the officials themselves loosens up to the individuals from the association pulling down the solidarity of each group and cuts down their exercises to almost zero results. The emblematic edge underlines the idea of culture as a focal job in authority. Pioneers should realize they should work at the same time on staff needs and aptitudes, on objectives and jobs and the elements of political force and struggle. In any case, there is something that works past all these, an immaterial sign that mirrors the ethos or atmosphere of the college. In Bolman and Deal's (2003) terms, what is most significant isn't what occurs however what it implies. In SCG and BSA's case, this edge is depicted by the relational relationship that the officials have towards different individuals and towards themselves also. This specific popularity of initiative helps the pioneers recompose themselves for the entire association's advantage. The truth of the matter is this is the least demanding issue that should be managed in Bryant University. In the mean time, the basic casing underlines the significance of formal jobs and connections. Structures-regularly delineated by methods for hierarchical outlines are made to fit an association's domain and innovation (Bolman and Deal). The emphasis is on hierarchical bearing and objectives, jobs, approaches, methods and co-appointment and arranging. The basic procedures in the school give the medium by which explanation of course, jobs and documentation of arrangements and methods can be conveyed and embraced and, subsequently, is a methods by which the vision of the association is tried. In the Senior Class Gift Case, the basic structures for authoritative arranging are made to show the course, jobs, approaches and systems. The SCG is facilitated and efficiently oversaw through a procedure of cooperation, wherein objective setting, strategy making, arranging, planning, executing and assessing are incorporated. Be that as it may, the outcome appeared to prompt unsystematic, divided procedures which have caused dissatisfaction and incapability when managing different associations in Bryant. To have the option to see intently on the issue's answer, this case examination paper will utilize the HR Frames and The Political Frame to have the option to perceive what different reasons are there for the disappointments of the two significant associations being talked about. The treatment to the issue will be founded on Bolman and Deal's (2003) Reorganization of key ideas encapsulated in administration hypothesis into the various classes of auxiliary game plans of associations. In reality, it is accepted by the creator of this paper one of the key answers for this specific issue is to analyze the abilities of the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Dad’s Guide to Bonding with a Breastfeeding Baby Essay -- parenting,
For me, turning into a father just because was an astounding encounter. Nine months of arranging, tension, and fervor arrived at its peak during work and conveyance. The following thing I knew, I was holding a lovely, smaller than usual person I made. As I was staying there, high on parental elation, I felt like there’s nothing on the planet that could demolish such an ideal moment†¦ until the second was immediately broken by the baby’s puncturing hunger cry. In the event that an infant is breastfeeding, it will likely be mother - not father - who will dives in to make all the difference. As another dad, you may battle to discover your place in the life of your infant if your child is breastfeeding only. A lot of a newborn child's time is devoted to dozing and eating.[1] For a breastfeeding infant, the mother is the essential wellspring of sustenance. This can be a baffling and segregating experience for fathers. It can in some cases lead to the discernment that parenthood doesn't assume a key job during the beginning times of advancement - an observation which couldn’t be farther from reality. There are various ways that men can make one of a kind and important associations with their infants. Making a Routine Did you realize that schedules - particularly sleep time schedules - can help your baby?[2][3] There are a numerous features of day by day care which fathers can use to make open doors for holding. Offer mother a reprieve and build up a couple of things you can do with your child consistently. A few thoughts: washing dressing diaper changes While you are doing these things, you can likewise talk and sing to your infant. Your kid will start to connect these exercises with you. Thus, you will be recognized as somebody who they can look to for care and it will extend your association with your ... ...cialists of Indiana - ITSI Research Briefs: Effects of shared parent-newborn child book perusing on early language obtaining, 2007 6. Skin to Skin Contact is otherwise called SCC. 7. Strong Memorial Hospital: The Comfort of Contact, 2014 8. OB.Gyn.News: Early skin-to-skin contact advances breastfeeding, benefits infant, 2013 9. Skin-to-healthy skin with the dad after cesarean birth and its impact on infant crying and prefeeding conduct., 2014 10. Fathers can adequately accomplish heat protection in solid babies., 1996 11. The International Childbirth Education Association (ICEA): ICEA Position Paper Skin-to-Skin Contact, 2014 12. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke: NINDS Shaken Baby Syndrome Information Page, 2014 13. Habitats for Disease Control: Fathers’ Involvement With Their Children: United States, 2006â€2010, 2013
The American people in the US-Led Afghanistan and Iraq War Essay
The American individuals in the US-Led Afghanistan and Iraq War - Essay Example in Smith 125). More than its military may, the genuine intensity of the US lies in its high good ground in protecting common freedoms and the standard of law at home and abroad. With this predictable acting, the US government gets high help from the American open and the global network, establishing its appearance of strength and causing its residents to feel secure against any outer danger. In any case, this since quite a while ago held conviction was disintegrated when Osama Bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda phenomenally assaulted the images of US power in New York City, Washington D.C. furthermore, Shanksville, Pennsylvania on September 11, 2001. This stunned the world and exacted hurt against the US a long ways past its number of setbacks and decimated properties, as it had made profound dread of weakness among Americans, uncovering the defenselessness of the world’s super force. In response, the Bush organization quickly propelled its universal war against fear not just to eras e psychological oppression yet above all to placate and bring back the fantasy of US strength to the American open that for a long time had caused them to feel secure and unrivaled. Shockingly, the outcome had been the inverse. In its war against dread, the US has accidentally peeled off itself of its genuine domineering thought processes and uncovered its all out negligence to common freedoms, definitely turning around the American open and worldwide help into judgment. Bush’s full military hostile against psychological warfare had been a backfire, against his organization as well as against America. II War Justification and Motives The 9/11terrorist assault on the US soil served the Bush organization in two significant manners that would later expose the US government to its own kin and to the world. To start with, it filled in as notice that the American open is not, at this point safe in their own property, which made in them profound dread of uncertainty to the point of neurosis. This required an audit on US international strategy honing the view that US authority may have been making and fuelling hostile to US slants giving psychological militants motivation to assault America †a view that in spite of the fact that not new was not really thought about previously, considerably more by the American open. Second, this had become a chance to send America to war, as the delicate condition of the American open was deliberately controlled to helpfully legitimize a war that Bush and his cowhands discovered unequivocal in guaranteeing the key situating and in forcing the US domineering enthusiasm for the Middle East. At no other time had there been an assault endeavored against the US on its own dirt that was as intense and advanced as the shelling of the World Trade Center and Pentagon. This didn't just stun the world yet had made in the American open the profound dread of instability, seeing that global fear based oppression had developed into a str ong foe fit for hurting even the most considerable country on the planet. Which means, nothing is apparently protected against global psychological oppression and that America was not, at this point a sheltered spot to live in. This idea sent a chilling impact on Americans, particularly those living advantageously in their homes. Helpfully, as well, the Al-Qaeda had been so effortlessly changed into another adversary of the world supplanting the fallen socialist Soviet Union. Accordingly the neo-moderates in the Bush organization had made a persuading fantasy to push for their since a long time ago wanted war in the Middle East absent a lot of restriction. (Shah 6) The size of the loss and the advancement of the strategy utilized by Al-Qaeda in 9/11 assault had truly shaken not just
Friday, August 21, 2020
A Comparison of Camaraderie in Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men Essa
Fellowship in The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men   â â The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men, two books distributed simultaneously by John Steinbeck, both delineate fellowship between dust bowl transients. The primary characters in Of Mice and Men, George and Lennie, structure a bond, while battling to arrive at their objective, a little ranch. So also, Jim Casy of The Grapes of Wrath becomes friends with Tom Joad, a fellowship in the long run inspiring the entire vagrant network. Apparently, the two connections may appear to resemble one another. In all actuality, these coalitions vary extraordinarily. Subsequently, in Of Mice and Men, fellowship prompts devastation, in The Grapes of Wrath, salvation. Unmistakably differentiating George and Lennie's relationship in Of Mice and Men to Tom and Jim Casy's in The Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck obviously shows that kinship chooses a person's destiny.  To start, George and Lennie collaborate uniquely in contrast to Tom and Casy; the previous offer an ace slave relationship, while the last mentioned, an increasingly equivalent relationship. For example, George orders Lennie to â€Å"say nothing†(6), after arriving at the farm where they will work, expecting that if â€Å"[the boss] discovers what an insane knave [Lennie is], [they] won't get no job†(6). Lennie complies. Later on, when Lennie guiltlessly calls Curley's significant other, the coy little girl in-law of the farm proprietor, â€Å"purty†(32), George furiously scolds Lennie to not â€Å"even take a gander at that bitch†(32), indeed exhibiting an ace slave relationship. Interestingly, Tom and Casy, take part in an equivalent relationship; truth be told, Tom genuinely tells Casy, a one-time minister, presently scholar, his assessment of Casy's way of thinking, all through The Grapes of Wrath. For instance, when Casy discloses to Tom his thought t hat ... in Tom and Lennie, separately. In any case, Tom changes from a libertine individual to a saint for the â€Å"Okie†(280) people groups; contrastingly, George influences an antagonistic change is Lennie. Lennie, who has some level of unrestrained choice at first, turns out to be totally reliant upon George. In the two cases, the familiar proverb, â€Å"Beware of the organization you keep†remains constant, for the organization the characters keep in the long run changes them to improve things or for the more terrible.  Works Cited Owens, Louis. Of Mice and Men: The Dream of Commitment. Modern Critical Views on John Steinbeck. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. 145 - 149. Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men. New York: Penguin Group, 1993. Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath. New York: Penguin, 1992. DeMott, Robert. Presentation. The Grapes of Wrath. New York: Penguin, 1992: vii-xliv.  A Comparison of Camaraderie in Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men Essa Brotherhood in The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men   â â The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men, two books distributed simultaneously by John Steinbeck, both portray fellowship between dust bowl vagrants. The fundamental characters in Of Mice and Men, George and Lennie, structure a security, while battling to arrive at their objective, a little homestead. So also, Jim Casy of The Grapes of Wrath becomes a close acquaintence with Tom Joad, a fellowship in the end elevating the entire transient network. Apparently, the two connections may appear to resemble one another. As a general rule, these collusions contrast incredibly. Thusly, in Of Mice and Men, fellowship prompts obliteration, in The Grapes of Wrath, salvation. Unmistakably differentiating George and Lennie's relationship in Of Mice and Men to Tom and Jim Casy's in The Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck irrefutably shows that fellowship chooses a person's destiny.  To start, George and Lennie cooperate uniquely in contrast to Tom and Casy; the previous offer an ace slave relationship, while the last mentioned, a progressively equivalent relationship. For example, George orders Lennie to â€Å"say nothing†(6), after arriving at the farm where they will work, expecting that if â€Å"[the boss] discovers what an insane charlatan [Lennie is], [they] won't get no job†(6). Lennie complies. Later on, when Lennie honestly calls Curley's better half, the coquettish little girl in-law of the farm proprietor, â€Å"purty†(32), George savagely reprimands Lennie to not â€Å"even take a gander at that bitch†(32), by and by showing an ace slave relationship. Conversely, Tom and Casy, take part in an equivalent relationship; indeed, Tom truly tells Casy, a one-time evangelist, presently logician, his assessment of Casy's way of thinking, all through The Grapes of Wrath. For instance, when Casy discloses to Tom his thought that ... in Tom and Lennie, separately. Be that as it may, Tom changes from a decadent individual to a saint for the â€Å"Okie†(280) people groups; contrastingly, George influences an antagonistic change is Lennie. Lennie, who has some level of unrestrained choice at first, turns out to be totally reliant upon George. In the two cases, the familiar proverb, â€Å"Beware of the organization you keep†remains constant, for the organization the characters keep in the long run changes them to improve things or for the more awful.  Works Cited Owens, Louis. Of Mice and Men: The Dream of Commitment. Modern Critical Views on John Steinbeck. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. 145 - 149. Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men. New York: Penguin Group, 1993. Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath. New York: Penguin, 1992. DeMott, Robert. Presentation. The Grapes of Wrath. New York: Penguin, 1992: vii-xliv. Â
Knowledge & the Flow of Information Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Information and the Flow of Information - Case Study Example The absolute previously given option is the best. This is on the grounds that it will introduce perceivability of the procedures inside the middle. Unmistakably with the utilization of this strategy key exercises and subâ -forms that can devour a great deal of time, and create numerous wasteful aspects, will be uncovered, in this manner empowering critical thinking and improvement of the flexibly chain (Drucker, 2005). Following the means are given over, the methodology ought to be executed. Utilization of arrangements ought to be done energetically, going for simple ones that convey early outcomes. This is so as to give everybody certainty that what is being done is correct. Considerably in the wake of actualizing this strategy, there is additionally need to mind the degree of innovation. Establishing on the data given after the contextual analysis, the middle needs to utilize an increasingly powerful and effective method of correspondence. Web ought to be applied. Utilization of fax is much far more slow contrasted with utilization of the web (Mehra, 2006). An audit of changes ought to be done to check whether the progressions have made you increasingly responsive. It is hopeful that with the utilization of the main strategy, the progressions will give an answer for the issue. In the event that effective, at that point another objective ought to be worked for more achievement (Lai and Cheng, 2009).â
Thursday, June 11, 2020
The Relationship of Blanche and Stella To the Dramatic Effect of A Streetcar Named Desire - Literature Essay Samples
Since the focal theme of â€Å"A Streetcar Named Desire†is that of integration and adaptation, the relationship between Blanche and Stella is important and its function evident: Williams establishes a contrast between them. For example, when Stella says, in Scene One, that ‘the best I could do was make my own living, Blanche’, Williams invites his audience to interpret the social transformation which Stella has undergone. This very base image of having to earn a living contrasts significantly with the image of ‘columns’, which Stanley introduces in Scene Eight. Stella has been forced to adapt her lifestyle in order to integrate in this modern, male-dominated society. Blanche, on the other hand, is self-immersed in a world of fantasy – or ‘make-believe’ as she suggests herself in Scene Seven – where she clings on to her past of wealth and comfort. Consequently, Blanche cannot integrate: she does not understand this society, in which she cannot fit, for she is ‘incongruous’, an adjectival choice by Williams which enhances this sense of disconnection from the brutal real world. Slight tension is visible in the relationship because of this contrast, for example in Scene Four, where Blanche appeals to her sister that she must have ‘sufficient memory’ of their dreamy (‘Reve’) past in order to find ‘these poker players impossible to live with’. The adjective ‘impossible’ is forceful here, and enhances this sense of incongruity which characterises Blanche; her sister does indeed remember her past, and demonstrates a slight flicker of hope to return to it when she says that waiting on Blanche feels ‘more like home’. However, she has moved-on from it in order to become a working member of her new community. This conflict of ideals creates dramatic tension and irony almost, since the audience knows well that Blanche cannot and never w ill be a welcomed, and understood, figure in society. Nonetheless, Stella has a privileged access to her sister’s personal heritage: she can sympathise with Blanche’s past and thus makes allowances for her, as she encourages Stanley to do, also. This is important in dramatic terms as Williams encourages his audience to take comfort in this sympathetic relationship, which is tested and shattered by the end of the play. For example, in response to Stanley’s revelation of Blanche’s somewhat shameful past, Stella is quick to defend her. Blanche, Stella argues, ‘had an experience that – killed her illusions’. The violent verb ‘killed’ is suggestive of the devastating ordeal which Blanche went through and therefore conveys Stella’s knowledge of it. Her affection for Blanche is also communicated through her reaction to the birthday party, to which Mitch does not come. Stella describes how upsetting she found ‘looking at the girl’s face and the empty chair’. The noun ‘girl’ serves as a reminder of Blanche’s child-like innocence, but also suggests a motherly understanding and connection. However, Williams sets-up room for Stella’s betrayal, when she says to Stanley, ‘there are things about my sister I don’t approve of’. The verb ‘approve’ sounds vague and ambiguous, suggesting an uncertain, almost unstable, quality to their relationship. The dramatic effect of this is that Stella is presented as a character who does not always understand or sympathise with Blanche. This, if the ending of this play can be seen as tragic, renders Stella’s choice to side with Stanley over Blanche regarding the rape more predictable and, in a sense, more shocking for the audience. Williams presents Stella as a platform on which the conflict between Blanche and Stanley takes place. This is effective dramatically because Stella appears not only as a character in the narrative of the play, but also as a symbol of tension and fighting: As Blanche and Stanley’s battleground of sorts, Stella becomes the person on whom they both rely and depend. For example, Stanley’s expression in Scene One, ‘not in my territory’, suggests that Stella is currently in his possession, as though she were the prize of the competitive power-struggle between him and Blanche. This assertion on Stanley’s part poses an initial threat to the relationship between Stella and Blanche, since Stanley phrases it in such a way that intimidates Blanche. He forces her to feel that her sister is, in fact, not so much her sister as Stanley’s wife, to the whole arrangement of which Blanche is quite unaccustomed, thus highlighting her isolation. Later on, Williams shifts the balance of power: in Scene Three, the stage direction ‘Blanche guides her’ suggests that Blanche is now winning the figurative competi tion against Stanley. The verb ‘guides’ connotes kindness and sisterly support; the visual image on-stage, presumably with Blanche wrapping her arms around Stella, would depict closeness and human intimacy, which contrasts with the image of the much more bestial nature of Stanley’s relationship with Stella, vivified theatrically by their coming together ‘with low, animal moans’. The end of the play leaves the outcome of this power-struggle questionable, with Stella holding her ‘sobbingly†¦crying now that her sister is gone’. She appears to finally show remorse for her act of betrayal against Blanche, and so the fact that she is crying places her figuratively back in Blanche’s possession. However, the play ends ironically with Stanley embracing her again, murmuring ‘now love’, where ‘love’ sounds possessive and territorial, as well as comforting. This is effective dramatically because any impact which Blanche has had on their relationship seems to have disappeared and this modern society which Blanche has temporarily invaded returns to its dysfunctional state.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Organization Of Shine And Its History And About Public...
Gwen R. Manzo 701 Assessment 1 Government Role Analysis Governance Role Analysis INTRODUCTION In this paper I will talking about the organization of Shine and its history and about Public Health Association in New Zealand and also how they work as an organization here in New Zealand. It is important because they both working in different ways like for Shine they help thousands of adult and child victims of abuse, family violence and any kind of domestic abuse and they also have training for professional to effectively intervene and give support to those victims of abuse while on the other hand is the Public Health Association which is a voluntary association that take the responsibility of promoting public health and regulate public policy. I will also discuss the 3 component responsibility in the areas of governance roles in health organizations. According to Chester Bernard an organization is a system of consciously coordinated activities or efforts of two or more persons. It implies a formal planning, division and leadership. BODY Shine was established in 1990 and was known to be New Zealand’s huge domestic abuse charity certified by the Charities Commission. They provide a range of effective and practical innovative services to achieve their mission in stopping domestic violence in New Zealand. They help thousands of adult and child victims of violence every year to turn out into a safe and stay safety through their frontline services. Shine works in partnership withShow MoreRelated Why Do Labor Unions Matter? Essay1600 Words  | 7 Pagesworkplace objectives. The rise of the union came about after the Civil War- responding to the industrial economy. Surprisingly at the least unions became popular within the 1930-50’s and began to slowly decrease, starting in the 1960’s on to today. Although, the popularity of labor unions has decreased, its importance remains to be evident with politics, journalism, auto, and the public education industries. 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Sunday, May 17, 2020
Bullying Definition, Risk Factors, And Impacts - 1314 Words
Bullying in Schools: Definition, Risk Factors, Impacts Theresa Marie Fox EDST 1002 Spring 2015 Bullying in Schools: Definition, Risk Factors, Impacts Over the past few decades, bullying has become a highly significant issue in schools across the globe. In the United States alone, it is estimated that approximately one in three children are victims of bullying (Smokowski Kopasz, 2005). Although bullying affects nearly 70 percent of all students, it is usually â€Å"overlooked, ignored, and/or minimized†(Canter, 2005). By examining the definition of bullying, risk factors of being a victim and bully, and the impacts of bullying, schools can become more aware of their students’ overall wellbeing through identifying, preventing, and reducing bullying. Definition It is important to identify bullying to keep students safe; therefore one must know what bullying constitutes. Due to the cultural context and varying perspectives across the world, understanding of what bullying exactly composes of can be difficult. According to Olweus, bullying occurs when â€Å"a student†¦is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other students and he or she has difficulty defending himself or herself(Olweus, 1996, p. 265). The act of bullying can be categorized by how the bully strategizes the attack on his or her victim. The four main types of bullying include: physical, verbal, relational, and cyber (Wang et al., 2009).Show MoreRelatedBullying Is A Victim Of Bullying Essay841 Words  | 4 PagesBullying has been a major issue for years and in recent years, it has been getting progressively worse. According to, between 1 in 3 students in the US state have been a victim of bullying. I am current ly interested in this topic because many of my clients are currently going through this. 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This meant that the bullies are likely to suffer from a range of problems than the children who are uninvolved. The researcher’s main assumption is to consider victimisation and bullying separately and secondly to consider victimisation and bullying simultaneouslyRead MoreBullying And Its Effects On Society1932 Words  | 8 PagesAbstrac t Bullying, a social issue that has been most associated with adolescent aggressive behavior from one to another, has expanded from the realms of the school halls to the Internet. But as laws have been passed and legislation enacted, are these adolescent populations still vulnerable? This paper describes the definition of bullying, power imbalance or struggle, public reaction, policies, public laws or administration rules, implementation of social welfare programs, actual impact, legislativeRead MoreEssay on Literature Review: Bully-Victims1405 Words  | 6 Pagesa literature review of the topic proposed for completion of the final project. Bullying has become an ongoing global phenomenon. In particular are bully/victim behaviors and its impact on bully-victim cycles with K-12 students. This project intends to explore the research regarding the dichotomy of bullying and victim behavior, specifically bullies who have previously been victim or are currently victims of bullying. Research has demonstrated that more often thanRead MoreThe Prevalence And Effect Of Workplace2014 Words  | 9 PagesWorkplace bullying is a significant but complex issue that presents challenges for a large portion of Australian firms. Depicted as a form of psychological violence, there have been continuous cases resulting in serious mental injury or even death. Accordingly over the past decade, research against workplace bullying has rapidly increased internationally including Australia. Since its first study in the UK, following studies agree on the fact that workplace bullying has become a hazard affectingRead MoreAnalysis Of News And Social Media Effects On Society And Individuals Essay1711 Words  | 7 Pagesmass media Mass media, as stated by is â€Å"the means of communication that reach large number of people in a short time, such as television, newspapers, magazines, and radio†(Mass Media, n.d.). While the term mass media is brief in definition, the term is far more extensive than one could imagine. â€Å"First there was the telegraph and the post offices, then the radio, the newspaper, magazines, television, and now the internet and the new media including palmtops, cell phones etc†(MaghalRead MoreTorts Laws Offer Compensation Individuals Harmed By The Unreasonable Actions Of Others1311 Words  | 6 Pagesnegligence. Recently, several cases have occurred whereby negligence and bullying are interconnected with students suing their schools for failing to enforce anti-bullying policies and causing injury to their well being. A current case includes Maya Williams suing her former high school for negligence in regards to the enforcement of their anti-bullying pol icy. By looking into a precedent case, elements of negligence, and how bullying affects a student, we will be able to determine the probably outcomeRead MoreBullying And The Victim And Understanding The Issues Essay1425 Words  | 6 Pages Bullying how to Protect the Victim and Understanding the Issues Rikkie Oree Johnson Way PSYC3520 Intro to Social Psychology Unit 9 Assignment 1 Capella University December ,2016 Stopping Victimology while Educating Others When interacting in a group environment what makes some individuals more prone to bullying behavior and others more likely to be the victim? These terms and actions once defined and understood can be itemized to break down the cycle of bullying. Understanding
Friday, May 15, 2020
A Little Bit of Gothic
If you like Jane Austen’s work you have probably already heard about the Austen Project. Within this ambitious undertaking a number of modern writers publish their takes on classical Austen’s plots, not only reimagining them in contemporary settings, but reworking them to create new works of fiction. Val McDermid is one of established authors of modern crime fiction, so she was a natural choice for remaking Northanger Abbey, the novel satirizing Gothic literature, as immensely popular in Austen’s times as cheap mystery novels are today. In the original book we see Catherine Morland, a naà ¯ve young girl who, under the influence of her friend, starts consuming Gothic novels in inordinate amounts and, what it worse, accept their contents at face value. Morbid mysteries, grisly murders, terrible crimes, skeletons in closets – all these typical traits of Gothic literature are perceived by her as facts of life, and she eagerly looks for them in everything that surrounds her. When she goes to stay to the eponymous Northanger Abbey, a very Gothic-looking place, she immediately sees the signs of dark and troubled past in her hosts – only to discover, to her dismay, that what she perceived as mysteries had very mundane explanations, and she didn’t just make a fool of herself, but risked losing the attention of a young man she loves. A New Take Val McDermid is a crime writer in her own right, and it is only too natural to expect that in her case she will put some real murder and horror in the story – which makes the fact that she doesn’t all the more satisfying. It is still Jane Austen’s plot, albeit in a different setting, a skillful and pleasant homage to the original. McDermid doesn’t simply retell the original changing the time period – it will be a real treat for Austen’s fans who know her texts well, because McDermid made sure to reference a lot from the original novel without actually repeating it, and gives plausible explanations for why things happen exactly like they happened two hundred years ago. It is pleasant to see that she also tries to look at the entire Austen Project from outside. The book is full of references to the famous Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula and its connections to modern vampire fiction, namely Twilight series. We seemingly can’t help but retell and reimagine the same stories over and over again, recreating and resurrecting the same characters, McDermid muses. Sometimes it leads to recreations becoming more familiar and recognizable than the originals – Cat Morland, the heroine, feels rather strange when reading original Dracula she never heard about after getting acquainted with its distant descendant. In modern culture we are much more likely to first watch a movie or a TV series and only then become interested in the literary original, even if we know about its existence. Jane Austen, according to McDermid, enjoys (or suffers) similar status today: all too often people are familiar with her work only through cinematic reimaginings, with the original lost in the mists of time.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Recommendations on Career Options - 2658 Words
Recommendations on Career Options Dear , Enclosed is a copy of the report Recommendations on Career Options. This report presents information about the two employment opportunities discussed by our client and makes recommendation about the field best suited to the clients profile. The information presented in this report has been gathered from credible sources, ensuring that accurate information is presented to the client. The information sources also help support the recommendations we have made and will help the client to review these recommendations and take a decision based on information presented in this report. For any queries, please contact me at the address or phone number mentioned above. Thank you for reviewing this report. Sincerely, Abstract This report analyses two career options for the client: Network Administrator and Computer Systems Analyst. This report presents the job description, educational qualifications, skills required, remuneration and the scope of growth for each job role. The report also makes a recommendation for the Network Administrator job as best suited to the client, based on the clients background and skills. Table of Contents TOC o 1-2 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc333189722 Introduction PAGEREF _Toc333189722 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc333189723 Purpose, Scope, and Limitations PAGEREF _Toc333189723 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc333189724 Sources and Methods PAGEREF _Toc333189724 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc333189725 ReportShow MoreRelatedEssay on Culinary-Career-Path: A Pastry Chef1161 Words  | 5 Pagesabout baking. First, you’re going to hear about educational requirements and recommendations. Second you’re going to hear about salary ranges and geographic effects and how many hours required each week and what is a typical day like in this career when you reach the career goal. 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Essay on European and Native American Relations - 1436 Words
Beginning in the sixteenth century, Europeans made the voyage to a â€Å"new world†in order to achieve dreams of opportunity and riches. In this other world the Europeans came upon another people, which naturally led to a cultural exchange between different groups of people. Although we commonly refer to European and Indian relations as being between just two very different groups of people, it is important to recognize this is not entirely true. Although the settlers of the new world are singularly referred to as Europeans, each group of people came from a different nation and with different motives and expectations of the new world. Similarly, the Indians were neither a united group nor necessarily friendly with each other. Due to the†¦show more content†¦While Verrazano speaks kindly of these courteous and generous groups, he also speaks of encounters with people he deems â€Å"full of crudity and vices.†He claims that interaction with these groups was dif ficult. He describes their attempts to trade with this group; â€Å"they sent us what they wanted to give on a rope, continually shouting to us not to approach the land.†This description provides us some insight into the feelings of the Indians towards these new European invaders. Their actions seem to be based on fear and apprehension towards these unknown men (Voices of Freedom, 9). Much of European criticism of Native American was based on differences in religion, land use, and gender relations. Most Europeans reasoned that Indians needed to be converted to the â€Å"true religion†of Christianity (Give Me Liberty, 11). In fact, Verrazano concluded that the Indians had â€Å"no religion or laws†(Voices of Freedom, 10). The Europeans did not understand the Indians’ use of the land and thus justified overtaking it, reasoning that they did not truly â€Å"use†it. Some Europeans criticized gender relations, claiming that women lacked freedom due to their work in the fields (Give me Liberty, 12-13). Others, like Verrazano, criticized the Indians for having â€Å"absolute freedom†in which they did not abide to any laws due to ignorance (Voices of Freedom, 10). Regardless ofShow MoreRelatedEuropean Relations With Native Americans1264 Words  | 6 PagesRobert Bossong History II Honors Mr. Hartwell 3/2/16 European Relations with Native Americans As the Europeans arrived on American shores, they encountered a variety of native peoples. Some were living in advanced civilizations; others were living as simple hunter-gatherer cultures. By the time of the first European contact, in 1492, European settlers interacted with the native peoples in different ways. The Spanish ruled the natives as conquered people, forcing many to work on agriculturalRead MoreThe Colonization Of Europeans Into The North America1555 Words  | 7 Pagescolonization of Europeans into the North America had considerable impacts on the Native American lives. European empire at the time, such as the French, England and Spanish empires, often fought against each other for power and control. After the European tried to colonized, the Native American suddenly found themselves dealing with European power politics. The arrival of Europeans into the New World meant new political relationships for both the European and the Native Americans. Each side had thingRead More Native Peoples in New England Essay example1579 Words  | 7 Pages Native American history spans tens of thousands of thousands of years and two continents. It is a multifaceted story of dynamic cultures that in turn spawned intricate economic relationships and complex political alliances. Through it all, the relationship of First Peoples to the land has remained a central theme. Though Native Americans of the region today known as New England share similar languages and cultures, known as Eastern Algonquian, they are not one political or social group. RatherRead MoreThe Great Lakes Region By Richard White1366 Words  | 6 Pageson the Great Lakes region during the colonial and early national periods in regards to the developing relationships between the intrusive French, British, Americans and the indigenous Native Americans. The Middle Ground: Indians, Empires and Republics in the Great Lakes Region effectively links Native American history to broader themes in American history. He presents a convincing argument of how the Middle Ground, a place the French called the pays d’en haut, allowed for mutual accommodation andRead More Prejudice Against Native Americans Essay914 Words  | 4 Pages Prejudice Against Native Americans These people began migrating thirty thousand years before Christopher Colombus quot;discoveredquot; the Americas. Native Americans migrated from Asia, crossing a land bridge where the Bering Strait off the coast of Alaska is today. 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As a result, increasing number of European colonies came to North America, trying to find new chances for lives. However, there is no doubt that sacrifice was made by specific group of people, especially native American s. European shared Native American’s resources, occupied their lands, forced them to be slaves, as well as brought diseases, which caused that millions of Native Americans died during that era. With the study of history about European colonies’Read MoreThe Native Americans And Merchants1305 Words  | 6 PagesDisaster Through reading this book I have discovered how well the Native Americans and merchants actually got along, early on. The Natives in the coastal villages had started trading with merchants early on in primitive, yet intelligent ways. Giovanni da Verrazzano reported, â€Å"They sent us what they wanted to give us on a rope continually shouting to us not to approach the land.†(Cronon 83) He also reported how the Native Americans would only meet them on very rocky tracts of coast where they couldRead MoreEffects Of European Exploration On Europe, Africa, And The Americas1523 Words  | 7 PagesThe effect of European Exploration on Europe, Africa, and the Americas Whenever you hear about the European Exploration, or ‘The Age of Discovery’’ you hear a lot about what the Europeans gained from it, while they did learn a lot from this and gather a lot of new resources they were not the only ones affected. The Age of Discovery affected more areas that just Europe, it also affected the Americas and Africa. To prove this we must first know what European Exploration is. From the 15th century toRead MoreNative Americans And The New World1308 Words  | 6 PagesBeginning in the Sixteenth Century, Europeans sought to escape religious and class persecution by engaging on a journey to the New World. However, they were unaware that this â€Å"New World†was already inhabited by many groups of Native Americans, who had been established on the continent for thousands of years. At first, the two ethnic groups lived in relative peace. The colonists of Jamestown survived due to Powhatan’s tribe teaching them how to cultivate the land. However, things took a twisted turn
Biological And Nuclear Weapons Essay Research Paper free essay sample
Biological And Nuclear Weapons Essay, Research Paper Most people today believe that the universe is a better topographic point than it was 20 to 30 old ages ago. But I, on the other manus, believe that the universe is going a really unsafe topographic point. Even though the universe # 8217 ; s world powers condemn atomic and biological warfare, I believe that the following millenary will convey a war that will do them alter their beliefs toward arms of mass devastation. There are many states with these arms. # 8220 ; For the past several old ages, U.S. authorities functionaries noted that there are at least 10 states known to hold biological warfare programs. # 8221 ; There are besides another 12 states that possess atomic arms. Other states are seeking to develop such arms. Some of these states pay for the technological secrets or for the existent ingredients for these arms. One such instance is that of Libyan dictator Muammar el-Qaddafi, who # 8220 ; was so fixated by the dream of having atomic bombs that he allegedly offered to pay India the equivalent of its national debt- about $ 18 billion for the technology. # 8221 ; But India refused to sell Qaddafi its engineering. Some of the states that are suspected of holding biological warfare plans are unfriendly toward the U.S. Some of these states are located in the Middle East and some are signers to the Biological Weapons Convention. This 1972 Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, prohibited its signers from possessing or using such arms. This possess a important menace to the U.S. and all the other states who hold scores with the 1s who have biological warfare plans. States get biological plans because they view it as an # 8220 ; cheap path to acquisition of a arm of mass destruction. # 8221 ; Biological arms are frequently called a # 8220 ; hapless adult male # 8217 ; s atomic bomb. # 8221 ; Another ground why states get these arms is because they # 8220 ; desire to act upon the political-military computations of possible antagonists, and to frighten enemy states. They want the universe to acknowledge them as a military power and that they can destruct an full state with their arms. These arms are really destructive. The atomic bombs of today are about eight to forty times greater than the bomb detonated on Hiroshima. The Hiroshima blast killed between 70,000 to 100,000 people immediately. A biological agent can do a similar sum of deceases ; it all depends on how good the state is prepared to descry the spread of the sources, and how populated the country is.In 3rd universe states, for illustration, the decease toll could be greater because of the fact that they don # 8217 ; t have the necessary medical equipment to halt the spread of sources and viruses. These arms are ready to be used at any clip. With recent struggles between Iraq and the U.S. Britain, and besides India and Pakistan, the menace of unleashing the power of such a arm has increased greatly. In the past decennaries, India and Pakistan have come near on three occasions to get downing a atomic war. Some jobs between states are high and can do war when the ill will gets excessively high to manage. The favourite biological arms of states with biological arms are Anthrax, Botulinum, Clostridium and ricin. These agents normally kill the victims within a twenty-four hours or two after it has come into contact with its host. Surprisingly plenty, get downing civilizations for these micro-organisms are easy found in most countries. These arms are effectual because the atoms remain suspended in the ambiance for a long adequate period of clip to infect big Numberss of people. Whenever these arms are used, they have to make up ones mind how the arms will get at their mark. Countries utilizing these arms use missiles to present the micro-organism. A terrorist group would differ by really taking the biological agents to their mark and let go ofing it in the unfastened, so people-as well as the wind-will spread the biological agents. Terrorism is likely the factor that is the key to the beginning of the following war. # 8220 ; Small states, even subnational terrorist groups have the ability to bring down mass devastation upon their enemies. # 8221 ; One such group is Osama bin Laden # 8217 ; s terrorist group who has adequate money to back up his actions. This group besides asks states to house his group. The U.S. has acknowledged that some states suspected of prosecuting biological warfare plans are known patrons of terrorist act. One such terrorist act that could hold been worse was the bombardment at the World Trade Center in New York. Had the bombers used a atomic arm with Pu, both constructions would hold had to be torn down and buried as radioactive waste. This is because Pu has a half life of 24,000 years-that # 8217 ; s the clip it takes for half it to disintegrate. Some people believe that this will non go on because there are pacts that prohibition biological orders and ask states to cut down the sum of their atomic arms. They besides believe organisations such as the U.N. will halt a possible war from get downing. But there are states who will non take advice signifier anyone and will make what they think is best. These types of arms are going widely available to more states and even terrorist groups. So far, no state has had to fall back to utilizing a atomic work stoppage in war. With so many jobs between states these yearss, its merely a affair of clip before these arms are to set to utilize. That # 8217 ; s why I believe that states who condemned the usage of these arms will alter their positions and finally utilize them. 344
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Application of Diagnostic Model in Organization
Question: Discuss about the Application of Diagnostic Model in Organization. Answer: Introduction: As per (McLean et al., 2013), the Diagnostic Model of Learning explains the formal learning which takes place within a workplace or at any university and can be conceptualized as an open system. In an open system, the inputs are changed or altered through learning processes and teaching for producing learning outcomes. By the help of feedback which is collected from external and internal environments, the organizations are able to modify their working process (Stuckey et al., 2014). A Diagnostic Model explains a holistic framework by the help of which, an individual can understand the inter-connection between the most important variables within a learning system. The main function of a Diagnostic Model is to provide a mechanism through which an organization can solve their problems which arise at that time when any types elements are changes within the system (Nonis, 2014). In this research paper, a clear description of the constructive alignment theory, Mezirow's hierarchy of learni ng outcomes and synthesis of open system theory has been provided. The paper provides three case studies which describe the importance of Diagnostic Model in improving the learning process within the management subjects in Australia, New Zealand, and Dubai. According to the researchers, an open system of learning is a system which consists of four major elements. These four elements are inputs, outputs, feedback, and processes. These elements are interrelated in such a manner that if any one of these elements is changed then the other three gets automatically changed. Few of the past researchers have critically reviewed the fact that the application of Diagnostic Model in learning becomes more effective and efficient when the teaching processes are flexible and responses in respect to the changes in the any of the main elements within the entire learning system. By the help of a Diagnostic Model any organization is able to design their decisions before starting of any teaching situa tion within the workplace. The Diagnostic Model also describes a conceptual framework, with the help of which any organization is able to adjust the information within their learning processes. In this research paper, the researchers describe the Diagnostic Model by considering the learning outcomes. These learning outcomes are explained by the Australian Qualification Framework (Fleming, 2016). It is defined as a set of skills and knowledge and the applications of skills and knowledge which is acquired by a person and also can demonstrate as an outcome of learning. Clarifying the planned and proposed learning outcomes is a most important cognitive process in the stage of decision making about how to assess and how to teach. According to the transformative learning theory of Mezirow, different types of learning activities have been designed to keep the students engaged in the different levels of the learning hierarchy (Hodge, 2014). According to this Mezirows learning hierarchy, the 1st level of learning suggests those practical activities which help to develop the working skills. The 2nd level of learning is communicative learning which suggests that those discussions and discursive activities which are basically designed to understand the fact which is meant by others and the 3rd level of the learning is emancipatory learning which suggests that the individuals are changing or altering their basic frame of reference (Illeris, 2014). By analyzing these levels of learning, it can be said that education is not just the gaining or acquiring of information, it is all about a conceptual change. For this reason, in different levels of learning outcomes, it requires different types of learning activities which absolutely differ in the process, duration and content. The system theory explains a holistic view of learning design in aligning the teaching practices, assessment tasks and learning activities along with the proposed learning outcomes. The Bolman and Deal model of learning an organization help to understand the workplace of an organization by using the Four Frame Model. This Four Frame Model is consists of 1) Structure i.e. machines or factories, 2) Human Resources i.e. family, 3) Politics i.e. jungle and 4) Symbols i.e. temples, carnivals or theatres. This model started a new series on Psycholawlogy for understanding the organizations. A team of science scholars has developed this Four Frame Model of Bolman and Deal (Demil Lecocq, 2014). This model helps everybody to understand the complexity and ambiguity which influence the organizational behavior. By the help of this Four Frame Model of Bolman and Deal, anybody is able to understand those issues which are approached at the time of organizational diagnosis, change, and development. The researchers have combined the social science and management wisdom for doing their research works from the disciplines of psychology, sociology, anthropology and political scienc e within a model which help the people to view an organization in four images - 1) Structure i.e. machines or factories, 2) Human Resources i.e. family, 3) Politics i.e. jungle and 4) Symbols i.e. temples, carnivals or theatres (Smither et al., 2016). Each frame associates with a mental model. Each frame within this model contains several assumptions and ideas, by the help of which any organization is able to understand that how should they assemble and register that collected information into a logical and rational pattern. This pattern helps the organizational members to decode and interpret those clues by obtaining more clear and comprehensive picture about the fact that what is happening within the organization and what to do to overcome the issues or critical situations which arise within the organization. The design of this Four Frame Model of Bolman and Deal basically depends on multi-frame application and thinking. Each frame consists of an important image of the organizatio nal life. The Open System Model is mainly discovered in the book of Worley and Cummings, named as Organization Development and Change (Cummings Worley, 2014). It is described based on the Open Systems Theory. This Open System Model is basically explaining the relationships between the organization and their external and internal environments. By the help of this model, any organization is able to modify their working process. An Open System Model is a model by the help of which any organization is able to exchange the feedbacks along with their external environments. In an open system, the organizational inputs, outputs, processes, evaluation and assessment, goals and learning all are the most important elements. An Open System Model becomes effective when the organization continuously exchanges their feedbacks along with their external environment and also analyzes those feedbacks which are required to adjust to the internal environment of that particular organization for achieving the goals of the organization. Every system has boundaries (Chesbrough, 2013). An open system has porous boundaries or borders through which the organization can easily exchange their useful feedbacks and also able to understand the derived information. An open system is a system which mainly consists of four major elements. These four elements are inputs, outputs, feedback, and processes. These elements are inter-related with each other in such a manner that if any one of these elements is changed then the other three also getting changed. The Open System Model becomes more effective and efficient when the processes are flexible and response in respect to the changes in any of the main elements within the entire system. By the help of an Open System Model any organization is able to design their decisions before starting of any teaching situation within the workplace. By analyzing these two models, it can be said that the Four Frame Model of Bolman and Deal is a better model which is used for diagnosing the Stress buster organization. By the help of this model an organization is able to diagnose their each frame more specifically. Stress buster helps us to learn the causes of stress at the workplace and its effects on the organizational members and organization. by the help of the Four Frame Model of Bolman and Deal anybody is able to identify that particular area within the workplace where the stress arises and also identify the reason behind this occurrence of stress. After identifying the issue, the organization can easily solve that problem by making some changes into their work process. This helps the organization to run their business process effectively, efficiently and successfully. Each frame within this model contains several assumptions and ideas, by the help of which any organization is able to understand that how should they assemble and register that collected information into a logical and rational pattern. By the help of this Four Frame Model of Bolman and Deal, anybody is able to understand those issues which are approached at the time of organizational diagnosis, change, and development. An open system model is the best diagnosis model for any organization. In an open system model an organization has exchanged their feedbacks along with their external environments. By the help of this open system, an organization is able to maintain the relationship between the organization and their external environment (Burke Noumair, 2015). Inputs, outputs, feedback, and processes are the four most important elements in an open system. By the help of these elements, an organization can easily determine the strengths and weaknesses of the organization and modify their working process. Before implement open system within an organizational process, the organization has to analyze their external environment effectively. At the time of analyzing the external environment, the organization can easily able to detect their strength, weakness, opportunities and threats within the market or environment (Meijer et al., 2016). An Open System Model becomes effective when the organization conti nuously exchanges their feedbacks along with their external environment and also analyzes those feedbacks which are required to adjust to the internal environment of that particular organization for achieving the goals of the organization. Nowadays, the clients and the stakeholders are learned to recognize the different processes and parts of the organization. So, it is very important for the organization to maintain a good relationship with their external environment. An open system has porous boundaries or borders through which the organization can easily exchange their useful feedbacks and also able to understand the derived information (Shanji, 2016). The Open System Model becomes more effective and efficient when the processes are flexible and response in respect to the changes in any of the main elements within the entire system. By the help of an Open System Model any organization is able to design their decisions before starting of any teaching situation within the workplace . This open system model is a general model which guides the diagnosis process of whole institutional sectors, individual organizations, sets of the organization, or any units or divisions within the organization. The inputs of an organization consist of the raw materials, equipment, people, money and natural resources (Anderson, 2013). The outputs of an organization are consists of products, services, and those innovative ideas. This open system model also helps the organization to maintain their organizational process and organizational behavior and improve the existing patterns of interaction within the organizational members. The organizations who adopt open system model within their organizations are always ready to accept and incorporate the advanced technology within their organizational process. By analyzing the external environment, the organization is also able to determine their current situation and position of their organization within the market. This open system also dia gnosis the structure of that particular organization and help the organization to improve the relationship within the organizational members and the relationship between the organization and their external environment. The main function of a Diagnostic Model is to provide a mechanism through which an organization is able to solve their problems which arise at that time when any types elements are changes within the system. By the help of this open system model, an organization is able to adjust their information within their organizational processes which are collected from the external environment. The feedback of this information is very important within and outside the organization to run the organization successfully. The open system model implies many important ideas for diagnosis the organizational process. Any organizational system is consists of many interdependent components. When any types of issues arise within the organizational functions or interdependent components, the effectiveness suffers and ineffectiveness appeared. The success and effectiveness of an organization totally depend on the ability of the organization the ability of the organization to adopt the environmental changes within their organizational process and to find an encouraging and good environment in which the organization can effectively and successfully operate their organizational process. Human resource is the most important resource within an open system model. Developments and improvements inside and outside the organization always create pressures on the organization for accepting the changes to maintain the sustainability of the organization within the environment. The effectiveness of an organization also depends on the ability of the organization to meet the requirements of their internal system. By the help of the external environment analysis, the organization is also able to determine their current situation and position of their organization within the market. References Fleming, T. (2016). Toward a Living Theory of Transformative Learning: Going beyond Mezirow and Habermas to Honneth1. Hodge, S. (2014). Transformative learning as an inter-practice phenomenon.Adult Education Quarterly, 0741713613520405. Illeris, K. (2014). Transformative learning and identity.Journal of Transformative Education, 1541344614548423. McLean, P., Pio, E., Jayashree, P. (2013). A diagnostic model of learning: three case studies. Nonis, S. A. (2014). CREATING TRANSFORMATIVE LEARNING EXPERIENCES FOR STUDENTS IN A BASIC INTERNATIONAL MARKETING COURSE.Patrick D. Fountain, 114. Stuckey, H. L., Taylor, E. W., Cranton, P. (2014). Developing a survey of transformative learning outcomes and processes based on theoretical principles.Journal of Transformative Education, 1541344614540335. Anderson, D. L. (2013).Organization development: The process of leading organizational change. Sage Publications. Burke, W. W., Noumair, D. A. (2015).Organization development: A process of learning and changing. FT Press. Chesbrough, H. (2013).Open business models: How to thrive in the new innovation landscape. Harvard Business Press. Cummings, T. G., Worley, C. G. (2014).Organization development and change. Cengage learning. Demil, B., Lecocq, X. (2014). ? The Rise and Fall of an Open Business Model?.Revue d'conomie industrielle, (2), 85-113. Meijer, M. J., Kuijpers, M., Boei, F., Vrieling, E., Geijsel, F. (2016). Professional development of teacher-educators towards transformative learning.Professional Development in Education, 1-22. Shanji, Y. A. O. (2016). Driving Impact of Intellectual Capital on Customer Participation: From the Perspective of Transformative Learning.Journal of Management,2, 008. Smither, R., Houston, J., McIntire, S. (2016).Organization development: Strategies for changing environments. Routledge.
Friday, April 17, 2020
Dirty Facts About Sociology Research Paper Pdf Exposed
Dirty Facts About Sociology Research Paper Pdf Exposed Things such as being unemployed, taking medications, drinking alcohol, or having little money can lead to a person a great deal of stress, which can bring about abuse. There are comfortable abstainers or non-drinkers that wouldn't have alcohol regardless of what the occasion. Also, in some instances, it can be because of the person being abused themselves in their childhood. The very first kind is known as physical violence. Alcohol is a very big problem on the planet today. Abuse victims sometimes require medical care. The Good, the Bad and Sociology Research Paper Pdf By the way, it's really hard to overcome this social issue which has been put upon women and men without getting familiar with the difference between the period of equality and inequality. Educating our society for a whole is accomplished through changes in how we practice things. Educating our society for a whole is a crucial key to ending domestic violence. On the flip side, the true problem could be associated with the actual extent of existed inequality which should be lowered. In the introduction state the issue or question you are likely to resolve and discover. The message is just not strong enough for it to earn a difference. That's a huge subject, and that means you will need to concentrate your attention. If education is not of excellent value to our society to stop future domestic violence then it is only going to be a larger problem as time passes. Keep it in mind while you consider your own writing. Nobody doubts that writing is among the toughest and simultaneously most rewarding scholarly pursuits. What's more, you might locate some worthy books still unavailable in your library, so most probably you will have to find and buy this rare stuff. Writing is among the toughest and most rewarding of all scholarly pursuits. What You Should Do About Sociology Research Paper Pdf Beginning in the Next 5 Minutes Sociologists are interested in all kinds of topics. For that reason, it can be useful to provide a fast introduction to what sociologists do. Unique facets of sociological theories will give rise to the new method of sociology development and inspiring society. Though you've written sociology assignments before, your brain won't provide you directions. You might also be requested to test a theory. Review of earlier research and theory. The Ultimate Sociology Research Paper Pdf Trick There are various forms of drinkers. Alcohol grew into a huge problem in the USA and the remaining part of the world. Residential treatment programs will get rid of the individual from their house and move them to some other site. When you have developed a working argument, you will next must find proof to back up your claim. It's possible to reconcile the varying levels of analysis, but doing this may need a complex, sophisticated theory, no little feat within the boundaries of a quick paper. The danger is you might go too far in both of these directions and so lose the intricacy of sociological thinking. To think about a behavior as a deviant behavior, it is essential to take into consideration the societal norms. A research paper is a very long sort of written document connected with the definition of results from a person's extensive research about a particular topic. You must write an immense number of abstracts and research papers each week. Our research paper writing service will supply you with academically written papers regardless of the academic level. It can produce perfect research papers which will enable you to get the highest grades that you never even have imagined of getting. To begin with, you may use the web. Keep in mind we have many sociological research paper topics on the Internet you could choose. It abounds with a large number of sociological research paper topics, but do not rush to grab the first one.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
High School Research Paper Topics Ideas - How to Find Good Topics
High School Research Paper Topics Ideas - How to Find Good TopicsIf you are preparing a high school research paper, you will find that there are plenty of great ideas available for research paper topics ideas. The first thing you need to do is to find out what the school is researching so that you can make sure you don't do any of your own research. While you are in school, you might be learning about different systems of education, and this knowledge is invaluable.When it comes to writing a high school research paper topics ideas you need to start with what you know. In the past, some students decided they would do their own research for the projects and got caught up in the process. If you haven't done a lot of research before you may find that the time to do it is now.Writing articles can be very time consuming, but the more time you spend on your research the better you will be able to write a well-researched paper. You want to make sure that you stay focused. Make sure that you read and understand every single sentence that you read.Once you have made a list of good research paper topic's ideas, it's time to write an outline for your topic. You want to make sure that you structure your article according to a theme. This will help you keep your paper easy to read and can keep your writing project organized as well.Another tip when writing high school research paper topic's ideas is to make sure that you keep your conclusion within your research topic. In other words, you want to make sure that your conclusion is tied in with the topic you have written about. This way, you will be able to follow through with your research. When you have a good ending to your paper, you will also be able to easily organize the information that you have written.An important tip to remember when you are writing your topic is to make sure that you don't over-talk. When you get to the end of your paper, you want to be able to put everything down without having to re-read everythi ng you wrote. If you get to the end of your research and you have to go back to start writing again, you will not be able to accomplish your purpose.Some people think that the best way to research high school research paper topic's ideas is to do a Google search or try to research using one of the many search engines available. This is a great idea if you are new to the internet, but if you are like most students, you will find that you will have trouble finding the information you need. You will have to use a school resource that will provide you with a complete list of all the resources in your area.There are plenty of high school research paper topics ideas out there. You just need to take the time to find them. This research time can save you money, and be a great way to gain new knowledge.
Monday, April 13, 2020
The Potato Dance free essay sample
Ive been interested in Native Americans and their culture since I was a little girl. I can track my enthusiasm back to kindergarten, when I had a coloring book featuring the Blackfoot tribe (and the Europeans they were eventually forced to make treaties with). I was fascinated by everything from their feather headdresses to the way that their horses were tethered. I colored every single person in the book bright, scarlet red. My knowledge and awareness of the culture and history of Native American tribes have, thankfully, grown more sophisticated since I was small. In my middle school religion class, I wrote not about Christianity or Buddhism, but about the creation stories of the Algonquin tribes of the Northeast. As a sophomore in high school, I wrote a thirty-page paper about the history and religious traditions of Native American tribes in the Southwest. I did an independent study on contemporary religious practices of the Navajo. We will write a custom essay sample on The Potato Dance or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This year, Im taking a class at Dartmouth College that surveys modern issues facing Native Americans. One aspect of my interest in Native American culture has remained constant throughout my life. Every year, in early May, I spend three days at the Dartmouth Pow-Wow. Its an event hosted by the college since 1971, where drum groups and dancers from many tribes are invited to compete and celebrate their heritage. When I was little I went to watch the elaborate and colorful costumes spin around during the mens traditional dance. My friends would come and look over the hand-made silver jewelry that was sold during the intermissions, and wed all wish for the intricately beaded necklaces many of the older women wore. Since Ive started high school, the lure of silver rings and cheap burgers no longer draws my friends to the Pow-Wow, but I keep going back. Ill sit by myself for hours on the side of the arena, watching the dancers and listening to the drumming circles. The more Ive learned about Native culture the more I grow to admire it. The resiliency that the people of Native nations has shown in the past few hundred years greatly surpasses that of many people; they resisted genocide, forced assimilation, and, eventually, the termination process to emerge stronger. Last spring, I participated more in the Pow-Wow than I ever had before. It all began when I offered to watch a dancers little brother while he competed. He was about my age, maybe a little older, and had on a costume for the mens traditional dance. Its a dynamic and sometimes quick-paced dance, so his costume had dozens of feathers dangling off his arms and legs to enhance his movements. I said sure, after all, I was only watching. The little boy had a wonderful costume, too; he had rows and rows of yarn fringe in fantastic colors all over his shirt and pants. I guessed that he was dressed for the grass dance competition. As the song finished, the announcer called for the start of the potato dance. Its traditionally a dance for couples, where they hold a potato between their foreheads while attempting to dance with the beat. The last couple remaining with the potato still between their foreheads wins, and some say this is a good omen for their relationship. When the dancer came back to pick up his brother, he noticed me eying the couples lining up to the potato dance. He put his brother down and asked me, â€Å"Do you want to dance?†I had never, ever, been more excited to say yes in my life. We lined up, me in my red cowboy boots and my high school varsity jacket and him still in his costume, with all the other couples. Luckily we got a very large, flat potato, so it wouldnt be a great difficulty to keep it between our foreheads. As the music began, I realized that I knew the steps more than I thought I would. It was music I was familiar with, even though I didnt yet understand the language of the singers. I had seen countless dancers move their feet to this rhythm, and suddenly I was, too! I looked up at him and he was smiling too, probably grateful that I didnt have two left feet. Through some fantastic twist of fate, for my dancing skills were definitely not the best in the arena, we made it through to the final four until we were eliminated. As my partner and I walked back to the bleachers, I thought of the hours spent reading the journals of missionary priests living on reservations and the countless talks with my history, English, and art teachers about the cultures of Native tribes. And then, I realized something. While my family is Irish, through and through, a part of the culture of the Pow-Wow and of the Native Americans has become my own. It wasnt because of my research or my knowledge of important court cases. It was because of the simple act of being asked to dance that I was, if even for a moment, a living and breathing part of the Native community.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Essay Topics For College Students
Essay Topics For College StudentsIt is important for a student to be prepared for the essay he is writing when he enrolls for the first time in college, so that he will be able to successfully accomplish his goal of becoming a writer. It is therefore important for all students to be familiar with the different essay topics for college students.There are actually a lot of essay topics for college students out there. Some topics will be more relevant than others because it may be harder for students to find ways of giving their thoughts and opinions. Of course, there are some topics that may seem similar, yet not applicable to students' level of understanding. Therefore, it is very important for them to make a list of topics that will not seem too difficult and to be able to write about them.It is important for a student to research about the essay topics for college students so that he will be able to ask his friends and other people what they think. If a friend is good in doing resea rch, he or she can also come up with their own opinion about the topic. It is true that everyone may have different opinions about the topic, but students should still know that they can't do something without information on it. They have to be able to do a lot of research so that they can ask their friends and other people what they think about the topic. By knowing about the essay topics for college students, a student will be able to prepare for his writing assignment.Of course, one of the most common essay topics for college students is writing a thesis. Students may think that writing a thesis is something very easy, yet they may need to keep in mind that thesis is an objective statement written about a particular topic. By writing a thesis, a student will be able to present his thoughts on a certain topic. A student can talk about his experiences with the topic, and thus, present his points on why the topic is not as important as it is.One topic that is less common is writing an essay to give an introduction to a topic. It is true that college students do not need to focus on what they should write about when they first begin to write an introduction. However, a student can still talk about what he knows about the topic and what he knows about the subject he is writing about. He can also talk about some common things that every single student must know about the topic so that he will be able to present his ideas on the topic.One common essay topics for college students is composition. The purpose of this topic is to present a writing assignment to the college students. It is true that many students write the essays by themselves, but it is important for students to be prepared for their assignment and to know what the deadline is. Therefore, they have to be aware of the date or deadline when they have to write an essay, and they have to organize their thoughts before they start to write.One thing that many college students do is reading. Therefore, it is important for students to know what is going on in the world in general so that they will be able to relate with the things they read. Of course, the essay topics for college students may contain personal information, and students must be familiar with the use of this topic if they want to get good grades in the essays they are writing.These are some of the essay topics for college students. It is important for a student to know the topics he has to write about in order to prepare himself for his essay.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Essay Topics on Sustainability - Two Tips to Get Started
Essay Topics on Sustainability - Two Tips to Get StartedHow do you find the best essay topics on sustainability? It can be hard, if you have never dealt with these topics before. And even if you have, how do you keep writing when you're not sure what to write about?The good news is that there are two ways to find essay topics on sustainability. You can write your own essays (a daunting task for a first time user) or you can hire a freelance writer. Either way, you'll be researching a topic with a lot of distractions to contend with.One great places to start is to look online. Writing an essay for the internet is easier than it sounds and you can really make the most of the search engine results, provided that you follow a few simple rules. Let's take a look at some of the best essay topics on sustainability.Sustainable living may sound too general. However, when it comes to assessing a person's lifestyle and his responsibilities to the environment, a generalization is the only possib le approach. These particular essays will require a lot more thought. If you find a subject that interests you find the proper topic, you can think about going on a workshop or tour to find a group of environmental experts who might work with you to develop your essay.If you find your interest is in Alaska, you can check out the Seattle School. They offer a Master of Environmental Studies with a major in sustainable development. Their goal is to help students develop personal goals that guide them in their careers.Another place to look for essay topics on sustainability is online. There are many websites that offer a range of topics, all from a variety of perspectives. By taking advantage of these options, you may not have to face the pressure of choosing between two of your favorite topics.As you can see, there are many essay topics on sustainability. Once you choose a topic, remember to stay focused and consider the background of your topic. The better you know the topic, the easi er it will be to make an informed decision about which essay topics to write.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Review of The Treaty Of Versailles essays
Review of The Treaty Of Versailles essays Studying the Treaty of Versailles form the side of the winning group may seem quite easy. Can a benefactor of the allied efforts actually review the fairness of the treaty in just and unbiased way This is what I hope to accomplish with my paper reviewing the treaty, and reparations held within. To start, I would like to review the sources I am currently using and their general ideas: The Treaty of Versailles: A Reassessment After 75 Years New York University Press, New York USA Mr. Boerneke starts his book with a straight review of the articles in the treaty and explains what each one of them means in general terms. After this review he gives yet another overview of the historical events which would later be affected by these articles; such as the massive increase in German nationalism under the Nazi regime and the German peoples anger towards the loss of the corridor lands along the border with France. As well, Boerneke talks about the ill effects of the treaty on Italy, after they lost land along the north they were promised in 1915. Overall this is a great book, and will be the primary source for my paper. Mr. Blahuts review starts off with the general post-war standing of each nation , and the type of punishment they wish upon Germany. He talks more about Woodrow Wilson more than the rest of the allied leaders, discussing Wilsons poor efforts to find a point of compromise in the treaty, which in turn led to the massive emotional eruption in World War II. Most of his review covers the negativity which plagued Wilson throughout his journeys to and from Europe. His conclusion states that it was the American inability to find compromise in the treaty that eventually led to WWII through the increase of tension in Europe caused by the unfairness of Versailles. Frankfurt, Brest-Litovsk, Versailles: A Never Ending Story Mr. Broenings paper reviews and compares the three major...
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